Chapter 9 
When Georgina died, all of those who claimed that they are her family did not even bother to lay her to rest. I had to wait for Becky to come down co Canada before I requested the body for funeral, however, I was told that I was have to get permission from her family before her body is eleased to me. 
took Becky with me, went to Victoria’s house and knelt down before her, pleading that she let me have the body. She was clearly delighted to have ne kneeling before her, but at the end of the dy, she gave me a pass to take the body from the morgue. 
Although I was typically embarrassed to kneel before her, but I have to do what I have to do to give Georgina the respect she deserve. 
We laid Georgina to rest beside her husband, just as she had requested while she was still with us. Standing by her grave, I couldn’t help but ponder now our joyful moments had culminated in this somber occasion. 
Are you alright?” Becky’s concerned voice broke through my thoughts. Tearing my gaze away from the freshly turned earth. I managed a nod before turning and making my way back to the car. 

After dropping Becky off at the airport, I noticed a car parked outside the gates as I returned home. Instructing the security team to adhere strictly o my directives, I emphasized the importance of not granting access to anyone without my explicit consent, It wasn’t about asserting ownership of The property, but rather an acknowledgment of the complexities and greed within Georgina’s family. 

Stepping down from the car, I made my way toward the familiar figure of Mr. Kelvin, Georgina’s legal representative. “Mr. Kelvin?” I greeted him, a sense of curiosity mingled with concern in my voice. “What brings you to this place? Is everything in order?” 
Mr. Kelvin met my gaze with a slightly quizzical expression. “Were you not informed?” he inquired, his tone laced with a hint of surprise 
Perplexed. I raised an eyebrow. “Informed! I must admit, I seem to have missed something. What exactly should I have been informed about?” I asked, trying to make sense of the situation. 
The reading of Georgina’s will,” he explained patiently. “I had instructed the rest of the family to ensure you were notified. Did they not reach out to you?” 
A wave of realization washed over me, coupled with a touch of bittemess. “No one thought to inform me about any will reading.” I replied with a sigh, feeling a pang of disappointment. Glancing at my wristwatch, I couldn’t help but furrow my brow in frustration. “I should be attending to my sons needs right now. Can you tell me when exactly this reading was scheduled to take place?” 
Two hours ago. Mr. Kelvin reiterated, his gaze briefly meeting mine as he checked his watch. “I’ve rescheduled the meeting for five pm.” His professional demeanor remained steadfast as he emphasized the importance of my attendance. Please ensure you’re present. Mrs. Georgina expressly instructed me not to proceed with the will reading if you’re not there.” 
Absolutely, I’ll be there, I affirmed, recognizing the gravity 
vity of the situation. 
tering my own vehicle and driving 
With a diplomatic smile, Mr. Kelvin bid farewell and made his way to his car. I watched his departure before entering soward the family compound. 
Dressed entirely in mourning black, I took the time to pump sufficient breast milk for Liam, Ethan, and Noah, anticipating a lengthy gathering at the family house. With a keen awareness that not everyone within those walls harbored goodwill towards me, I saw no need for unnecessary niceties. Choosing black stilettos to complement my attire, I ensured every aspect of my appearance, even down to my once–ginger hair, now dyed black, resonated with the solemnity of the occasion. 
Parking my car in the garage, I stepped out and made my way into the house. The butler greeted me and directed me to where the rest of the family had gathered 
Entering the home office, I was met with disapproving glances from everyone except the lawyer. Ignoring the tension in the air, I took a seat and crossed my legs with an air of nonchalance. 
“You’re late,” Victoria admonished, her tone sharp with disapproval. “Don’t you understand the importance o ckders?” 
of punctuality and respect for your 
“I apologize.” I responded, though the sentiment didn’t truly resonate within me. “As a lactating mother. I have to prioritize my baby’s needs and contend with traffic.” 
