Chapter 176 
Before I could finish talking, a sudden noise from the corner of the living room attracted everyone’s attention. 

A middle–aged woman was helping a lady with a long dress up. “Be careful. Are you hurt?” 
Matthew glanced over at me and changed the topic. “Helly fell down. Lulu, we should go and take a look.” 
Without saying anything else, he took my hand and led me over. He stood beside the middle- aged woman and kept a distance of two steps away from Helen. It was quite a gentlemanly 
When his mother saw us holding hands, a look of disgust appeared on her meticulously made -up face. 
The rising annoyance in my heart made me want to throw something at her annoying face. 
“Helly, is it serious? We have a family doctor.” Matthew bent down slightly. His concern was expressed with impeccable manners, showing the etiquette that a host should have. 
“Matthew, take Helly to the backyard for a check–up. Be careful with her,” Matthew’s mother came over and ordered Matthew while looking at Helen worriedly. 
Matthew made up an excuse. “Mom, Helly is a woman. It’s not appropriate for me to take care of her. I think it’d be better if you go.” 
“Nonsense. You guys grew up together. Go on quickly. I’ll take care of Ms. Lawson for you. You trust me, right?” 
Brenda’s attitude took a drastic change. She actually referred to me as Ms. Lawson. 
While helping Helen out, Matthew kept looking back at me. “I’ll return in a bit. Please stay here and keep my mom company for a while.” 
Just like that, he left me alone under everyone’s watchful gazes. 
Nobody in the living room had friendly intentions. 
I stood there like a lone boat in the sea, facing the unknown storm by myself. 
I wondered if I should send Matthew a message and leave. However, Matthew’s mother took my hand and led me over to the couch. 
+15 BONUS 
Jinovy had pleasant weather in October. It was not too hot or cold. However, despite the comfortable weather, Brenda’s hands were cold. It was a stark contrast to the warmth of her 
“Where are you from, Ms. Lawson? From your delicate figure, you seem like you’re from the north.” Brenda guided me to sit on the couch and motioned the butler behind us to pour some coffee. She asked the question in a soft voice. 
Beneath the gentle facade lay an air of superiority and disdain, likely nurtured by a life of privilege. 
Actually, I wasn’t too happy right now. However, she was still Matthew’s mother and an elderly. I couldn’t lose my composure just because of their attitude. 
“Thank you. I live in Southsville, so I’m from the south.” 
“Why do I feel like you have a northern accent?” 
I forced myself to smile. “I’m studying at Lincoln University.” 
A woman wearing a deep–blue satin dress sitting on the long couch beside me kept giving me unfriendly looks. When she heard I was studying at Lincoln University, she sneered disdainfully. Her voice was sharp and unpleasant. 
“There are many barbarians from the north. How studious can they be? Look at Yanice. She’s studying at Jesselton College and is graduating next year. That’s where true ladies are cultivated. Mrs. Johnston, I remember Helly is also from there, right?” 
“She’s taking her masters. It’s not easy to get into their master’s program. Helly has been smart since young, so it’s easy for her.” A mother would always be proud when talking about their daughter. 
“Who doesn’t know how smart is Helly? You’re lucky to have such an intelligent and caring daughter. I’m not as lucky.” Matthew’s mother took over the conversation and engaged in small talk with the upper–class women.