Untouchable (The Moonlight Avatar Series Collection)

Chapter 11 – The Party

“In this world, there is no one more essential than a mother.”-Debasish Mridha, MD


I could see why Phoebe doesn’t like parties. Too many bodies and energies flooding a small space. Nevertheless, it hasn’t put a damper on my mood because the time has finally arrived!

Nightfall had come quicker than I expected. The guests for Aunt Essie’s party came in droves in the last hour, carrying gifts and mirthful smiles for the beloved woman, who captured the hearts of many. I couldn’t wait to see her face when she walks through the front door! The dining hall was decked out from head to toe with her favorite colors: champagne pink, blue, and white. Fairy lights lit up the large table as the Omegas worked fast to set up the plates and utensils. Smaller tables loaded with appetizers and mini desserts made our stomachs grumble, mine included. The children were the most excited, dispersing like excited ants searching for food. This meant they could stay up past their bedtime.

Half of them would be knocked out on the couches before ten. I’m betting ten bucks on it.


Dressed in a simple white dress with blue floral print stretching from my shoulders down the curves of my hips, I stood with the Johansen siblings for their mom to arrive. The lights of the foyer dimmed as the guests huddled near the stairs and entranceways for the big surprise. It didn’t take long because my lovely aunt walked through the front doors, hand-in-hand with an older gentleman with skin like molten caramel wearing simple casual wear. He wore a buttoned-up navy blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, white slacks secured by a brown belt, and toffee- colored loafers. A large shark pendant stood out from his entire outfit. His long-black hair was pulled into a low ponytail and his eyes, as black as the night sky, scanned the crowd ahead. An amused smirk rose on his lips. He knew we were here, waiting.

My aunt sure knows how to pick her men. He’s handsome!

The lights flickered on. Aunt Essie shrieked in surprise when the crowd clapped and cheered as if we were in a sports stadium, singing their ‘Happy Birthday’s’ to her. Orchid and Naomi ran up to her legs and held up a decorative flower crown made of daisies and orchids they’ve made from their hidden garden in the trees.

“Here you go, bestemor!” The girls said in unison, their high-pitched voices melting my heart. I looked at Neron and Nuria

confused about what that word meant.

“It means grandma in Norwegian,” Neron answered with a smile. A thick wave of happiness washed over me. I couldn’t stop grinning. That was so cute! My aunt took the crown and planted kisses on top of the girl’s heads.

“Thank you, mine kjære.” She whispered, pinching their cheeks. The dapper gentleman beside her adjusted the crown on top of her head, earning a couple of wolf-whistles from the crowd. Nuria and I snorted while Neron rolled his eyes, grumbling something under his breath.

The party was in full swing the moment my tipsy mother dragged Aunt Essie into the decked-out dining hall. Dad followed behind, somewhat tipsy himself, but making certain his mate didn’t fall into trouble.

The Omegns weaved through the bustling crowd, carrying glasses of champagne for the adults and appetizers everybody snacked on every minute. I wolfed down a couple dozen myself, my stomach still the bottomless pit I love

Chapter 11 – The Party

Teenagers gathered around the punch bowl to help themselves while the children buzzed around like worker bees. Adonis tried to sneak a taste of the champagne, but Valerian put an abrupt end to it by s**g the glass out of his hands and replacing it with a cup of fruit juice. Lupin followed Orchid around like a faithful pet, occasionally putting his paws on my legs to get my attention.

Half an hour into the party, Aunt Essie pulled me aside and hugged me with a mother’s love gushing out of her warmth. I rested my head on her chest, inhaling her sweet rose scent like it was my lifeline. Goddess, I love her so much. “You came this year! How have you been, kjære?”

“I’ve been good, Auntie.” I smiled, tightening my arms around her backside.

“You’re so much more beautiful than the last time I saw you.” Auntie lifted my head and cradled my cheek in her


“Oh, I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“Ha! Your sense of humor hasn’t faded.” She poked my nose with her free hand. “I was worried I might wait a decade to see your face again. What made you decide to come?”

“A lot of things, but mostly, I wanted to see my family.” Her thumb caressed my cheeks, brushing under my eye with the touch of a feather. “When do you open gifts?”

“After we serve the cake. I haven’t seen it yet, but I wonder what my baby boy has cooked

up this time.”

“Whatever the flavor the cake is, I’m sure Neron picked the best one for you. Only the best for his mom.”

“Speaking of, have you had time to talk to him?”

