Chapter 76 
Arriving home, feeling utterly exhausted from the day’s events, I took a moment to instruct the staff to heat up my dinner before making my way upstairs. I couldn’t help but think that they probably weren’t expecting to see me back so soon, especially after I had gathered them all not too long ago to announce my decision to relocate to Canada permanently. Yet here I was, back again, requesting dinner. 
Upon reaching my room, I indulged in a long, hot shower, allowing the warm water to ease the tension from my tired muscles. Stepping out of the shower, towel securely wrapped amund my waist, I made my way across the room and noticed my phone resting on the bed, its screen illuminating with Angelo’s name. With a swift motion, I picked it up and accepted the call, bringing it to my ear. “Do you have her?” I asked eagerly. 
“No.” Angelo replied promptly, his tone carrying a hint of frustration. T’m still awaiting a detailed report from the men I dispatched to locate her. Pausing momentarily, he added, “However, that’s not the reason for my call. Your father has just pulled into the compound.” 
I let out a heavy sigh, wondering what my father wanted this time. “Thank you for informing me,” I said before ending the call, my curiosity piqued. Changing into something more comfortable, I made my way to the dining table, deciding that he could meet me 

A few minutes later, the door creaked open and he entered. I continued to leisurely fork the pasta into my mouth, chewing each bite slowly as he pulled out a chair and sat down, dropping a three–page document onto the table. Glancing at the file, I resumed eating, feigning indifference. “What is that?” I asked casually. 
“Save your smug behavior and attitude for your staff, he snapped back. “Pick up the document and read it.” 

and read it 
Pausing, I stared at him for a moment before reluctantly picking up the document. With just a glance, I realized what it was. “How did you get this so quickly? I inquired, my voice betraying a hint of surprise. It was clear that the document contained evidence of tax evasion by the YAEW Group, capable of landing the current CEO behind bars for a considerable length of time. 
He brushed off my question and proceeded with his announcement. “We are bringing Stephanie back to the team,” he declared, and in my frustration, I dropped the file onto the table with more force than intended. “Don’t bring your personal issues into business matters, he continued sternly. “She is skilled at what she does, and we are reinstating her to the legal team 
I frowned deeply. “That’s not going to happen.” I stated firmly. “I had valid reasons for removing her, and you’re not going to override my decision.” 
“I already have,” he snapped back, his tone dripping with authority. “While you may hold the position of CEO, I am also a major shareholder, and I have every right to make this call. His words grated on my nerves, fueling my frustration. “If you continue to oppose me, I’ll have no choice but to call for a shareholders meeting.” 
at you 
“I find it rather disappointing that you’re resorting to playing that card,” I growled, my frustration bubbling up. He was well aware that invoking the board’s support would likely tilt the scales in his favor, hence his eagerness to involve them. “Very well, you have your way. Bring her back, but don’t anticipate her involvement in my decision–making process within the legal team.” 
With an exaggerated eye roll, he dismissed my objections. “Don’t be so petulant, Ryan,” he chided, his tone tinged with exasperation. “Yes, you’re stubborn,” he acknowledged, “but there are times when you must set that aside for the greater good. Stephanie brings undeniable value to the company. 
His sudden championing of Stephanie’s cause only fueled my suspicion. What promises had she made to him to gamer such favor? “It’s worth noting that she was willing to lend a hand in resolving our current predicament, despite not officially being part of the team,” he added. 
Rolling my eyes yet again, I muttered under my breath, “Of course she was. 
Tm being serious, Ryan,” he snapped, clearly irritated by my dismissive attitude towards his words. “She was the one who unearthed this evidence against the YAEW Group.” 
I raised an eyebrow skeptically. “And how exactly did she manage to find it?” I inquired. While I was aware that her father ran a prestigious legal firm, obtaining such sensitive documents required more than just connections. 
My father shrugged indifferently. “Honestly, I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care to know,” he admitted bluntly, waving the document in my direction. “The important thing is that we have it in our possession now,” 
Despite the significance of the evidence we now held, I couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling gnawing at the pit of my stomach. “Any updates on the individual responsible for putting us through this ordeal?” he pressed, his gaze fixed on me as I continued to eat. 
