Chapter 168 
+15 BONUS 

Colin soothed me patiently for a long time. Each word he said brought me comfort. He cheered me up, making me go from crying to laughing. I no longer dwelled on the previous night’s events. 
“Colin, did you receive the birthday gift I sent you?” I asked. 
“Yes, I called you as soon as I received it. Did you make this by hand? It’s beautiful. I really like it.” 
Colin’s voice was deep and slightly hoarse. His eyes sparkled as if two lamps were burning within. 
“Yes, I made two. Yours is dark blue, and mine is light blue. Did you see the two little figures? The taller one is you and the shorter one is me.‘ 
“So, I guessed right. You’ve been a little rascal since you were young. Remember when you wanted to catch dragonflies and asked Aunt Harper? She was busy, so I took you out. 
Right, I was the one who put on your coat and tied your hair into little braids. But it was my first time doing a girl’s hair, so it didn’t turn out very pretty.” 
“Colin, you remember it so well, and I remember it too. There were so many dragonflies that day. They were flying in the sky, with some resting on the walls and fences. But you were so clumsy. You only caught one. 
Recalling my childhood improved my mood significantly. 
It was as if I had returned to that warm evening. Colin’s hand was holding mine as we ran toward the beautiful sunset, chasing the red dragonflies in the twilight. 
“Lulu, can you guess why I only caught one?” 
Colin was engrossed in talking about our childhood memories. 
I tilted my head and thought for a moment. “Because dragonflies are important to the ecosystem, and you didn’t want me to harm them.” 
“You’re so smart, Lulu. That’s exactly right.” 
I laughed happily, but the sudden movement pulled at the wound on my leg. It caused me sharp pain. 
Colin’s initially bright eyes were filled with concern again. “Does your wound hurt? Where’s 
Felix? He should call the doctor for you.” 
+15 BONUS 
“Lilac called him. I didn’t want to see him either, so I let him go back. I don’t need him. I can 
manage on my own.” 
“And Matthew? Why isn’t he there?” 
“I wanted some cornflakes, so he went out to get some. He’ll return soon. Don’t worry, Colin. I’m not scared anymore. It’s really good to have you around. Even thousands of miles away, you can still protect me. Thank you.” 
“When I received your distress call, my heart nearly stopped. You really scared the hell out of me. Promise me you’ll take good care of yourself when I’m not around. Nothing is more important than your safety, do you understand?” 
“I understand. I’ll be careful.” 
Both Felix and Matthew apologized for not protecting me well. Only Colin asked me if I was scared or in pain. 
We talked for almost an hour. Only after I promised not to scare him again did Colin hang up. 
Matthew entered with the cornflakes while I was still smiling. 
“Lulu, are you not mad at me anymore?” 
He placed what he was holding on the bedside cabinet and went to the bathroom to wash the bowl and spoon. He then served me the cornflakes, gently stirring them with a small spoon. 
He moved adeptly as if he had done it many times before. 
“How do you know how to do all this?” 
you were away for university, Grandma was often sick. I had to go between Jinovy and Southsville whenever I had time to care for Grandma. Eventually, I learned how to do all 