I shook my head. “We’ve decided on after the party.”

“Good, good.” She nodded, moving her hands to my shoulders, squeezing them lightly. “Nuri had also told me you’re staying for a few weeks. What perfect timing!”

“Um, for what?” I asked, c**g my head to the side. Aunt Celeste widened her eyes and pressed her lips closed as if she said something she wasn’t supposed to say. My curiosity sparked like a candlelight. Was there another reason I’m


“Nothing, nothing. I’ll let Neron tell you.”

How mysterious. Deciding not to press further, a shrewd smile curved on my lips. I pointed to the gentleman she was with earlier, chatting with Dad over their fourth glass of champagne. “So… who was the guy you were with? You both seemed… friendly.”

“Oh, Ezekiel?” She asked, rubbing the back of her neck as her cheeks flushed pink. “He is a former Alpha of the Iron Stone Pack. Our allied back settled about 12 miles from here. We’ve… been seeing each other for some time.”

“Oh, Auntie has a boyfriend!” I sang, poking at her arm. “How long?”

“A little over a year now and…”/She leaned in close, lowering her voice. “He… he could be my second chance, kjære. We haven’t officially mated, but we might soon. We just have to tell our kids.

Chapter 11 – The Party

My smirk grew into an excited grin. I leaped back into her arms and squeezed. Thank you, Selene, for granting my aunt another chance of happiness! She deserved it after what she’s been through and seen. “You have my full support. Just by how you talk about him, he’ll treat you like the queen you are. If he doesn’t, he’ll have to deal with me.”

“Flattery will get you everywhere.” She chuckled, squeezing my cheek. “And…how do I talk about him? What do you


“Your face brightens up and you smile a lot. You’re smitten.”

Just like Nuria and Phoebe.

Aunt Essie attempted to hide her smile behind her hair, but I scoffed, shaking my head. “May our Moon Goddess bless us with a happy union. Now, enjoy the party and limit yourself to two glasses of champagne.”

“How strong is that drink, anyway?” I asked.

“Strong enough that your parents aren’t driving home tonight.”

The cake cutting wouldn’t start for another twenty minutes, so I popped a jalapeno popper in my mouth and searched for familiar faces. The half-moon shined through the open windows of the dining hall, the night air flowing in to cool the heat from the plethora of mingling bodies in the room. I walked to the window, resting my hands on the windowsill, inhaling the earthy air. It licked against my exposed skin.

It felt so good.

But I couldn’t enjoy in full because the **d sounds of two men reached my ears.

I poked my

head out the window, squinting my eyes when I spotted two lone figures in the darkness. They looked as if they were in a heated conversation, both adorning scowls on their faces. The taller figure I recognized was Neron when the faint moonlight hit the side of his face. He held a deep frown, staring down the slightly shorter but antagonizing man wagging his finger at him. It was hard to make out the features of his face, even with the added moonlight.

I could hardly hear what they were saying, even with my enhanced hearing. Neron didn’t look happy to see him, and I didn’t like how man was bothering him. My legs carried me back to the party, searching for one person I needed the


Lucky for me, she walked into the hall with a large mug in her hands. “Nuria, I need to talk to you.”

“You cannot have my tea!” She growled at me. Rolling my eyes, I flicked her nose.

“I don’t care about your d**n tea! I need you!” Without giving her time to answer, I grabbed her elbow and dragged her to the window. I pointed to Neron and the unknown man in the distance. “What’s going on over there?”

Nuria smirked. “I never pegged you for nosy.”

“Unfortunately, when you hang around Jackle for as long as I have, it becomes second nature.” I laughed. “But, seriously, do you have any clue what’s going on down there?

Nuria careened her head out the window, squinting to get a better view of the pair. After what felt like a minute, she groaned and shook her head. “That’s Wystan, Ezekiel’s son and current Alpha of the Iron Stone Pack. Or, as Neron puts


Chapter 11 – The Party

it, a pain up his a***”

“They don’t get along?”

“Nope. They’re allies, but their personalities clash whenever they meet.” She shrugged her shoulders, setting her mug on the windowsill. “If I were you, I’d should stay away from Wystan.”


“He’s a persistent little s***t, especially when he spots something or someone he likes.” Nuria rolled her eyes. “Men like that remind me every day on why I like **s and p**y.”

I grimaced, giving my friend an incredulous look. “Must you be so vulgar?”

“Just telling the truth.” She chuckled, swirling her tea with a spoon. “Don’t you agree?”

