Chapter 62


“What happened? Explain to me.” I said to Adeline once I stepped into Isabel’s house.

“It doesn’t even make sense to me because we both thought the car that came first was the one you sent and she got in with the kids before driving off. I had even gone to take my bath and prepared to sleep when I heard a knock on the door and multiple ringing of the doorbell.” She paused to take her breath.

“I wondered if she returned so fast and what did I do? I walked towards the door and peeked through only to see a man outside. I didn’t want to open but I eventually did.”

“He introduced himself to me and said he was to pick up Isabel and the twins and that made me confused. I called Isabel that moment to confirm and heard her voice but it ended. It seems like there was someone in the background. With everything that has happened. It is evident that someone came to take them.”

“F uck!” I cursed out after listening to Jade’s explanation.

There was no way the person who came to get them didn’t come with any information. Someone eavesdropped on my conversation and that’s how they came to get Isabel.

If I find out who took them and what they did to Isabel, I will make sure to haunt them and make them regret ever coming

for her.

F uck! F uck! F uck!” I cursed out in anger as I ran my finger through my hair.

I took out my phone from my pant pocket and decided to dial Raymond’s number. I need him to track down everyone who might be connected to this.

“Did you perhaps see the car that came to take her?” I asked.

“It was a black car that came to take them.” She replied.

Immediately I walked out of the house to go meet the driver I sent to come pick up Isabel and the twins with Jade following hot on my trail.

“Do you have any idea who took them?” She asked and she followed me.

“Where are you going to?”

The minute my eyes fell on the driver who I sent to come and take Isabel and the twins, I walked towards him, grabbed him by his collar, and punched him hard.

“Who took them?” I accused.

“What are you talking about? I have no idea what it is that you are talking about,” he lied but I punched him again.

“Let him go, Logan. Why are you hitting him!” Jade asked.

There’s no way someone would come pick up Isabel and the twins unless he had sold them out because I can vow that I – didn’t contact him when there was anyone and no one knew about this except him so it’s evident that he sold them out!” I

replied, continuing to punch him.

“I did nothing!” He said in his defense but I knew that was a lie and by the time I’m done with him, he’d regret ever doing so.

“How do you know that? It might not be him.” Jade said.



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Fri, May

Chapter 62


“Then who is it? You or me because it’s him. Why did he take so long to get there? Do the maths in your head” I told Jade.

“It doesn’t make sense for him to come twenty minutes after Isabel was taken unless he deliberately delayed knowing well the plan was going not to take place and so as not to appear suspicious, he decided to come and raise the alarm,” I explained.

“But still.”

I cut Jade off. “There is no but. He had something to do with it and got the time I’m done dealing with his a ss then he would wish that he didn’t do anything in the first place.”

“Now speak!” I demanded, gripping him firmly on his neck.

I punched him in the stomach.

“Each time you lic, each time you’d get hit so the choice is in your hands. Either speak the truth and let’s get this over with or forget seeing the next day and don’t think I’m kidding because you have put the lives of my woman and children in danger and you will pay for it. I shouted at him punching him hard in the stomach again and again.

“Why don’t you just take it easy with him? If you think he had something to do with it then be patient and calm. At least you can use another method to get him because what use will this be if you kill him now? We won’t find Isabel neither are we going to find the twins” Jade said.

“Where is Isabel? Who did you give the information to and how much were you paid? Speak and I shall double the amount and if not then don’t be convinced that I’d keep you alive because I won’t. I am not generous to want to keep you all you are useless to me and don’t deserve a good death.”

alive a


“I will give you one last chance and if by rhetoric count of ten you don’t give me something then I’d make sure to kill you. and send your head over to those who you have connived with so let me make this clear to you, with or without your cooperation, I will find out who you worked with because it’s either I find them first or they find me first.”

“I didn’t do anything please….” he cried.


“I just wanted an extra money for my daughter. She is in the hospital and I needed money for her.” He cried out.

