Chapter 19 I haven’t seen Xander in days. If he is coming home at all then it’s not when I’m around. Garrett and Trip removed the cuffs after I promised that I would stay and let them protect me. I know it’s not the best. decision, but now I’m intrigued as to why my stepbrother stormed off the way he did and has yet to show his face. Living with the Kings, I’ve come to realize, two things: absolutely nothing makes sense, and being here is starting to change me. Each town has their secrets, but I think that the Kings have their own and I‘ m determined to find out what they are. The only way I can do that is by staying here, and letting them protect me, like they are all gung–ho about doing: why, I haven’t the faintest idea. Staying here, though, is playing on, not only my mental well–being, but my heartstrings as well. I’ve always considered myself a strong person when it came to having the willpower to not engage in extracurricular activities with the opposite sex. I was the good girl, with a good head on her shoulders, and wanted to wait until I found the right man in my life. The Kings, they are causing me to question all of that now. They are not the Kings of Whitehaven…no, they are the Kings of Chaos. They are the chaos in my life now and one would think that I would run and never look back, but that’s no to be. I am that moth, the one that is ready to fly right into the flame we call the Kings. “Earth to Kambree!” Paxtyn snaps her fingers in front of my face, drawing my attention from my thoughts. “Sorry, I guess I have a lot on my mind.” I take a bite of my turkey sandwich as my friend just sits and studies me. Both Garrett and Trip are more lenient with my time and allow for me 0004 16:28 1 Chapter 19 288 Vouchers to spend time with my friend during the school day as long as we don’t leave campus. Usually, one or both are lurking around at all times, but today they seem to be MIA. That in itself is odd to me and makes me wonder if their absence is due to Xander. “Xander still hasn’t come back?” Paxtyn asks, “I still can’t believe you kissed one of the Kings!” “I didn’t kiss him, he kissed me!” “But you let him and then you kissed him back, same dif.” She grins, “Hey, I’m not judging you. If anything. I’m a little jealous. Not of kissing Garrett…God no! Both him and Xander were like brothers to me. I’m talking about getting to be around them. I miss them, not so much the guys they turned into, but who they used to be.” “I think they are hiding something.” I blurt out. My friend’s eyes go wide. “You do?” “Yes, and I’m determined to find out what it is. I think it has to do with why they are the way they are.” I explain my thoughts to her. “Well, if it’s true, then I want to help, because I want my friends back.” She sighs heavily. Glancing at my watch, I quickly toss my garbage and gather my things, “Shit, I’m going to be late for class!” “Oh, em gee, it’s not like it’s life or death!” Paxtyn chuckles. “It is if the Kings are keeping track of my every move!” I don’t have time to argue with my friend, as I leave her sitting at the table gawking back at me after my last statement. “Don’t think we won’t talk about that later!” She calls after me and all I 27.384 ווו O Chapter 19 can do is lift my hand in acknowledgement. 1288 Wouchers I’m standing outside of my last class, waiting for one of the guys to meet me, so once thirty minutes have passed, I start walking back to the house. It’s not too long of a walk and it’s a nice day out. All too soon summer will fade into Autumn and the days will become cooler. I love the Fall weather, though, or at least I used to when I was free to do whatever and come and go as I pleased. My friends and I would
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always look forward to weekend bonfires and catching up on all the gossip from the week before. Not anymore, not here. It makes me wonder, though, what will the upcoming season look like with the guys? I’m only a half of block from the house when the hairs on the back of my neck begin to stand up. I stop and look at my surroundings, but there is nothing out of the ordinary. Picking up my pace, I head for the house, all the while feeling as though I’m being watched. I run up the front steps and try the door, but it’s locked, so I pound on it until one of the staff opens it for me. As soon as it opens a crack, I push through it and slam it closed, locking it back up in the process. The staff member just gawks at me as though I’ve gone crazy, but I know I’m not. Moving to the window beside the door, I carefully move the curtain aside just a hair, enough to peek through. There is nothing out of the ordinary outside but when I go to move away, a black sedan with tinted windows drives by really slowly until it gets past the house and then it takes off. I’ve been pacing back and forth for nearly an hour, waiting for the guys to come home. I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to be around the Kings as much as I do right now. I find it strange that I haven’t seen them since Trip dropped me off at the campus this morning. Now that I think back on it. He never did get out, so it’s quite possible that they weren’t at school today. That only brings me to my next question, though. If none of the Kings were in any of their classes, then where the hell were 51.21% Chapter 19 288 Nouchers they? Does Xander know that nobody kept an eye on me for the whole day? My thoughts are confusing me; living here is definitely changing me to the point that I am now beginning to feel needy. When I first arrived, I was all about being independent as usual and I would have rejoiced in being left alone, whereas now, I’m wanting my guys here with me, all three of them. Yes, I call them my guys, because they claim me as theirs, and so they are mine, no matter if they are douchebags or not. When they still haven’t shown up by the time the supper hour chimes. on the old clock in the foyer, I dial the one number that I never thought I would dial and hope to God they answer. The phone continues to ring on their end and just when I think they won’t answer and I’m going to get the voicemail, someone picks up but remains quiet. “Hello, are you there?” I don’t know why but suddenly. I have the need to see him, and I realize just how much I’ve missed him. “Xander…” his name comes out breathlessly, “I need you, please come home.” 83.40%