Chapter 53


“I love you, Isabel. I promise to love you till


last breath. I will protect you


or what it takes. He said to me.

I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him on his lips.

He kissed me back. My man. He was mine alone and no one else

A drop of tears slipped down my cheek as I recalled that little memory of Logan and me. The past few weeks of his absence only made me miss him. I asked him to go away and he did just as told.

As he walked towards me with the bouquet with him, my heart raced faster than normal in my chest reminding me of how I used to feel for this man.

Maybe it was his absence that made me long for him. If all made sense now when they said distance makes the heart grow fonder

It was then I started to look at the decorated rooftop and how the setting had completely changed to the presence of Logan. The further he walked towards me, the more urge I felt to open my arms and hug him. He did all of this for me. I was happy about it and for a long time, I didn’t have mixed feelings towards him.

If this had happened some days after I told him to stay away, I’d feel somehow about it. I might be happy now and not be happy at the same time but now it was different and it made me glad.

He was now standing in front of me with a smile on his face. I wanted to smile back but had held myself firmly from doing


“Hi.” He spoke in a deep rich voice that made me shiver.

I’ve missed hearing his voice. For days I didn’t hear from him. What am I even saying? It was a month and it felt like three years already.

I was acting like a teenager who just saw her crush and I didn’t know how to act towards him.

“Keep it together Isabel. Keep your cool.” I m entally scolded myself.

“How are you?” I shuttered from his deep voice.

I opened my mouth to speak but ended up closing my mouth as I didn’t know what to say.

“Thanks for coming.” He said with a smile on his face before stretching the flowers for me to take.

“So the whole thing was planned by you? Getting Raymond to bring me here? I should have thought about it but I was too dumb to think so.” I finally found my voice and he smiled he response.

“I’m sorry if that offended you. I meant no harm when I made him do it. I was nervous that you might not want to come if I was the one that went to you or if you knew that I was the one who had sent him. He explained.

He thought that I was angry but I honestly I wasn’t and I loved how nervous he looked. If he had come to me directly, I might have agreed to follow him considering that I’ve missed him but it’s good he decided to do this instead it doesn’t make me look cheap.

When I said cheap, I didn’t mean it in the usual way but more like I was supposed to still be angry with him so as not to make it easy for him.



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Chapter 53

“Please don’t go. At least give me a chance tonight and let’s see how it goes, what do you think?”

I smiled in response.


“Thanks so much!” He said and I collected the flower from his hand.

“This way please,” he gestured.

I could tell that he was nervous. He did put in a lot of work in all of this and in this hotel and for me to be here. It makes me wonder what he had in mind planned for tonight.

He pulled back a seat for me to sit. Soon after he went to take a seat.

He rubbed his palmus together, an act of his he does whenever he is nervous.

He clapped his hand and some ladies dressed in uniform all walked in with food and drinks.

The ladies came and served the table. All the while they did, he stared at me and I didn’t fail to notice that. It made me nervous at the same time.

“Why do you keep staring?” I asked.

“I’m sorry that I’m staring but I couldn’t help but stare. You look so beautiful for me not to stare.” He replied and blushed.

“You are flirting.” I stated.

“That’s not flirting. I just stated a fact.” He replied making me speechless.

We ate in silence. 1 had eaten before I drove home but suddenly my stomach opened for the food and I ate it, enjoying food. As a chef, I could tell when a chef did a nice job and this chef knew how to cook because I was pleased by the food.

“I f ucked up. I know you might not want to hear it but it’s the fact and I f ucked up.” Logan began, getting my attention.

“Please don’t say anything yet.” He said as I was about to speak.

“Let me speak then you can say something.” He added.

“I wouldn’t want to explain my side of the story because it’s not needed. As much as I had my reason for whatever I did in the past, it doesn’t change the actions I took and how they affected you.”

“I made a promise to you and I should have kept it. I should have told you of what’s to happen but I only thought about how to protect you without considering how you’d feel and that was wrong of me.”

“I did what I shouldn’t have done, breaking our vows and shattering your heart. I hurt you. Left you on the day you dreamed of the most. I watched you for months speak about our wedding and your plans for it. I watched how you spoke of wanting to finally be mine and never made it happen.”