“No comment.” Heat rushed to my cheeks, but I shook it off. “By the way, how many cups of Phoebe’s tea did you have today?”

“I lost count after the ninth cup.”

“Well, you can kiss sleeping tonight goodbye. You aren’t supposed to drink that much tea in one day.”

“There’s no rule that says I can’t.” She replied nonchalantly, taking a huge sip. “It’s so sweet like her. Like her scent. She sat down and crafted individual tea bags for me to enjoy.”

“She is good with her hands, I suppose.”

My friend’s mood shifted, her suggestive smile shining while bouncing her eyebrows. “Is she now? I’ll keep that in


Oh no. I walked right into a trap. “**g hell.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. Who the hell let Nuria out of **y jail?

“You know what else?”

“No, I don’t want to know what else.”

“It makes me wonder if she tastes as good as this tea.”

And this was where I made a U-turn back to the party. F**g werewolves and their f**g libidos.


“Why don’t you ask Kiya to go with you to the Alpha Gathering next week?”

Kids rushed past us in their mini-sugar rush with cake crumbs dotting their lips. Mom had cut the star of the show into many pieces, currently enjoyed by all the partygoers alike. Spongy vanilla mixed with thick strawberry sauce


Chapter 11 – The Party

melted in my mouth when I took a bite. I needed it after my recent encounter with Wystan outside.

I shook my head, sighing through my nose. “Is that such a good idea, Mom? I don’t like the idea of her being in a room surrounded by many Alphas,”

“Are you

worried she’ll attract them? I wouldn’t blame them; she’s a beautiful woman.”

“That she is.” I smile to myself, my eyes finding her in the distance, eating her slice of cake with my Betas and G a m m a s. “I know she can take care of herself, Mom, even if one tries to overstep their boundaries. Kiya kicked my a s s plenty of times and I know she’ll do the same to them.”

“A powerful woman garners attention, especially when one is our Moon Goddess’ avatar.” Mom took another bite of her cake, crushing the edible pearls between her teeth. “However, I don’t think you’d want to take Nuria with you again, huh?”

No way. I love Nuria, but she’s a d da n terrorist whenever we share a room.


I grimaced at the memory of her slapping a handful of s h a v i n g cream on my face as a wake-up call. Or the time she blasted music in my ears through her earphones. She helped garner alliances with some alphas on the east coast, I’d like to sleep peacefully without the looming threat of her waking me up the ‘sisterly’ way, as she liked to put it. “Absolutely not.”

“Then ask Kiya. The worst she can do is say no.”

My eyes found Kiya once again, laughing as she clinked glasses of champagne with Lorelai. We’d travel to Miami, stay in a hotel room for three days, and she’d get a taste of what I’d have to do as Alpha. Anthony and her sister Lyria attend the meetings as well, so she’d have the benefit of having her family there. Many Lunas are in attendance with their mates. We talk werewolf politics, allegiances, and so much more that’ll benefit the packs of North America.

Having Kiya beside me through the journey was more than I deserve. Yet, I wanted that slice of the potential future if she were to be my Luna, making all the big decisions with me. Would she be comfortable being in proximity with me for all that time?

Could I handle having her close to me for that long, especially with the mate bond acting up?

“You two were made for each other, Neron.” Mom reiterated, swishing the pink liquid in her glass. “I know you are distancing from each other for your own sakes, and I hope you don’t think I’m putting any pressure on you.”


“You aren’t, Mom.” I held her free hand in my own. “I understand what you’re trying to do. And Nuria, despite her unorthodox ways of approaching things. You two want me to be happy.”

“A mother always strives for the happiness of their children. Kiya is my child too, and I want her happy as well. If Selenc allows it, you both will find your way to one another. If not, then she will grant the happiness you rightfully deserve.” She reached up and cupped my cheek. “How is your Foresight?”

“I’ve gotten no visions of Kiya getting hurt lately, which I’m thankful for.”

“Pappa said it gets easier to manage over time.”

“Does it?”

Chapter 11 The Party

Mom nodded. “You and Nuria are still very new to it. Give yourself some grace,”

“Is there a chance we could talk to morfar?”

“The thing I hate about calling Norway is the time differences.” She scoffed, chuckling to herself. “Yes, I will put in a call in. He’d be glad to speak to his grandchildren after so long.”


There was so much to do and so many things to handle.

And Kiya and I’s time to talk was drawing near.