I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of his stare. “She may be hiding at her grandmother’s place, I informed him. Tve dispatched my 
men to bring her in.” 
He nodded curtly as he rose from lids seat. Til let you get back to your food,” he remarked, pushing the document further across the table towards me. “Tjust stopped by to show you what we have. So, get yourself busy. We’re paying that useless CEO, who doesn’t know how to keep his promises, a visit” 
I nodded in acknowledgment. I’m sorry, but I can’t see you to the door right now. I’m in the middle of eating,” Lexplained unapologetically. 
He scoffed dismissively “I know you’re not sorry,” he retorted, his tone laced with amusement. Lifting my head, I met his gaze head–on “What? You’re practically a mini version of me, so I can read your mind.” 
Ignoring his comment, I returned my focus to my meal. It was clear he wasn’t going to get a reaction out of me. With a resigned shake of his head, he tumed on his heel and walked away, leaving me to finish my dimmer in peace. 
After dinner, I retreated to my room in hopes of catching some much–needed sleep, knowing that tomorrow was bound to be a long day. However, after an hour of tossing and turning in bed, it became apparent that even sleep was cluding me. 
Frustrated, I reached for my phone and decided to Faceline Lily, longing to hear the voices of her boys. After a few rings, she answered. “Hey,” her voice greeted me, instantly calming any restless mind. 
“Hey,” I replied, noticing the faint glisten on her face. What are you up to?” I inquired, already feeling mischievous thoughts creeping into my mind about our conversation tonight. 
“Skincare, she responded, her tone relaxed. “You ended the call abruptly last time. Did everything go well today?” she asked, her . concern evident 
I nodded. “By tomorrow, I should have everything sorted out,” I assured her, though secretly hoping that there wouldn’t be any unexpected obstacles standing in our way. 
“Best of luck,” she wished me sincerely, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “Although, with YAEW Company involved, it doesn’t sound like everything will be resolved that casily 
I raised an eyebrow in confusion. “What are you talking about?” 
“They released a video an hour ago,” she disclosed, her voice tinged with concern. “They said they’re going to sue, and nothing is going to stop them 
I chuckled softly, though inwardly feeling confident. They’re just trying to garner sympathy from the public. It’s a perfect marketing strategy. I remarked, trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation. 
Lily nodded in agreement. “Either way, I just want you to be relieved of this stress,” she said sincerely, her concern for my w evident. 
help but smile at her words. “What about the boys? I’d love to speak to them, I inquired, eager to hear their voices. 
I couldn’t help 
They’re already fast asleep,” she informed me gently, her tone softening. 
A pang of guilt washed over me. Tve really missed them, I admitted, longing to be with my boys. 
“They’ve missed you too,” Lily reassured me, her voice gentle. “But I’ve explained to them that you have something important to handle. and that you’ll be back soon. So please, do not end up in jail. It would be difficult to explain that to them,” she teased lightly, trying to lift my spirits. 
I chuckled lightly. “Sure, ma’am,” I replied, trying to lighten the mood. However, my mind drifted to something that had slipped my mind amidst the chaos. “What about Jake? He hasn’t done anything stupid, has he?” 
There was a brief silence on the other end of the line, causing a knot of concern to form in my stomach. “Lily?” I called out, my worry growing. “What did he do?” 
She shook her head, her voice somber. “He didn’t do anything,” she assured me, though her tone betrayed a hint of distraction. “I just remembered something I need to attend to right now. 
Before I could respond, my phone vibrated with an incoming call from Angelo. “Let me call you back, love,” I said hastily, putting Lily on hold and answering Angelo’s call. “This had better be serious,” I stated, my tone more urgent. 
Angelo’s voice came through the line, grave and solemn “Sophia was found dead in her grandmother’s apartment,” he informed me, and my eyes widened in shock. “Her body is still warm, which means it happened not long ago. 
My heart sank as the situation hit me. Sophia’s mother would undoubtedly name me as a suspect.