Chapter 78


“Tell me Em what were you staring at? Sran asked, calling me by my nickname which he hardly does unless it’s just the both of us

As much as I try not to be affected by it. I just cannot.

What do you mean?” I tried to act like I had no idea what he was talking about.

“You don’t know how to lie. I’m sure you know that already but you’d rather lie, isn’t it?” He remarked.

You don’t know that. I said, staring at my fingernails, finding it interesting. All the while he spoke, I avoided eye contact with him because I couldn’t.

You were staring. I saw you. So tell me, why were you staring” He asked.

Why do you keep pushing it? I said I wasn’t but you insist. Suit yourself.” I remarked, tired of explaining myself.

“What are your plans for your seventeenth birthday?” He asked, suddenly changing the topic. I wasn’t really surprised that he asked what I wanted for my birthday because he always does that even if he and Ethan wouldn’t let me hand it out to them.

Every year he’d get me a gift but this year was surprising. He was asking what I wanted and not getting me what he wanted like he usually does.

“I don’t know.” I replied.

“Why won’t you know? It’s next week, isn’t it? You should have something you want. What is it?” He asked.

“Honestly I don’t know,” I sighed, turning to face him and I immediately avoided eye contact because I wouldn’t be able to look away once I stared.

“Alright then. Once you know, let me know,” he said and I nodded my head in response.

This was the Sean I knew. Soft-spoken and nice to me. Whenever we spoke even for one minute, without Ethan’s presence.. he’d speak to me nicely but whenever he was with my brother hed go back to that distant boy and that’s the reason I’m still hung up on him.

I don’t even know how to feel sometimes.

“Why do you avoid looking at me when we speak?” He asked.

I didn’t expect him to notice.

“I’m not, I lied

“You are lying again. You really should stop lying. It doesn’t suit you,” he said making me feel bad.

“And you see still not looking at me,” he remarked.

I men tally took in a deep breath and exhaled before gathering the courage to look at him. The minute my eyes met his beautiful blue eyes, I was mesmerized.

Sean has one of the most beautiful eyes in the world. It was the first feature about him I first noticed.

“I…” just as he was about to speak, Ethan walked him and he paused.



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“Alright, guys? Let’s go.” Ethan spoke as he entered the kitchen with Serena and Darcy beside him.

Sean walked away without glancing at me, making my heart ache again because he had not looked at me.

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That’s what he does, actually distant when Ethan is around and nice to me when Ethan isn’t around so what’s the need for him wanting to know what I wanted for my seventeenth birthday?

It’s best if he doesn’t know what it is that I want because I don’t want to speak to him again. I say this all the time but my anger would vanish in seconds.

I cannot afford to be mad at him for a long time no matter how bard I try

We got into Sean’s car. While he drove, Ethan at the passenger seat in front while I sat at the back with Serena and Darcy.

While they all conversed, I looked out through the window, watching the pedestrian walk and wishing for Sean to drop off Darcy and Serena as their voices were disturbing my car.

My prayers finally got answered, I heaved a sigh of relief when they finally dropped them off.

“Where’s the list of everything mom wants us to get?” Ethan askerl


“Why do you want it? It’s not like we won’t get to the store soon, replied.

“Can you for once stop being hard to get along with?” He remarked and I scoffed.

“Hard to get along with? More like you should speak to yourself instead of trying to put it on me, I said in my defense

“Oh come on. You don’t listen and you always want to speak back he countered.

“And why wouldn’t I? I have my voice and you can’t tell me certain things and expect me to keep shut,” I retorted.

“There you go again. You just have to learn how to listen and we will both be fine.” He stated z

“And why should I listen? Maybe you should try not to be controlling and we will both be fine. I’m not your little sister,” I reminded him because sometimes he tends to think he’s my older brother and I’m the little one who needs to listen.

“I never said you were and don’t be annoying okay?”

I scoffed at his statement. “Then you should do the same. Don’t be annoying

“You see that right Sean? She’s so unbelievable. Ethan complained to Sean.

“I think you are the one doing too much. Why ask for the list? Sean replied.

Ethan glared at him.

“Don’t look at me.” Sean immediately spoke up.

“All of the talks weren’t needed and could have been avoided if we just got there and did as told,” Sean added.

“You see, I’m not the problematic one. You always want to control and you feel like you are the boss but you aren’t so don’t put the blame on me. I can’t even stand you,” I spoke.

“I can’t deal with this right now.” He said before keeping his shut.

I kept the shirt afterward. I honestly didn’t expect Sean to take my side. It felt great.

We arrived at the grocery store and began to shop.



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Chapter 78

While I walked in front, Ethan and Sean drove the trolley behind me. I could tell they were having a conversation but it was as if they didn’t want me to listen.

I didn’t bother because I couldn’t care less. Each time I found what was on the list. I would hasten them to walk fast sol could keep it in then go back shopping.

