Chapter 197 
“What? You’re an adult now. You study at the college every day, so you can befriend whoever you want,” I said with my mouth full. 

“That’s because you don’t know my parents. They won’t let me stay at the dorm. I can’t make any friends during classes. And as soon as I come out of the lecture hall, two scary- looking guards begin tailing me. 
“They said it’s to protect me. But by doing that, they’re alienating me. Who wants to befriend someone who’s perpetually followed by two intimidating men?” 
I tried imagining meeting someone who had two security guards with them 24/7. I had to say, the idea of it scared me. I would stay as far away from the person. One accidental bump and I might find myself in a lawsuit. 
After a hearty meal, I felt very content. I lounged on the bed and enjoyed the rest of my day. 
At 9:30 pm, Colin sent me a voice message, “What are you doing?” 
“I had a bunch of snacks, and I’m going to sleep now. You don’t have work to do? I’m surprised you left me a voice message.” I then gleefully made a video call to Colin. 
Colin picked up instantaneously. His handsome face appeared on my screen. 
We hadn’t video–called each other for a few days now. I saw that Colin had lost some weight and looked skinnier. His voice was hoarse too. 
“I’ve been very busy lately. I’m handling several contracts now, and I also need to find a suitable candidate to lecture those few students. I’m overwhelmed.” 
“You have until the end of the year for those contracts. Why are you handling them now? Take it slow.” 
No wonder Colin had lost so much weight. He had to personally oversee several projects simultaneously. That must have worn him down. If only I were there to reduce his burden, I could run errands for him or draw some simple graphs. 
Knowing that Colin must have toiled tirelessly every day, I regretted my decision to pursue a postgraduate in Jesselton College. My parents had never approved of my decision anyway. They said I would eventually regret it. However, I was worried about Dad’s health and I enrolled myself stubbornly. 
And now, I regretted it. 
+15 BONUS 
If I had listened to my parents, I wouldn’t have to deal with the annoying Feliz and Lilac now. I wouldn’t have reunited with Matthew, and I wouldn’t have suffered so much. 
Urgh, I should have listened to the words of wisdom from my parents. 
“Something came up, so I need to handle the contracts as soon as possible. Anyway, how have you been? I hope nothing bad happened to you.” 
Oh, boy. Something terrible did happen to me, all right. It almost ruined my reputation. 
I relayed to Colin what happened at the birthday banquet and the scene Brenda made. 
As he listened to my story, his expression darkened. His expression was so cold that it threatened to freeze everything around him. 
“I can’t believe the Loxleys did that in public. Do they not care about their image at all? Were you scared?” 
I grinned smugly. “I was scared at first. But they went overboard, so I fought back. I 
defeated Brenda.” 
Colin raised his brow. His dark orbs scanned my face. “You fought her? Were you injured?” 
See? Colin was the best. He put my safety above everything. 
“No, I’m a civilized lady. I defeated her with my words. You should’ve seen the humiliation on Brenda’s face when she left. It felt so satisfying.” 
I might have exaggerated my victory a little bit. If Matthew hadn’t come that day, the process would’ve taken much longer even though I was confident it would’ve ended with my victory nonetheless. Brenda might have assaulted me too. 
If Matthew and Helen hadn’t shown up, the whole debacle wouldn’t have ended that quickly. I wouldn’t have won that convincingly either.