Chapter 202 
Thinking that I was about to lose Helen as a friend, I was upset for the next few days. 

One afternoon, the sky was gloomy, and it was drizzling. 
My phone suddenly rang when I was painting the draft I drew. 
I put down my brush and washed off the paint on my hand. My face brightened when I saw 
the caller. 
Colin, who had been MIA for the past few days, was video–calling me. 
“Colin! You haven’t replied to my messages or picked up your phone in the past few days. I almost went to the police to file a missing person’s report!” 
Colin’s husky laughter traveled into my ears, sending shockwaves through my body. 
“Lulu, come down.” 
I looked outside the window. The drizzle had stopped, and the sky had turned blue. 
“Just come down. I have a surprise for you.” 
I grabbed whatever jacket I could find and put it on. Then, I rushed downstairs. 
The air purified by the drizzle felt extra fresh. Under a lush parasol tea, an unignorable presence came into my vision. 
In the shade stood Colin’s tall and bulky frame. His eyes sparkled, and his sexy lips were 
curled into a smile. He was so handsome. 
“Colin! What brought you here?” I was over the moon to see Colin here. 
For the first time in my life, I had a taste of true happiness. 
I had not seen Colin for nearly three months. It was tough on me because I had grown to rely on him in those three years at Lincoln University. 
I was used to him asking me out for breakfast every day when I woke up. I was used to his doting and pampering. 
Maybe I was so used to being his princess that I found it miserable to live without him. So when I saw his dashing frame under the sunlight, tears welled up in my eyes. 
I didn’t know what got into me. I just felt so… upset. 
+15 BONUS 
My vision was blurry, but I couldn’t care less. I threw myself into his embrace, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. The tears on my face wetted his. 
“Colin, what are you doing here?” I cried loudly and uglily. 
The loneliness, the anguish, and the yearning for him washed over me all at once. I cried out loud. 
Colin supported my weight with one hand and wiped the tears on my face with another. “I didn’t want you to miss me too much, so I came. Did you miss me a lot?” 
“I did! I missed you so much. What took you so long to come see me?” 
Colin dried my tears and cooed, “There, there, Lulu. You’re crying the moment you see me. Do you hate to see me that much?” 
“No, that’s not true. These are tears of joy!” I climbed down and pouted. Then, I used his shirt to dry my tears. 
Indulgently, he waited until I wiped my eyes dry. There were now several dark patches on his shirt. 
I playfully poked at those wet spots until Colin’s eyes flashed with amusement. 
Now that Colin was here, I made him buy me a meal. Somehow, it felt like that was the only way to make sure that he was truly by my side. 
We engaged in a wonderful conversation on the way. I told him that Professor King was there and that he had signed me up for a competition. I also told Colin that I had already completed the draft and he could give me his input. 
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