Chapter 58


I watched from a distance as Logan played with the kids at the park. It soothes my heart to see them play with him.

He has been doing great as a father. He is always with the kids. He’s always at my house every day because he wants to spend time with the kids. He hasn’t even missed a day at all I’m starting to feel jealous that he comes for the kids and not for me.

Since it was the weekend, I decided to follow him and the kids the park, hoping that he and I would at least get some time to talk but ever since we arrived he has been so focused on the kids, making me jealous of them but not in a bad way.

Now that things were line between us, I expected him to make corts to make me his woman but that doesn’t seem to be coming to his mind.

I didn’t know for how long I kept staring at Logan and the kids bit I ended up losing track.

“A penny for your thought?” I snapped out of my thoughts.

Logan was now standing in front of me with a cup of

“Thanks,” I took the cup of ice cream from his hand.

The kids were now playing with themselves,

Tice crea

He sat down beside me on the bench. “How are you feeling?”

I shrugged. “I honestly don’t know but I know happiness is a part of it.”

He sighed beside me. I’m happy, I am happy. I don’t know if that word is enough for me but I am happy. Seeing the kids and spending time with them just shows me how lucky I am to have them. I am a father. I’ve always dreamt of having g kids, with you and the feeling I get each time I spend with my kids, is amazing”

“Thank you so much, Isabel. For having them and raising them well. I want our family to be one again. I want us to start over. I want us to have a family as we have always planned” He said.

“Seeing the twins makes me happy. Seeing you makes me happy I have- we have always wanted a family. We dreamt of this day and now that we have moved past that stage, can we star a new life together?”

I expected these words from him but I didn’t think he was going to say them in a park and in a casual way.

“Don’t worry, I am going to properly ask you in the right way but want you to know now and for you to get prepared in advance because this relationship will only have to work if you still want me and I don’t want to be rejected when I do so. start getting prepared in advance.”

I swallowed the invisible lump that formed in my throat. As much as I wanted to say much, I just couldn’t, so I kept shut and let him continue speaking.

Inside of me, I was excited to hear him say that. Staring a life with him wouldn’t be bad.

“How are you feeling? I honestly wasn’t expecting you to come with us so tell me what is it that made you come out? You were scared I might take the kids and rum with them to a place you’d never be able to find us?” He teased, changing the topic as easily as ever.

“You know you wouldn’t dare or would you?” I replied, giving back the same energy.

“You didn’t give me the chance to show you that I would. You could have stayed at him and left them with me for wonders.”



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Chapter 58

He grinned lopsided.

“You can still do it you know? I mean with a little excuse that you want to go and get a thing or two, you could have used that as an opportunity to run away yet you didn’t think of that.” I shrugged.

you could have said so from the “Oh wow. You we giving me ideas on how to handle the situation better next time. I mean start and besides how do you know all of this if you aren’t doing something like that?” He asked.

“Oh well… I paused to exhale.

“I’ve found jobs for some people in the past but changed. Now that I know you have plans to kidnap my kid I’d have to keep them away from you,” I placed my palm on his shoulder.

“You don’t have to yet. I mean you have to see how good I am at my job after all you gave me tips and I haven’t used them,” he remarked.

“Hmmm. Alright. Let’s see how good you are at kidnapping” I replied.

“I’m also good at stealing stuff too. Do you want to know?” He asked.

“Why don’t you just show me instead of talking? I mean they say actions speak louder than words and I’d love to see the words over actions, don’t you think?”

“Alright then but don’t complain when you no longer find your heart inside of you.” He said.

“What do you mean by that?” It was after I said the words that I realized what he meant. He had a smug look on his face. showing how proud he was to make me confused.

“Oh wow! It seems the student is now a teacher.” I smiled.

“I wouldn’t call myself a student you know. I’m more like a teacher who just learned a thing or two from you, so do you get it now!”

“Alright.” I laughed it off.

The kids began to run towards us. Seeing them run towards us with a smile on their face made my heart feel warm.

“You know when I say seeing them makes me

Happy! Here it is. It’s how carefree they are and how happy they always are. I mean it’s contagious. It makes me happy seeing them happy and I don’t want to not feel that way.” Logan said beside him, his voice came out softly as he spoke.

That side of him wasn’t often and the fact the kids brought out that side of him made my heart warm

The kids ran towards him and they hugged him.

“Daddy, where next are we going to?” Ethan asked.

“Where next do you want to go to?” I asked.

“Anyways Daddy takes us,” Emma said in her sweet tiny voice.

“Alright. How about we play some games? But for the games you both will have to choose a team. Either mummy or daddy. team,” he said and I looked at him.

My brows furrowed. “What game?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“You will know the game,” he winked. “But for now, let the twins decide which team they want to be on. Either your team or



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11:18 Fri, May

Chapter 58

my team.” He explained making me inquisitive.

How could he say that and expect me not to worry?

“So whose team do you want to be on?” He asked them and the twins chose him.

“Daddy!” He jumped up in joy.

“Wow!” I uttered in surprise.

My twins who I raised in the past four years have betrayed me for their father.

“Oh my goodness!” I couldn’t help but say.

“Wow. It seems they both want me; now isn’t that a problem for you?” He remarked and I rolled my eyes at his statement knowing fully well that he was trying to poke me.

*So you

both have decided to be on your daddy’s team over mine? Now that’s a big betrayal.” I said

They both giggled and I glared at them but not in a mean way.

“That’s good for the both of you. You are Indeed your father’s children and I am super proud of you and because you’ve chosen me as your team partner, I have a surprise for the both of you.” He informed them and they cheered up.

“Wow, do you are now bribing the kids? I remark

“Is that jealousy I sense?” He replied.

“Jealousy?” I scoffed.

“Oh you wish it was jealousy but sadly it’s not and I know why they chose you now. I’m sure you told them in advance and that’s why you are here now. No wonder you suddenly want to play a game that sowed exist.” I stated. I spoke with no seriousness in my tone.

“And how do you know this game doesn’t exist? More like you are angry the kids are so in love with you than they are wher you but don’t she angry, I do have such natural charms and what were you expecting from them? How can they resist me?” He retorted when a proud grin on his face.

“And what’s so special about you for them not to resist! Oh come on, you flatter yourself too much. Now instead of talking about these charms of yours, why don’t you enlighten me about the game, don’t you think?” I raised my brows in a questioning manner.


“Wait.” I cut him off.

“Before you do that. I’d love to ask the kids once again who they’d love to be their partner. I mean you asked them so l

should ask them too.”

“Alright. If you say so.” He said, giving me a go-ahead.

“Babies, whose team would you love to be on? Your mom or your dad? Remember to choose wisely. So tell me. Who would you like to be with?” I asked, batting my lashes as if I wanted to give them the puppy dog eyes.

They better choose me, I said m entally.



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