Chapter 593 
“Where is she?” 
Odie looked around, ensuring there were no escape routes. Gattlin remarked, “She’s still inside. It’s been five minutes, and she hasn’t come out.” 
“Ask again.” 
Gattlin knocked on the ladies restroom door more forcefully, demanding. “Open up!” 
Still, there was no response from in 
“Ms. Sophie, Mr. Odie is here now. You can’t escape by hiding in the restroom. Open the door!” 

Gattlin’s voice grew increasingly impatient, yet the restroom remained silent. Puzzled, Gattlin turned to Odie and suggested, “Mc. Odie… perhaps she’s fainted again?” 
Odie’s brow furrowed. The restroom door was locked from the inside, so Odie pulled out his pistol and fired at the lock, then kicked the door open with a loud bang 
“Let’s go.” 
With a stern face, Odie led the way in, only to see Sophie, who had just washed her hands, tuming around. 
Sophie frowned, asking. “Mr. Odie, this is the ladies‘ restroom. What do you want?” 
Odie’s expression darkened as he glanced back at Gattlin 
Gattlin, equally clueless about what had transpired, angrily said to Sophie, Tve been calling out to you for so long. Are you deal?!” 
Their approach to women was always rough. Odie had already fired his gun, creating such a loud noise. This woman must have heard it. Sophie calmly replied, “Gattlin, take a good look around. This space is so small. Did you expect me to crawl through a vent and jump into the sea to feed myself to the sharks?” 
Gattlin’s face darkened as he retorted. “Then you should have at least responded!” 
“I am not on animal. Why should I respond to you?” 
Odie let out a cold snort, silencing Gatlin 
The next moment, Odie grabbed Sophie by the chin, his voice icy. “I don’t like it when someone challenges my limits. If you don’t listen and try any tricks to anger me, I’ll throw you into the sea to feed the sharks!” 
“Don’t worry, I’m not that foolish. But I am not one of your women. I expect at least the basic respect here. Otherwise, you might as well 
kill me.” 
Odie sneered in response. The women he tormented from his past only wished to suive. This was the first time a woman demanded respect in front of him. 
Suddenly, he grabbed Sophie’s hand and dragged her roughly towards the deck. 
“Mr. Odiel” Gattlin followed closely behind. 
The deck was battered by the ocean breeze, with light rain sprinkling from the sky. Odie held Sophie at the edge of the deck, his grip tightening around her neck, pushing her to the brink. The sea loomed threateningly behind them. Any moment, Odie could throw her into the sea. 
Odie smirked, offering. “Il give you a choice: your life or your respect?” 
Sophie’s eyes darkened. 
Choosing life would make her no different from the other women in Odie’s eyes. Choosing respect might cause Ode to lose interest and throw her overboard 
Each choice was a trap 
With that thought, Sophie suddenly broke free from Odle’s grasp and leaped off the deck into the sea.