Chapter 150 
When I looked around, I saw Felix and Lilac trying to stop a taxi in 

It was still early. There were very few taxis passing by the college 
They tried to hail one for a while, but no taxi stopped for them. Lilac was so anxious that her face had turned pale and she was stamping her feet. 
That was normal. The plane wouldn’t wait for anyone. 
“Ms. Lawson, Mr. Matthew asked me to pick you up. Please get in the car. I’ll take you to the airport.” 
I put my backpack away, wanting to get in the car and leave. But those two people were standing on the roadside and looking at me eagerly, which aroused my pity. 
There was only one flight a day. If they missed it, they had to wait until tomorrow. They would waste their day in vain. 
“Felix, get in the car.” 
Lilac came over happily carrying her luggage, obviously wanting to please me. 
Felix was silent for a while before coming over. 
In the face of reality, he had to accept my offer no matter how arrogant he was. 
As soon as Lilac got in the car, she made a fuss and exclaimed. She kept touching the interior of the car while observing it, which 
made the driver keep glancing at her in the rearview mirror. 
It wasn’t until Felix caught her and trapped her in his arms that 
she calmed down. 
I glanced in the rearview mirror. She was lying in his arms, smiling triumphantly. 
It was how she would be for the rest of her life. Apart from being jealous, she couldn’t do anything else. 
What was rare was that she still didn’t understand that playing tricks on me was a waste of effort. 
I was too lazy to pay attention to her and closed my eyes to rest. 
But Lilac wouldn’t stop making trouble. She might have thought I was easy to bully when I ignored her, so she started making hypocritical insinuations about me and implying that she was the one Felix liked. Others shouldn’t take a fancy to him. 
I was going to be pissed off by her. Did she think Felix was a god? Or money? Should everyone love him? 
Besides, according to the dirty things she had done, she might not be so sincere toward him either. 
She was really good at causing trouble. 
“Don’t force me to kick you out,” I said indifferently. 
Felix froze, and Lilac immediately shut up. 
Most vehicles on the highway were private cars traveling during the holidays. If I left them here, they had no way to take a taxi. If they walked to the airport, the plane would have already been 
there and back. 
When we got out of the car, Felix wanted to help me to take my backpack, but I refused. I could do it myself, so I didn’t need his 
Even if I couldn’t carry it, I would rather throw out a few items than ask him for help. That’d be troublesome and uncomfortable. 
Surprisingly, Colin came to pick us up at the airport. I hadn’t seen him for three months. I missed him so much. He seemed to have lost some weight, but his appearance was still outstanding. 
“Colin, why are you here?” I rushed over excitedly, not caring about others‘ gazes. I threw myself into his arms and kept talking 
to him. 
His frown was instantly gone, and he showed me a warm smile. 
“I finished my work. I have a few days of holidays, so I came back 
“Why didn’t you tell me? I almost flew back to Lincoln University to find you,” I mumbled in dissatisfaction while Colin looked at me 
even more dotingly. 
“Hello, Colin.” 
Felix and Lilac also came over. They threw their luggage in the trunk and got into the car. 
I didn’t know what Lilac was thinking. Felix was around, but she still got into the front passenger seat. Colin ruthlessly rejected her on the spot. “Go back.” 
She was trying to disgust me on purpose. Seeing Colin’s cold expression, Lilac got out of the front passenger seat with embarrassment and opened the back door. She got in again. 
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