Chapter 75 
Fellx called to inform me that, due to certain circumstances, Lilac’s exchange program ended a week earlier. During the phone call, I could tell he was very happy, and honestly, I was happy too. 

After all, I no longer had to see her or think about her. Lilac’s absolute absence allowed me to finally be 
peace. She was like a ticking time bomb placed beside me, bound to cause trouble sooner or later. 
Somehow, I found myself comparing Felix and Colin. Whenever I was in trouble. Felix either wasn’t aware 
or left me to my own devices. On the other hand, whether intentionally or coincidentally, Colin always 
protected me. 
Looking from this perspective, I had to admit Dad was right about one thing. Colin was truly dependable. 
and it made me even more reliant on him. 
While I positioned myself as an independent person who avoided troubling others with things I could 
handle on my own, deep down, I was still a little princess who yearned to be loved. 
Colin, apart from my parents, was the person who loved me the most. 
Over time, I had completely occupied Colin’s leisure time like a plaster attached to him. Sometimes, 
when he was too busy and we couldn’t meet for two or three days, I would feel uneasy–as if something 
was amiss. 
Colin seemed to understand my feelings. No matter how busy he was, he always made time to call me 
and made sure I got three meals a day. All the meals delivered to me were my favorites. 
ght that Colin was not an older brother to me but more like a mother. 
I often thought that 
Before Lilac left, she came to see me. She was crying while trying to explain herself, her nose all runny 
and her eyes teary. 
Knowing her true nature, I couldn’t be bothered to watch her little act. I told her to get to the point and not to use manipulative tactics on me because I wasn’t Felix. Even if she cried blood, I wouldn’t feel sorry for 
aid that 
However, Lilac looked at me pitifully with wide, teary eyes and kept talking nonsense. She said 
Shawn was only her friend from the town she came from, and there was nothing between them. Their 
relationship was pure, and I shouldn’t overthink it. 
“If you hadn’t come to find me, I wouldn’t have thought much about it.” Honestly, when it came to Lilac 
and Shawn, I didn’t know what to do. Just thinking about it gave me a headache. 
+15 BONUS 
In the end, I warned her, saying. “Treat Felix well when you go back to him. He really likes you.” 
After seeing Lilac off at the airport, I sent a photo to Felix, letting him know that Lilac was returning 
Maybe my care was not up to par, but for a girl, the best care should come from her boyfriend. I told Felix that as a good boyfriend, he should always pay attention to his girlfriend’s every move and keep her close. 
Unfortunately, I was too soft–hearted. With good intentions, I earnestly gave Felix a reminder once again. 
Whether he understood or not, that was all I could do. 
In the blink of an eye, it was Christmas. Most of my classmates went back home to spend time with their families, while some formed groups of three to five to travel. 
Initially, I had told my parents that I wouldn’t be home as I planned to go to Verdantmont for sightseeing with my roommates, Julia and Queenie. Our travel bags were all packed. 
However, Colin suddenly told me that the competition date was moved up, and we had to finish all the 
work by the 4th. Or else, we wouldn’t make it to the preliminary review. To confirm the authenticity of this 
information, he even brought a professor as a witness. 
So, with teary eyes, I watched Julia and Queenie happily board the airport bus and disappear into the 
distance. Meanwhile, Colin dragged me back to the studio at the Research Institute, and I reluctantly did 
the finishing touches. 
A perfectly planned trip was canceled, and my mood plummeted. I couldn’t muster the energy to do 
anything. In Colin’s words, I spent several days sulking without a trace of a smile.