Chapter 230 
Despite what Lilac might believe, I had nothing to do with Felix. Naturally, I was not worried about her causing me problems. 

If I had been more shameless, less self–respecting, and more unscrupulous, it was hard to say what the outcome would’ve been. Would Lilac have succeeded in getting together with Felix back then? 
Simply put, I had never given it any thought. 
Felix’s persistent actions throughout the last several years, particularly in the last few months, gave me the impression that he liked to pursue the one he couldn’t own. 
Lilac was naturally nervous after hearing my cool–headed remarks and realizing I had no intention of explaining. 
I didn’t know her well enough, after all. I had no idea that her resentment and anger could cause me such severe pain and nearly ruin my life afterward. 
“Luna, don’t keep pretending to be innocent,” Lilac said gloomily as the conversation came to an unhappy end. 
“You know best whether you’re acting innocent. Don’t blame me for being cruel if you yearn for something that isn’t yours. I’ll show you the consequences of snatching that’s mine.” 
After all, she always pretended to be weak. When she said these nasty remarks, she displayed her pitiful side while biting her lip and letting tears well in her eyes. 
Once she had finished her long speech, Lilac walked away. 
The meeting with Lilac wasn’t pleasant and even rather depressing. I wasn’t in a good mood. Before returning, all I wanted to do was go for a stroll to release the negative feelings. brimming within me. 
Felix messaged me when I was alone in the college’s park. He told me it was practice time. and urged me to hurry. We still had two song elements that we needed to practice multiple times before tomorrow’s performance, so practice might end late today. 
After meeting with Lilac, I instinctively didn’t want to have any sort of contact with Felix. I regretted being a part of this performance with him. It wasn’t that I hadn’t anticipated Lilac’s slander at the time; it was due to my inability to turn down my junior’s plea. 1 
The fact that Felix joined on his initiative was unpredictable. 
+35 BONUS 
This unpredictable incident turned out to be a curse, 
“Lilac just approached me and said some absurd words. Felix, I’m not going to perform anymore. You can perform alone. Don’t reach out to me again.” 
I put away my phone, feeling worse than before. 
Felix was swift to call me, which irritated me. I declined the call. 
He kept doing this until he decided to send me a barrage of WhatsApp voice and text messages, at which point he quit calling. 
They came non–stop and one after the other. 
The text messages were hundreds of words long, and each voice message he sent lasted 59 seconds. There were many typos and numerous homophones, which should have been a result of him using the dictation feature to type the message. 
I tried my best to ignore the text messages and didn’t listen to any of the voice messages. All I replied in response was, “If you keep disturbing me, I’ll block you.” 
As expected, Felix ceased his behavior. At last, I could feel the quiet. 
As I strolled about, I came across a bunch of laughing children, and the sight moved me. I joined the line for cotton candy and bought some for myself. 
I didn’t really want to eat it. I just saw that every child had one, so I wanted one as well.