Chapter 185 
“I once swore that I’d marry Matthew. So whenever a woman tried to approach him, I’d chase her away. When I heard that he had fallen for another woman, I told myself that once I found out who she was, I’d beat her up.” 

Helen sobbed loudly. I felt sorry for her. 
Unrequited love was a lonely journey. Only those who had gone through it understood how excruciating it could be. 
“So, why didn’t you beat me up?” I teased. 
Helen knew I was joking, but she grabbed a plushie and threw it on my face nonetheless. She sniffled and said, “Because you’re so sweet. Also, it isn’t your fault that he fell for you. I 
can’t beat you up. I’m not that heartless.” 
My bad day was turned around after hearing Helen’s words. 
Among the arrogant, condescending upper–class people beyond my reach, there was still someone who treated others with kindness. 
Oh, Helen. She was a sweetheart too. Matthew and she would make a great pair. I hoped Helen would never give up. 
“Helen, you fight for your love. Trust me, Matthew isn’t a robot. He’ll notice you eventually. 
“Impossible. You didn’t see how crazy he was about you today. He was mad. There’s no way he’ll ever fall in love with someone else again. I should find a monastery and be a nun there. 
I’m done with love.” 
I threw back the plushie, and it landed on her face. “I’m the fantasy from his adolescence that he can never obtain. But you’re his future. You can make Matthew fall in love with you. I’m sure of it. Also, religion doesn’t look good on you.” 
Helen then cried herself to sleep. I, on the other hand, did not feel sleepy at all. I spaced out 
while watching the stars outside. 
The night sky was mesmerizing. I took a photo of it and posted it on my social media. 
Within a minute, I received a notification on my phone. Colin had texted me. 
“Still awake? 
+15 BONUS 
“What happened? Is something bothering you?” 
“I’ve cut ties with Matthew. We’re now just ex–classmates.” 
“Why are you upset? Because you regret it? Or do you miss him a lot now?” For some reason, Colin sounded snarky. 
“Neither. I just feel bad. He cried when I left. He has loved me for so many years, but I can’t return his feelings. I feel like I’ve done him wrong.” 
“He isn’t strong enough to get out of his situation, so don’t feel guilty about it. I’m glad you cut ties with him now. Dragging it out would’ve only prolonged his suffering.” 
“Colin, most people would ask me to protect Matthew’s feelings. You’re the opposite. You just want the drama, don’t you?” 
Colin didn’t answer my question. Instead, he asked, “Do you know what kind of boyfriend you want?” 
“Someone decent who treats me kindly and spoils me like a princess. Someone who will continue to pamper me even when we have a kid. Oh, and ideally five or six years older than 
“Are you describing me?” 
“Please, Colin. You’re my friend. You can’t turn into my boyfriend.” 
“Never say never. If I work hard enough, what’s impossible will become possible.” 
“You’re teasing me again. Hmph! I’m going to sleep now.” 
I switched off my phone and closed my eyes. My cheeks were burning. 
This bastard, Colin, was teasing me again. 
It rained during the night. The soft pitter–patter woke me up. 
The smell of alcohol still lingered in the room. Helen slept like the dead, so I had no choice but to get up to close the window.