“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!” I groaned in anger as I let him off

“How dare you st upid b astard!” Jade screamed before launching towards him.

“I’m so sorry. I heard a woman wanted to get at your woman so approached her. I know I shouldn’t have but I was desperate. He confessed even more making me so angry.

How could he? Tonight was supposed to be a perfect night. The start of a beautiful gathering but he ruined it! He ruined it and the more I think about it the more angry I was and didn’t see any reason for him to be alive.

“Please forgive me. I’m pleading. I won’t do it again. I can help you locate her so please spare my life.” He pleaded.

“You are sick! You are so sick! If you were so desperate why not ask me for the money instead? Why do this? This is the wickedness of the highest level and I won’t be letting you go unt I make sure that they are safe and if they are not, just forget ever going back to your daughter.” I said through my teeth

*Please forgive me. Please. I’m so sorry and I shouldn’t have but did. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I’m begging you. I have the image of the women. I can share with you and also the image of the man who came to pick them up.”




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Fri, May

Chapter 62

He confessed.

“You do? Wow! B loody show me!” I demanded.


He took out his phone from his pants pocket and showed me the pictures of the people who were behind Isabel and my twin’s kidnap.

I wasn’t surprised to see that Jade was behind it but at the same time I was surprised and I felt s tupid for not thinking Jade would retaliate this way. This is all because of me and as for Jade this would be the last time she gets to breathe because I clearly warned her but she didn’t listen and decided to pi ss me off.

I clenched my fist in anger.

“I can’t believe you. You are so heartless to think you have a child. You have kids of your own yet you endanger someone else’s? You are so evil. Jade uttered before slapping him right across his cheek and I honestly liked that.

“You will regret it if something happens to my best friend. I can forgive a lot of things but Joe when she’s harmed I’d make sure you regret it.” She warned before pulling away.

Suddenly a car drove by. From the color of the car, I already knew who it was.

Raymond came out of the car and walked towards me.

“You.” Raymond and Jade both said simultaneously as they came face to face with each other.

“Oh my goodness. I cannot believe I’d see you again are you not here or I’m mistaking you again?” Raymond asked and I creased my brows in confusion as I didn’t know what was going on.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“How are we going to find Isabel and the twins, the most important right now, don’t you think?” Jade said.

“That is true but now that I know who is behind them then u might as well just take

Things into my hand.” I replied.

“What do you mean? Do you know who took her away?” Raymond asked.

“I should have known when it happened that Jade was behind it, I replied.

“What? Jade? I bet she and her father did this to get back at you. I told you about this so what are you going to do? Take her father or take Jade as captive in exchange?” Raymond asked.

Honestly, I never thought of that but now that I heard him say it it doesn’t seem like a bad idea because he who lives by the sword will die by the sword.

Originally I planned to go and confront Jade but if I did, it wouldn’t change the situation and what has happened has already happened.

Now that Raymond suggested this, it was the best thing to do. If it was Jade who took Isabel then I might as well take her father and ask for an exchange but this time around I won’t be making the mistake of letting them go.

They will continue to be at hour and that’s the more reason I’d have to deal with them the hard way.

“I will do just that. Come with me, Raymond.” I said.

“What are you going to do?” Jade asked.



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Fri, May

Chapter 62

“Why don’t you wait here and wait for me to return? I’ll keep you updated on any result,” I informed her.


“I’m sorry but I won’t be doing any of that. That’s my best friend and godson and daughter in danger and you expect me to sit back and act like I’m not freaking out? Trust me when I say I’m freaking out and that’s the more reason I’m going with you. Whenever you go I will go, okay?”

I exhaled deeply. “Alright. If you want to come? That’s fine.” I replied.

“Where are we going to kindly let me know about your plan.” She requested.

“I will inform you along the way,” I replied.

“And as for you, you are coming with us,” I said to the stu pid driver, forcing him into the back seat to sit with Jade while Raymond and I settled in the front seat.