“I jilted you at the halt. Looked you in the eyes and rejected you Watched as you fainted and didn’t bother to go check on you at the hospital. As much as I’d want to tell you I wanted to, it doesn’t matter because I didn’t go regardless.”

“I could have known about the twins and helped you, but I didn’ instead I rejected you as mine.”

“I am sorry from the bottom of my heart for all the pain that I have caused you. I am sorry for shattering your heart and letting you carry our babies without being there for you as planned. I am sorry for not going to find you sooner and letting you train the kids all by yourself.”



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Chapter 53

“My sorry won’t change the past and it won’t do anything but I wanted to let you know that I feel bad for everything and if I could turn back the hands of time, I would. Please forgive me Isabel and give me a chance to show you all that I can be and to fulfill those promises I made.”

e was

All the while he spoke, he looked me in the eyes as if wanting me to see through him and I did see through him. He remorseful.

The past

is in the past and maybe it was time for me to move on

“I know you said you don’t want me close and you’ve forgiven me but need space but honestly I don’t think I can give you that. I still love you, Isabel. I have always loved you and getting over you won’t be easy for me.

“For the past four years, all I’ve ever thought of was you, nobody else. They say I saw you after a long time, I was happy and sad. Happy I found you and sad that I couldn’t go to you.”

“I love you. I want to be in your life once again but that’s only when you give me the chance. Please.” He pleaded, his eyes filled with tears.

I let out a small exhale as I looked up, refusing for a tear to drop because my eyes filled with tears.

“Please don’t say no.” He immediately added.

After some seconds of painful silence that felt like hours, I spoke up. “Four years ago was supposed to be my best year yet. That year seems to be right as I found you and you accepted met

“I was happiest that year. You were by myself. you defended me, you stood by me. You made me cry and laugh and made ne see life in another light. I would be lying if I said most of my best memories weren’t with you.”

“I looked forward to the day of our wedding. At first, the thought of marriage terrified me because I thought of all the bad things. I thought it wouldn’t happen because your father was against it but in time I became confident with your constant


“I loved you and believed in you. I noticed that you were a little distance away the day before our wedding but I thought it was just all me. It hurts having to walk down the aisle and realize you weren’t there and you know what’s worse? Having to find out you were getting married to someone else on that same day.”

“Just why? I thought to myself. A first I didn’t believe it and thought it was a prank. That same priest that was supposed to officiate our wedding went to officiate your other wedding. I refused to believe it still. You wouldn’t hurt me, I said to myself constantly but I guessed wrong”

“The worst part of it that hurts me even in my dreams, was when you looked me in the eyes and said yes to getting married to Jade.” I let out a small laugh and I recalled.

“Thank goodness those days are long gone and are now memories. I’ve healed from it Logan. I’ve moved past those days. I’m happy now. Seeing you again did reopen those wounds but I’m fine now. I was angry with you because I loved you so much but seeing all of this and your efforts and most importantly hearing the reasons behind your actions quenched all of those fire in me against you.” I explained to you.

He let out a sigh of relief. “I’m so happy. Thanks so much! You don’t know how relieved I am to hear this. So this means we are good right?” He asked.

I nodded my head, “Yes.”

“This means that I can come close to you?” He asked.

I nodded my head. “Yes.”

“This means that I can be close to the kids and I have a chance with you again?”



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Chapter 53

“Close to the kids and getting to know them? Yes and for me, we will think about that.”

“I am so relieved! You don’t know how happy I am to hear this! Thank you so much!” He sounded excited.

“Can I hug you?” He asked and I thought deeply about it.

I got off my seat and opened my arms for him, a sign that he could.

I didn’t fail to notice how happy he was as he stood up to hug me.

He held me firmly while I slowly wrapped my arms around him.

I have honestly missed his warm hug and it made me feel calm.

“Thanks so much, Isabel. Thanks for giving me a chance. I promise that I won’t make you ever regret it.” He said.

“You better don’t.” I replied.

“I love you.” He said but I said nothing in return.





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