Chapter 67


I was relieved to see Logan. He had come to save me and it made me happy. I thought it was going to get worse until he arrived and that made me happy but my happiness wasn’t at the highest because I didn’t know where my kids were.

After Raymond was released, I asked for them to look for my kids. Their well-being matters the most to me and who knows. what Jade might have done to them because she isn’t a nice person and all I could think of at that moment was the worst.

“We cannot find them. The men whom Logan had ordered to go search for the kids said as they returned and my heart ski pped.

“What do you mean by that?” I almost couldn’t hear my voice from the fear that something terrible might have happened to them because Jade had promised to kill them and bring their head for me.

I glared at Jade and she let out a hysterical laugh.

“I told you, didn’t I? You won’t find them anywhere and you won’t see them. Why? Because I will control what happens next. You think I’m st upid to put both of them together and let you come rescue them?” She laughed out loud and I removed myself from Raymond’s hold to go and attack her.

“How dare you bit ch!” I screamed as I launched at her, wanting to hit her to my heart’s satisfaction.

“Where are my babies!” I shouted as I hit her head.

Raymond came and pulled me away from her making me more furious as I wanted to go back and hit her again.

“Where are my kids!” I shouted again.

“What did you do to them?” Logan questioned.

“You don’t speak to me that way. If you want to ever see those b astard children of yours then you will have to do as I want. warned you not to mess with me so at the end of the day you are at my mercy. She remarked.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Just what do you want? They are kids for f uck sake! How can you be so cruel? Aren’t you tired of being the biggest bitc h ever!” I shouted in anger.

She wasn’t even tired of harming me but now she goes as far as wanting to harm my kids? I mean who does that?

“You might want to lower your voice or I’d have to order my men to get rid of them. Anyways if they don’t hear from me in twenty-four hours then your kids will be gone because I have taken them somewhere special.” She smirked.

“Your kids are at a place you’d never find them trust me unless I want you to and do you want to know more? I’m twenty- four hours as I stated if my men don’t hear from me then you will see the head of one of your twins. I don’t know if it would be the boy or the girl because I’m yet to tell them who to kill first but I told them to do as told if they don’t hear from me.” She lamented and I dashed towards her to hit her again but was stopped by Raymond.

“Aren’t you tired of being this way? Do you want to harm them? Why don’t you harm me instead? What do you want Jade? Just what!” Logan chided.

“I want you in my life but you don’t want me in yours and when if you accept me in your life, you won’t treat me as I want so it’s better you just die with her and all your twins and stop your generation from existing because I won’t stop!” She replied.

Indeed she has gone insane. She was insane because no normal person would act the way that she was acting. How would


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Chapter 67

someone want to be insane because they didn’t get what they wanted

“You are a bitter bit ch and I promise to make sure you beg me to kill you,” Logan said to her.

“At least your kids would be dead by then so you have to choose at the end. Either my way or your way but either way, I will win” She said with a proud smile on her face.

I cried out in pain. I wanted to rip off her head from her neck.

“What do you want? Logan asked again.

Twill give you my life for my kids Jade just let them go” He said to her.

She laughed out loud like an insane woman. “You want to see them then you will have to do as I want. Remember you are at my mercy.”

“Don’t listen to her,” I said to Logan.

“Let me kill this bit ch! I swear that I will be the death of you if a scratch is found on their body. I promise you, Jade.” ! warned.

“You think I’m scared by your threat? Oh, spare me. You are at my mercy and acting this tough won’t get you anywhere because I get to decide if your kids live or not and besides I don’t want them to live so keep making me angry.” She smiled deviously at me.

“What do you want Jade? Where are my kids? Just speak up already.” Logan sounded pis sed.

“What I want is you but I don’t want you anymore. I don’t think I want you to even leave me so kill me so your twins can die. At least with my death, I’d get rid of those ba stard kids of yours. Even if I don’t succeed in separating the both of you for life, I will at least get rid of your happiness for a long time.”

She sounded pleased with her words and they irritated me.

I wanted to attack her again but I knew it would do nothing so I watched in anger as I thought of what I could do to her to make her feel pain.

She was too happy and death was too easy for her.

“Where are my twins?” Logan asked again.

“You like it when I repeat myself don’t you? Because I don’t understand why you are not understanding me. I already stated. that if you want things to go well then you’d have to treat me well for me to consider having a conversation with you.” She replied.

Logan let her go.

She smiled. “Good. At least you can see that you are at my mercy and anything I want to do to you is because I want to so how you act from now on matters. Are you ready?”

“What do you want Jade? If you want your father in exchange for my twins then I’d gladly give you your dad.” Logan said to


She laughed. “My father?”

She clicked her tongue. “My father is too cheap for you to have your kids back. For me to give them back I must have something worthy and my father. Even if I want my father back then it would be for just one of the twins.”

I shook my head in disbelief at how she just belittled her dad.



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apter 67


“You are sick.” I spat our


“Are you just finding out? I’m more than sick and I will do anything to damage you in return because you are the reason I’ve lost my mind. She rolled her eyes before turning to look at Logan.

“So what do you say?”

“What do you want?” Logan asked.

“I want you and I want my father in return and when I say I want you, I mean we will get married again and you’d have to get me pregnant.” She replied and I gasped in surprise.

“You must be sick to think that I’d agree to that,” Logan said.

“Oh really? Are you trying to say you don’t mind receiving the head of your twins? I mean twenty-four hours doesn’t take long to arrive so do you want to see for yourself? I mean seeing believing.” She smiled.

“You are insane Jade. You’ve gone mad and you don’t realize it. It’s so sad that you don’t want to see the doctor. So listen and listen carefully,” Logan moved closer to her.

“I won’t ever get married to you again. I can’t and it won’t ever happen so don’t even dream of it because that’s a waste of energy and it would be nice if you do the needful instead of making things worse Jade.”

“You won’t be making progress if you act this way. Logan.” She reminded him.

Logan moved closer to her, staring deep into her eyes with anger.

“I won’t be asking again. Where is my kid?” He asked again.