“I think I will just have to go, Sean said and I felt my stomach sink.

“I think you should, Ethan replied making me wonder what going on and why Sean had decided to leave so early.

“Why are you leaving?” I asked Scan.

I expected an answer from him but he didn’t say anything and turned on his heels making me frantic.

“What happened?” I asked Ethan.

“How would I know?” He asked.

“Oh come on. Don’t say that because you both seem to be having a little misunderstanding. Did you say something annoying as usual?” I questioned.

“Oh please. Don’t get started woman. What do you mean by that I don’t have strength for any more of this, he remarked.

“And how do we go home when you’ve made him angry?” I asked.

“Oh goodness girl! You are so hard to deal with. I can’t even stand it. We will go home okay? I will make a phone call now?” He said before walking away.

If there was anything I wanted from Sean as a birthday gift, it would be for him to be my boyfriend. I know that’s hilarious but that was the only thing I wanted from him.

I want him to be mine. I want all of my dreams to come true. I want to proudly be called Sean’s girlfriend but I don’t even know if he sees me that way.

For all I know I’ve been the one crushing on him but for him, I don’t know what he feels about me or if he has someone he likes already

Each time I thought about that, I would quickly take my mind of it because I did not think I’d be able to accept that he had another in his heart.

“Hey, Emma” Lola waved at me, surprising me because she hadn’t spoken to me in a long time.

The last time we spoke was also the first day a s pike and ever since she avoided me like a plague.

“Hey,” I replied and proceeded to mind my business because I expected her to walk away soon.

“How have you been?” She asked taking me aback.

“Fine… I guess.” I replied still stunned that she’d continue to speak to me.

“So we have the same class this morning and I’m looking forward to it.” She replied.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I furrowed my eyebrows. And?”

“I was thinking we should go to class together,” she replied.




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Chapter 78

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That’s surprising. Who would think that one day she’d day want to go to class with me and why was she suddenly speaking to


I wasn’t one to keep quiet and let anyone go free without asking questions so I decided to ask her why.

“Why are you suddenly speaking to me and why do you want to go to clad with me? I mean the last time I checked, you avoided me like a plague and suddenly you are a friend?” I folded my arms across my chest.

“It’s not what you think I promise. A lot happened but now I dont care about the consequences,” she replied making me confused.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked inquisitively.

“What I am trying to say is that I never wanted to avoid you but had no choice. I was threatened to stay away from you or they’d make my life a living hell. I had just newly transferred here and I didn’t want any trouble and so I had to do as told. Trust me when I say I didn’t like it and I’ve been lonely ever since.” She explained.

“Threatened? By who?” I asked.

“It was Serena and Darcy and her friends. They had threatened for me to stay away from you or else they’d make sure to make my life a living hell,” she admitted z

I gasped in surprise. I’ve always known Serena and Darcy don’t like me but going as far as asking her to stay away from me was too much. For what reason? What have I done to deserve this?

“Are you sure?” I had to ask because I have never had an issue with those girls before but for some reason, they don’t like me.

“Yes, I am. And I’m not the only one. Anyone other girl that tries to get close to you is told the same thing too. I don’t know why because when I asked why, they wouldn’t tell me. I’ve heard a lot of stories about them and how they’ve threatened and dealt with a lot of people who didn’t do as told.” she replied.

All of it suddenly made sense to me now. All the girls in school avoided me like a plague. I would see them staring at me and wonder if I had diets on me but that wasn’t the case.

Serena and Darcy were behind it. It disgusted me to know that they would go to such lengths to do this to me when I’ve never had an issue with them.

Does Ethan and Sean know about this? I thought to myself.

-So why did you decide to come speak to me now if you know that it would put you in trouble then why did you decide to speak to me?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“As I stated earlier, I was tired. I haven’t been able to make another friend and honestly speaking, the first day I spoke to you, I connected to you so well. You were nice to me and I don’t see myself being friends with another. I don’t care about the threats anymore but I know one thing, I want to be your friend” She revealed melting my heart with her words.

“Thank you,” I said to her with a smile.

“But do you have any idea why they do that to you? I know they are the ones asking all the girls to avoid you but I don’t know who’s behind it for the boys. I know of a bog who has been crushing on you but cannot get close because he says someone will beat him up,” she revealed.

At that moment the only person I could think of was my brother Why would he do that to me? He always wants to control my life and in his defense, he’s trying to protect me. I don’t medille in his life but he seems way too interested in my life.

“I think I know who that is,” I said trying not to show how angry was,

Even if I would not have any interest in any joy interested in me as I already have a love interest of my own, at the same



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Chapter 78

time I wouldn’t be feeling sad each day I go to school.

I will make sure to confront him today and make sure he gets the words of his life because he needed it for a change.

“We have to leave now or we’d end up being late for our first class.” Lola said to me.

“Sure,” I replied.

Finally, I have a friend.





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