“Is that supposed to excuse your tardiness? Victoria Interjected, her tone dripping with skepticism. “Do you think we don’t have responsibilities as 
11:30 AM 
Chapter 9 
“Seeing as you are all here, ready to take someone’s properties with no care in the world says as much.” I fired back calmly. 
Before she could respond, Kelvin beat her to it. 
“Since everyone is present, let’s commence with the reading. Kelvin interjected, effectively halting Victoria’s impending remarks. He produced a large brown envelope. sealed with Georgina’s unmistakable emblem. “Contained within is the untampered will of the late Mrs. Georgina Harrison” Passing the envelope to the person beside him, he instructed, “Please confirm that the seal remains intact and then pass it along for further 
The will made its rounds until it reached Victoria’s son, who clutched it tightly, his gaze fixed on me with unmistakable hostility. Suppressing a smile at his overtly dramatic display, I couldn’t help but find his behavior rather amusing 
Interrupting the tension, Kelvin cleared his throat, his voice cutting through the silent room. “Please pass the will to her, she is a vital part of this process and deserves inclusion” 
As the will landed on the table before me, I reached out and picked it up, verifying that the seal remained intact before returning it to Kelvin. With practiced efficiency, he retrieved a pen from his pocket, swiftly tearing open the seal and withdrawing the contents. 
“1. Georgina Harrison of Canada, declare this to be my last will and testament, nullifying all previous documents, the words echoed through the room as Kelvin began reading aloud. “I hereby appoint Mr. Kelvin Sawman as my executor. He shall settle my debts and funeral expenses without delay” The tension in the room palpably heightened as the anticipation grew. 
“I bequeath the following specific items to the individuals soon to be named as beneficiaries” As Kelvin’s voice continued, the air grew heavy with anticipation. “All properties acquired through my husband’s and my efforts, including the hospital and estate, I bequeath to Ms. Lily Bernard.” 
Gasps erupted, spreading like wildfire through the room, evolving into murmurs that crescendoed into curses directed squarely at me. “She’s not even family!” the outburst reverberated through the room, punctuated by accusations questioning Georgina’s decision. Victoria’s directed at me was unmistakable. “How do we know she didn’t manipulate her into changing her will when she was sick and her judgment clouded?” she insinuated, casting doubt on the integrity of Georgina’s final wishes 
I couldn’t help but scoff in response. Then perhaps you should have been by her side when she was sick and dying to prevent me from whispering those words in her ear. The hypocrisy of everyone in the room, except for the lawyer, was glaringly evident to me. 
Kelvin, ever the voice of reason, cleared his throat, his tone commanding attention amidst the chaos. “Can we please keep the noise down?” he requested, patiently waiting for the tumult to subside before continuing. “To Lily’s unborn child, I give the house in which she is currently residing. Despite Kelvin’s attempt to restore order, murmurs persisted, but he remained undeterred, focused on fulfilling and chaos in the room. 
ulfilling Georgina’s wishes despite the noise 
“To Genevieve, I bequeath the family company, with the stipulation that it remains within the family. To the rest of the family, I leave the estate, Kelvin declared, his voice carrying the weight of legal authority as he presented Georgina’s words, complete with her signature. “These words are legally binding, and anyone who challenges them without due process will face the consequences of the law.” 
With that, he returned the document to its envelope, sealing it once more and tucking it away. His departure signaled the conclusion of the reading, leaving a tense atmosphere lingering in his wake. 
As Kelvin exited the room, I saw no reason to linger. Rising from my se 
seat, I retrieved my purse, ready to leave. 
“This isn’t over, Victoria’s voice cut through the silence, her words dripping g with venom. “I won’t let you have that hospital.” 
Tilting my head, 1 regarded Victoria with an air of detachment. “It’s already settled, Victoria. The hospital belongs to me, and there’s nothing 
can do to change thuat 
With those final words, I grabbed my purse and exited the house, leaving behind the crazy family and their goddamn house.