Chapter 221 
All in all, I didn’t eat dinner too happily that day. I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with Felix sitting next to me. 

It had been years since I had been so close to him. The citrusy freshness that used to be comforting now felt strangely unfamiliar. It was past 9:00 pm after dinner. Everyone was chatting and laughing as we headed back. All of us bade farewell at the college’s entrance. 
I turned onto the path leading to my apartment while Felix trailed behind me. His footsteps sounded neither too close nor too far behind me. 
“I can head home by myself. Don’t worry about it.” I wasn’t used to him sending me back. 
There was no need for any interaction between us as the rehearsal was over. It wouldn’t be worth it to risk any misunderstandings with Lilac, so it was better to avoid any unnecessary complications. 
Felix acted as though he didn’t hear me and followed me leisurely. 
He put his hands in his pockets, took a few steps forward, and walked beside me. No matter 
how I tried to chase him away, he didn’t say anything or leave. He just moved forward 
The moonlight was bright. Our elongated shadows on the ground resembled parallel lines 
that never met. 
Maybe even the moon knew we were not meant to be. 
Along the way, his phone kept buzzing in his pocket. This sound was eerie and terrifying in the night. 
But he didn’t seem to think the same as he just let it vibrate in his pocket, ignoring it. 
The caller was very stubborn. Even though the calls would hang up automatically, the phone would soon vibrate again. If Felix didn’t answer, it seemed highly likely that the other party wouldn’t stop calling. 
I could tell that it was Lilac. She was the only one who could reach out to Felix anytime and enjoyed clinging to him. 
He didn’t receive a single phone call from the time we started rehearsing until we returned from dinner. I had wondered if Lilac had changed her temper, but it turned out that Felix’s phone was on silent mode. 
+35 BONUS 
He would neither miss calls nor disturb others too much, which was much better than muting his phone. 
His method was much better and gentler than what he did on Thanksgiving that year, when he made everything clear to me and drew a line between us for Lilac. 
That was probably the difference.between someone he loved and someone he didn’t. 
When I walked to the apartment’s entrance, a woman who stayed on the same floor as me came over while carrying two large bags. She was panting from exhaustion.. 
I had been worried that Felix would get me into trouble if he were to send me upstairs. 
Thank goodness a savior had shown up. 
I ran over and helped her to carry one bag. We went in together while talking. Glancing back, I saw Felix leaving under the moonlight, looking lonely. 
When I was back in my room, I saw Helen. She was lying on the bed with a facial mask on. She was holding her phone, seemingly on a video call with someone. 
Seeing that I had returned, she sat up and ended the call. Taking off the facial mask, she patted her skin to better absorb the essence. 
“Did you go to eat barbecue? The smell is so strong.” Helen pouted in disgust, urging me to wash up and change my clothes. 
I raised my arms to smell myself. I indeed did not smell good. I quickly took off my clothes and entered the bathroom. 
By the time I was done bathing and lying on the bed, 40 minutes had passed. It was 10:00 pm. 
It was too late to draw without disturbing Helen’s rest. I unconsciously began to consider moving out and living alone. 
Although the cost of living alone would be higher, I would have more freedom. I could wake up and sleep whenever I wanted. I wouldn’t have to suppress my interest or inspiration until dawn for fear of disturbing my roommate either.