Chapter 209 
Colin liked me. And all this time, I wasn’t aware of it. 

I was shocked. I’found it hard to believe. 
But now that I thought about it, he pampered and spoiled me. He cared for and protected me. He even risked his life to fight Shawn. He did everything he could for me. All of this was hinting at me that he liked me. 
Yet in the past three years, I simply thought that he was being a good friend, that I was just 
his sister from another mother. 
I recalled what Helen told me two days ago. I recalled the moment when Queenie and Julia rolled their eyes on me. Everyone knew that Colin liked me, except for me. 
Was I that oblivious? 
My brain had trouble processing the shocking revelation. 
While Colin was right, I found it rather awkward to regard one of my best friends as a boyfriend. 
I panicked. The hands on my sides fumbled for reassurance. 
“Lulu, do you think I’m not as good as Felix? Is that why you want to reject me now?” Colin 
“No, not at all.” This was too much for me to handle. I didn’t expect him to confess to me all 
of a sudden. 
I had once fantasized about the scene where a guy confessed his love to me. I just didn’t know the person would be Colin. 
Then be my girlfriend. I’ll spoil you like a princess now and forever. I won’t let you cry. Okay, Lulu?” 
I blinked. I wanted to say no, but no words could escape my mouth. 
His eyes bewitched me; the mole at the corner of his eyes hypnotized me. 
Inside my mind, there was a war. The part of me that wanted to say yes fought against the part of me that wanted to say no. 
I loved Colin. Other than Dad, he was the second nicest guy to me. We had been friends for 
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more than 20 years. I could count on him; I could laugh and cry with him; I could take out my frustrations and anger on him. 
And he wouldn’t make a fuss. He never gave me the cold shoulder and was always patient with me. I believed he would remain as sweet as he was now no matter who I became. 
But I had always regarded him as a friend. If he became my boyfriend, would I be able to hang out with him like I did before? 
Having a friend, whom I regarded as my older brother, turn into a boyfriend did not sit right 
with me. 
Furthermore, he was Felix’s older brother. Everyone in school knew that Felix and I were once arranged to marry each other. The whole thing fell apart during my last year in high school. It happened back home, but for some reason, everyone in school knew what had 
Fortunately, I was friends with everyone, so no one used that incident to mock me or bully me. But they still gossiped about me. 
If they knew that I was dating Felix’s brother, more rumors would come out. 
I was young back then, so I couldn’t care less about rumors. But I was an adult now. Would I be able to live with rumors? 
Colin was sweet, so very sweet. I wanted to date him, but I didn’t have the courage to. Not now, at least. 
“Say yes, Lulu. Let me take care of you forever, please.” 
Colin whispered again. There was so much love in the eyes. No one could resist a confession from someone like him. 
His lips slowly approached mine. My heart pounded even faster, and my cheeks were burning. 
As Colin’s perfect features came closer and closer into my view, an image of 18–year–old Felix waiting for me at the staircase while carrying a schoolbag emerged in my mind.