Chapter 78 
The car drove towards the building but bypassed the regular parking lot, heading instead for the private area reserved for top executives. We entered the private elevator, which whisked us up to the highest floor of the building. 
Stepping into the conference rooms, we found the legal team already seated and awaiting our arrival. Stephanie rose from her seat the moment she saw me, her expression a mix of concern and disappointment. “What’s going on, Ryan? A murder case? Seriously?” she exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief. “You’ve always been the careful type. How did you let such a mistake happen!” 
I chose to ignore her probing questions and instead greeted her father with a firm handshake before taking my seat at the head of the table. I proceeded to recount the events of the previous day and night to the assembled team, outlining my concerns and the potential consequences if we failed to take decisive action. 
My father’s phone interrupted the meeting, prompting him to excuse himself to take the call. He returned a few minutes later, his expression visibly troubled. “We have forty–five minutes to wrap up the press conference,” he announced grimly. The cops are planning on bringing you in for questioning, and they’re preparing to leave the station as we speak. 
1 exhaled heavily, feeling the weight of the impending situation bearing down on me. “So, what’s your take on this, Mr. Waper?” I inquired, turning to our legal advisor for guidance. 

Mr. Waper cleared his throat before offering his advice. “Carry on with the press conference,” he advised, his tone measured. “However, do not portray Sophia as the enemy, Instead, present her as the company’s savior, the key to solving the crisis with YAEW Group. By framing her in a positive light, you’ll garner sympathy and convince people that you had no motive to harm her. They’ll easily buy into your lies” 
I fixed Mr. Waper with a steely glare. That isn’t a lie,” I stated firmly, my tone devoid of emotion. “Sophia was to play a crucial role in clearing the company’s name from the mess she created, and I had no hand in her death. So, tell me, which part of what I’m about to say out there is a lie? 

Mr. Waper blinked slowly, seemingly taken aback by the forcefulness of my words. Sensing the tension in the room, my father. intervened, his voice laced with apology. Please excuse his hostile behavior,” he interjected, his tone conciliatory “He’s just feeling overwhelmed by everything” 
“So are we.” Mr. Waper responded dryly, his expression unreadable. 
My father shot Mr. Waper a warning glare. “You will tolerate whatever attitude he gives you without complaint, is that clear he demanded, his voice firm. 
Mr. Waper’s smile tightened, but he nodded curtly. “Crystal clear.” 
With a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder, my father rose from his seat. “Come on, let’s get this over and done with,” he urged 
As everyone else in the room rose to their feet, 1 remained seated, needing a moment to collect my thoughts. “Can you all give me a moment?” I requested, my voice barely above a whisper. I need to gather my thoughts.” 
My father nodded understandingly. “Don’t take too long,” he advised before exiting the room, the rest of the team trailing behind him. 
Alone in the quiet of the conference room, I retrieved my phone and dialed Lily’s number. She answered almost immediately, her voice a comforting presence on the other end of the line. “Hey,” she breathed out and I couldn’t help but smile despite the craziness of the situation around me. 
“I don’t have much time to talk.” I began “but I need you to know that things are about to get even crazier, and it’s going to be all over the news. But it’s not the truth, Lily. I’ll handle this as quickly as I can and come back to you and the kids,” 
There was a prolonged silence on the other end of the line before Lily finally spoke up. “What’s going on, Ryan?” she asked, her voice laced with concern. 
“I don’t have the luxury of time to explain, Lily,” I replied hoarsely, but before I could say more, the door swung open, and my father’s Hem gaze met mine. 
realize you have less than thirty minutes to get this done?” he admonished. 
“Do you re 
I gave him a sharp nod, acknowledging the time constraint. “I have to go, Lily,” I rasped into the phone. “I love you.” 
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, and I braced myself for her response. When she didn’t reply, I felt a pang of disappointment, but I quickly composed myself. “I’ll call you again when I can, I added before ending the call and pocketing my phone. 
Chapter 78 
Stepping out of the conference room, I made my way to the golf field where the press awaited. My security team flanked me, creating a protective barrier between myself and the crowd of reporters. With a deep breath, I prepared to address the media, knowing that the next few minutes would be crucial in shaping how things will go with the public. 
“I know you must all be curious as to why I’ve called for this emergency press conference, I began, my voice steady as I addressed the assembled reporters and photographers, their fingers flying over their keyboards and cameras clicking in rapid succession. “In light of the ongoing situation with YAEW Group, we’ve refrained from making any official statements until now, as we needed time to fully understand the complexities of the issue. 
Pausing for a moment to allow the journalists to jot down my words, I continued. The design that we were accused of stealing was actually submitted to us by Sophia Hampton, who had recently retired from our company. We sought her out to clarify the originality of the design so that we could determine our next course of action. However, when our attempts to reach her were unsuccessful, we reached out to her family and learned that she was staying at her grandmother’s house downtown.” 
Glancing briefly at Mr. Waper, who nodded in encouragement, I pressed on. 
I felt a sense of calm wash over me as I spoke, knowing that I was not deceiving the public with my words. “I dispatched my men to the location where her mother claimed Sophia was staying, I continued, my voice measured as I recounted the events. “They chose to approach at night, hoping to find her at home, unaware of her schedule. However, upon their arrival, they discovered Sophia’s lifeless body, still warm, indicating that the perpetrator was likely still in the vicinity.” 
The rapid clicking of cameras intensified as I spoke, the journalists eager to capture every detail of the narrative. “Some of my security personnel went into the surrounding area to investigate any suspicious activity, while others contacted the authorities to report the incident, I explained 
“As of now, our company’s primary focus is on identifying and apprehending Sophia Hampton’s killer, I declared. “We have decided to prioritize this investigation and are seeking to resolve the matter of the stolen design out of court, given the pressing nature of the 
current circumstances.” 
Angelo spoke up. “you can now ask your questions.” 
The first journalist to speak addressed me directly, her voice filled with skepticism. “Are you suggesting that you have no knowledge of the murder of Ms. Sophia Hampton?” 
I shook mmy head firmly, meeting her gaze. “Why would I have any involvement in the death of someone who could potentially save me millions of dollars and spare me from a lawsuit?” I replied, my tone laced with conviction. Furthermore, I intend to cooperate fully with the authorities and will be providing a detailed report of everything I know about the case” 
I hoped that my assertion would help mitigate the fallout from my arrest. As the journalists continued to pose their questions, I offered concise and composed responses, careful to maintain my composure under the scrutinizing gaze of the media. 
Sensing my 
father’s subtle signal, 1 concluded the press conference, eager to exit the stage and avoid any further exposure to the cameras and live recordings. With a nod of gratitude to the assembled journalists, I made my way off the platform, relieved to put the intense scrutiny behind me, at least for the time being. 
“That will be all.” Angleo announced as my men led me out of the field. I headed straight for my car, which drove out of the gulf club. 
We hadn’t droven far from the golf club when the police van blocked our path. Everyone got down as they approached our car. I looked them straight in the face. “Is everything okay officers” they shouldn’t believe that I am trying to run away. 
“You will have to come with us to the station for some questioning in regards to the death of Ms. Sophia Hampson.” 
1 nodded. “Sure. I drive behind you with my car to the station.” 
They seemed cool with it. One of the officers got into the car 
me while the rest returned to theirs and we all drove to the station.