Chapter 108 
I’d love to tell Felix what I saw, even though he had hurt me in the past. We grew up together, so I didn’t 

want him to get hurt. Yet, I found it hard to do that because he didn’t trust me. 
Perhaps feeling uncomfortable under my intense scrutiny, he covered my eyes and offered to buy me a 
meal. I turned him down right away. What happened last time still traumatized me. I didn’t want to relive 
it again. 
“Why not? Is it because of what happened last time? Don’t worry. It’s winter now. It won’t rain as much. 
Come with me. I don’t want to be all alone.” 
“Felix, you have a girlfriend. Lilac doesn’t like me. We should avoid hanging out together in case she gets 
the wrong idea again.” 
“Luna, you’ve changed. We grew up together. You used to follow me around except for when we slept or 
went to the toilet. Why are you shunning me now?” protested Felix. 
I chuckled. “You chose to forsake our past.” 
Felix was stunned. The silence dragged on for a while until he decided to leave my house. I watched his retreating silhouette and felt indifferent. I supposed we had ended things together. From now on, we 
were just neighbors. 
The next day, when I went out to do grocery shopping with Zara, I saw Lilac’s mom in the supermarket. She was carrying two bags of fresh food ingredients. She seemed to be preparing for a sumptuous meal. I watched coldly as she blitzed past me. A mix of emotions invaded me. 
“Isn’t that Lilac’s mom? How can Lilac and she finish all that food?” 
“Felix told me that Lilac and her mom had gone back to Northpool to visit their family.” 
Zara’s eyes widened. Her jaw fell on the floor. “Am I imagining things, then?” 
Nope. We definitely saw Lilac’s mom. Lilac lied. She didn’t go back to Northpool. I thought I knew why.” 
Let’s visit her house,” I suggested. 
Not one to turn away from drama, Zara and I hailed a cab and followed Lilac’s mom. Lilac lived in the neighborhood adjacent to mine. I could travel to her place within 20 minutes on foot. 
But we arrived a bit too late. When we alighted from the cab, we saw Lilac and another man appearing from the house. They helped Lilac’s mom carry the grocery bags and went back in cheerfully. I 
+15 BONUS 
recognized the man–it was Shawn. 
“I knew it,” I sniggered. She lied to Felix so that she could get nasty with Shawn. Lilac’s shamelessness 
was a league of its own. 
“That guy, who is he?” Zara questioned. 
“Childhood friends who can’t date each other.” I didn’t want to divulge anymore because I didn’t want 
Zara to have a bad image of Felix. 
“Sheesh. Lilac sure is bold. What if Felix saw her?” 
“Zara, should I tell Felix?” 
“Hell no! Who are you to tell him? Besides, will he believe you? Lulu, you’ve finally left him. Don’t get 
involved in his private life again. Just go on with your separate life.” 
Everyone thought the same. Was I wrong to want to help Felix?