Chapter 162 
I had celebrated Colin’s birthday with him for three consecutive years. As I couldn’t celebrate with him this year, I planned to choose a gift and send it 

to him. 
I hoped he would be happy to receive my gift. 
On Saturday afternoon, I had nothing much to do and planned to go out to pick out a gift for Colin. Unexpectedly, Helen called me and asked me to go shopping. It was better to shop with a friend than alone, so I agreed. 
She took me to those expensive luxury stores when she heard I wanted to buy a birthday gift. 
After shopping for more than two hours, I hadn’t bought anything. Meanwhile, she had bought several bags of clothes and shoes. 
I found out that she spent more than 300 thousand in two hours. But she complained that the stores had no new products and that made the 
shopping experience boring. 
That was more than 300 thousand. I didn’t think I’d be able to spend so much on shopping in my life. Although my family wasn’t short of money, I couldn’t accept such spending habits. That was the gap between ordinary and wealthy people. 
I couldn’t even get into Helen’s world, let alone the world of the Loxley family. They were many times richer than the Johnson family! 
I’d better tell Matthew I couldn’t be his girlfriend. I should tell him to stop wasting his time on me. It was just that he was nice to me. I had to find the right time to say these hurtful words. 
Something that happened not long after strengthened my resolve. 
I went out alone again on Sunday and still couldn’t choose anything 
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suitable. On the way back, I passed a handmade ceramics shop and saw a couple making handmade ceramics with kiss patterns. 
Colin had made achievements in painting. I could make a million in four years, let alone him. It was easier for a great person like him to earn. 
With his financial capacity, he wouldn’t be short of anything. Instead of spending money on things he didn’t need, it’d be better to give him a gift I made myself. 
Even though a ceramic ornament may not be valuable, it was handmade. I 
believed Colin would like it. 
The owner of the shop served me warmly. Knowing that I wanted to make a birthday gift, he provided me with several plans and sample drawings with high selection rates. I could choose one of them. 
After carefully reviewing those plans, I found that none of them were suitable for Colin and me. So, I decided to make a pair of mugs for him and me with my paintings. 
The sun was almost setting when I was done. I handed the mugs over to the 
Since the finished products still needed to undergo several steps and couldn’t be picked up until the next day, I left Colin’s address and asked the owner to package his mug before sending it to him. As for mine, I asked him to send it to my place. 
At noon on Monday, I received a courier message from the owner that he had sent the gift to Lincoln University. 
When I called Colin, he was eating at the cafeteria. He was seemingly in a good mood when he chatted with me. 
“What’s wrong? Are you feeling down?” 
His deep voice was like a soothing spell, letting me find my way out of my 
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I told him my concerns. After thinking deeply, he said, “The situation you mentioned may happen, but it’s not absolute. The best examples are Flynn and Queenie. Aren’t they doing fine now? 
“Nobody can predict what will happen in the future. Lulu, let me just ask. you a question. If you reject him without a try, will you have any regrets in the future?” 
“I have no idea.” 
“That means you might regret it. Just give it a try, then. You just need to remember not to hand yourself to him so easily. Other than that, you can do whatever you want.”