that lost their loved ones, members recovering in the hospital, and assisting with repairing minor damages to the pack house and the smaller homes. Many expressed their fears of another attack and began arranging temporary shelter elsewhere until the danger passes, if at all. It hurt to see many saddened and frightened faces as Zircon Moon lost its medal of safety and security.
But there was a common theme when I checked on the members of the older generation.
Is there a plan in place to rescue Dad, Ashley, and Steven?
No, there wasn’t. At least, not yet.
Osiris’ location was a growing mystery irking my soul. The bastard was proficient in covering his tracks. I caught a lucky break when Anthony phoned me earlier to say that he and his team believes the snake is in Oregon. That small bit of information filled me with hope. Where Osiris is, Lady Sanguine is there. While the information came at a great time, it leaves us both at a lost-the state is huge with endless amounts of forestry. If we deploy our soldiers to search the entire state, we’ll waste time, and by the time we reach our destination, Dad, Ashley, and Steven will be dead. The information isn’t sufficient to move forward with a rescue mission. 
Kiya’s necklace rested in my palm as my thumb caressed the cracked full moon pendant. Despite the damage, the image glowed under the moonlight in the darkness. I haven’t found the time to get it fixed, but the chill of the silver is redolent of my mate’s missing presence. Everything is colder without her around, but she’s spreading the flames of hatred as she holds Dad and the Betas prisoner.

But the question is, do I want my father back? Time and time again, he’s proven that he isn’t trustworthy. I can take him assassinating my character, but my respect for him combusted into flames when he admitted to the car crash. He almost killed Kiya and her family because of his anger.
However, that is not the reason he needs to be rescued. It is because of what Lady Sanguine will do. During the aftermath, patrols discovered Odessa’s body, along with the guards I assigned to take her back to the dungeons in the open field. Someone sliced her throat to where the wound exposed the muscles to the elements. Her hollow, lifeless eyes stared ahead at nothing, void of the life they once had. Odessa was killed shortly after Ariel separated from her. Kiya’s scent, once aromatic, turned sour, drenched the area.
I’m certain that this hell won’t end with anything other than my father’s and the Beta’s deaths.

I’m terrified. Has Kiya-Lady Sanguine killed him? A part of me doesn’t think so, but even gut intuition can be
wrong. With every kill, part of the soul dies. Before the person knows it, they are but a hollow shell.
programmed for murder. Kiya, naturally, has a benevolent, bright soul. She is a good person, through and through. However, if Lady Sanguine kills my dad, I’m scared that Kiya will never return to the path of light. Osiris’ hold over her will be absolute.
Onyx and I will lose our mate for good.
I have to rescue them; not for their sake, but Kiya’s.
Our feet kicked up some pond water, six different ripples encircling our ankles. It was peaceful. I’ve long stopped crying, the itchiness in my throat a distant remembrance of my breakdown. Mom’s breathing echoed softly between us as held one of my hands in hers while Nuria rested her head on my shoulder. I still can’t believe this is happening. I’ve done nothing to deserve this, but here I am, staring at the tangible presences my lost family.
Why couldn’t we have stayed this way? Why did they have to die?
“Don’t give up, Nero.” Nuria whispered, her fingers brushing against the flower petals. I realized what she meant, but it didn’t lesson the doubt swimming in my head. “You can still save her.”
“Can I?” I exhaled, glimpsing at my reflection in the pool. My eyes are red and puffy. “Nuria, Kiya wants to kill me because I hurt her. I want to save her, but I can’t ignore the possibility that…I might not be able to. What if I can’t?”
“What ifs are dangerous, my precious.” Mom squeezed my hand, pushing some strands of my hair behind my ear. Her thumb caressed my cheek. “But, you’re right. You hurt that darling and it stuck with her for years, but it wasn’t just you. Everyone, whether they directly harmed her or turned the blind eye, are also responsible…. including your father.” Hurt laced in her last words. I looked into her eyes and saw an amalgamation of pain and shame. Coming to terms that your mate abused a child couldn’t be an easy
thing to deal with.

Kiya used to refer to my mom as her aunt because she was close with her family. Mom loved her like she was her own. Maybe how Mom feels now is what Kiya felt every time she saw me for the first time. I squeezed her hand to let her know that I’m still here, but I wonder. Did Mom see everything? How else would she have known? I glanced at Nuria to see the same amalgamation in her eyes. “Your father and you used Nuria and I as scapegoats for the abuse. Who Lady Sanguine is today directly results from that. You’ve done wrong, and it is your job to make it right.”
I nodded. Lady Sanguine didn’t appear on a whim; Zircon Moon, collectively, created a weapon of our own destruction and she won’t stop until we’re all gone. “I know Mom, and I’m so sorry. I missed you and Nuria so much, and then Dad started talking and
“Shh.” Mom held a finger on my lips to shush me. Then, she leaned in and pressed a firm kiss on my forehead. “You were suffering, I know. But abuse is never justifiable. You cannot erase pain by causing pain to another.”
“Everyone knows Kiya isn’t responsible for what happened to Mom and I.” Nuria huffed, kicking her feet up. “She never was, and we never blamed her. Dad just hates her. It’s not even about losing us anymore!”
“However,” Mom intercepted. “The difference between you and your father, Neron, is that you’re learning from your mistakes. Not many people can do that.”
“Are you ashamed of–me, Mom?” I inquired, anxious. “Are you, Nuria? Kiya was your best friend.”
Not was, She is my best friend.” She corrected with a glower. “At first, I was deeply ashamed of you. I was furious, Selene showed us everything–the least painful parts, I suppose. You do not know how much I wanted to march out of heaven and strangle the shit out of you.”