Chapter 217 
Heather’s smile didn’t falter. “Dad, I’m just looking out for Henry. Look at his complexion. It’s not as good as Brendan’s! He is clearly lacking in some areas.” 
Henry sneered to himself. How was he supposed to take this well? 
However, Madelyn couldn’t see any problem with what Heather was saying. She gave Henry a grim look. ” Henry, are you feeling unwell? You should really visit Mrs. Ludwig’s friend if you are.” 
Patrick’s expression darkened. “What are you talking about, Madelyn? Your brother is perfectly healthy. He’s single right now because he’s busy with the company.” 
Heather chimed in, “Exactly! It’s probably because he’s not up to it. Unlike my son, who manages the company well while still maintaining a good personal life. 
“He’s married and expecting a child soon, and his relationship with Naomi is going well. Naomi and I even went to look at some baby products the other day.” 
Heather did not say the rest of her thoughts aloud. Henry might be busy with work, but so was her son. Yet his life is going smoothly. But it didn’t matter since Patrick’s grandson was no match for Brendan. 
Naomi was amused by Heather’s performance today, watching the scene unfold with interest. Heather must have seen Henry flirting with her earlier and was upset with what he said. 

Normally, Heather was easy–going and never argued with anyone. But she was protective of her family. She could tolerate being bullied herself, but couldn’t stand when someone wronged her son and daughter- 
Hearing this, Henry glanced at Naomi and asked, “Naomi, are you pregnant?” 
Naomi smiled. “It’s a work in progress. It won’t be long now.” 
Madelyn, on the other hand, grew anxious. “Brendan, how could you? How could you…” 
She heard Brendan and Naomi weren’t on the best of terms. So why were they trying for a baby? 
Madelyn’s cheeks were turning red from nervousness. Brendan calmly answered, “She’s my wife. We can 
do anything we want.” 
“Brendan!” Madelyn’s eyes watered. Naomi was a shameless woman. If she had a child with Brendan, she 
would definitely cling to him even more. 
Afraid that Madelyn would say something inappropriate, Henry smiled and butted in, “Then allow me to 
congratulate you both in advance.” 
Although he congratulated them, he didn’t feel too happy about the couple’s progress. He wanted to compete with Brendan and take everything Brendan had, including his woman. 
But he didn’t want a woman who had given birth. 
“Thank you!” Brendan and Naomi thanked them. 
Chapter 217 
After that, the atmosphere in the room tensed. 
Around 9:00 pm, Patrick, Henry, and Madelyn left. Jackson gave Heather a stern look. “Heather, you’re usually sensible. But you’ve crossed a line today.” 
Seeing Jackson siding with the Sabella family, Heather grew angry. “Dad, Henry isn’t a good person. Don’t 
let him trick you.” 
Jackson furrowed his brows in confusion. 
Heather continued angrily, “I wouldn’t mind him competing with Brendan in the workforce. But he was eying Naomi earlier and wanted to make her his. 
“How was I supposed to let this slide? The Ludwig family isn’t a bunch of pushovers. We can’t just let him snatch Naomi away.” 
Act Fast: Free Bonus Time is Running Out!