Something was bothering me, but I didn’t know how to ask. Or maybe I did, but I was too scared to do so as I didn’t want to be called names.

But, I decided to be bold and ask. It was one of the two, he would answer me or he would ignore me, with the latter having a ninety percent chance.
” Damien, can I ask you a question? ” I asked, drawing circles on his belly. We had just mated with each other and we’re currently lying n*ked on the bed, the blanket acting as a shield to cover us up.
He didn’t give me a response and I thought he was asleep, so I stretched to look at him but his eyes were still open.
” I thought you were asleep, ” I muttered, laying down on the bed. I didn’t know if I should still ask my question or I should just forget about it, but it was really important for me.
” What do you want to ask? ” He finally replied to me, his voice coming out as coarse. I smiled inwardly, glad that I at least got a response from him.
” We’re mates, Damien. We’ve been sleeping together for a while now, but you’ve not marked me as yours, neither have you let me do that to you. Why, if I may ask? ” I asked again, hoping he would respond to me this time.
As expected, he said nothing to me, he never said anything to me and even though I knew that was what was going to happen, it still hurt to be ignored.
He got up from the bed, not sparing me a glance and walked into the bathroom. I sat up, huffing in annoyance. He had always been like that, ignoring every question I asked, rarely talked to me and still treated me like the other Omegas in the Pack.
I knew he didn’t love me like I did love him, but I would have appreciated it if he showed me a little bit of affection and not treated me like a stranger whom he only talked to when he wanted to have s*x.
The shower turned on and I knew he was already taking his bath. I got down from the bed and put on his tee-shirt that reached my midthigh and got out of the room.
We lived together, we had been living together ever since we found we were mates a year ago, and completed the mating bond.
But till now, he had refused to mark me as his and Luna’s position was still vacant. I didn’t want to ask him about it as the last thing I wanted him to think was that I was after the position of a Luna.
I was still an Omega, even though I was the Alpha’s mate. Damien had refused to uplift my position and no matter how many times I asked, I just didn’t get a reply from him.
I looked at the time and figured he’d be done bathing by now, so I went back upstairs just to find him sitting on the bed, typing on his laptop.
I got into the bathroom and removed his clothes before getting into the shower, wondering what it would be like for Damien to accept me as his mate.
Five minutes later, I was done and I used a towel to clean my b*dy before putting on his tee-shirt again and walking out of the bathroom.
He was still working with his laptop, so I went downstairs and made him coffee, knowing that he was going to be working all night.
I placed the coffee on top of the table beside him as soon as I got back inside the room, before hopping on the bed, yawning tiredly.
” Good night, Damien, ” I muttered audibly as my eyes got heavy, but I still managed to hear him say, good night, Jane, before giving in to darkness.
That was our everyday life, the life of an Alpha and an Omega who were mated to each other by the Moon Goddess.
My eyes fluttered open and I stood up, a groan escaping my mouth. Damien wasn’t in the room anymore, though it wasn’t surprising to me.
It was six already, so I got up from bed and went into the bathroom to do my business before heading to the pack kitchen to work.
Today, I was going to the market with some ladies and I was also going to buy things I would need to cook a surprise meal for Damien this afternoon.
After breakfast, we headed out to the pack market picking the groceries that were needed. When we were done with that, I told the ladies to go back alone since I still needed to buy something for Damien.
While picking out the ingredients I would need, I bumped into something or rather someone. He was a young guy, about my age though.
” A good morning to you, my Lady, ” he greeted, but I ignored him and walked by, but he stopped me from going.
” C’mon, my Lady. I don’t bite, I just wanna talk, ” he assured and I let out a sigh before raising my head to look at him, forcing out a smile.
” Go ahead, ” I replied to him, after all he does not bite.
” My name is Stanley and I am a warrior from the Greenwood Pack. I just wanted to ask if we could hang out for a while and get to know each other really well. We can be very good friends and who knows, even something more, ” he flirted, wriggling his brows at the last part.
I scoffed at his audacity, wondering where his boldness came from. I wanted to walk away, since there was no need to give him a response, but I decided to do otherwise.
” You want us to be friends and even something more? ” I asked and he nodded, agreeing with me. ” And if you find your mate, what happens then? “.
” Well ….. we shouldn’t think that far now. I don’t think I’ll be finding my mate soon, ” he assured and I twitched my lips.
” What about me? I already have a mate and he is the Alpha of the Bluemoon Pack. What should we do about him? Should we also not think that far now? ” I snapped, slightly raising my voice at him.
On hearing what I said about being mated to an Alpha, his eyes widened in surprise and he bowed his head.
” I’m sorry, Luna. I overstepped my bounds, please forgive me, ” he apologized.
Luna? I wanted to tell him I wasn’t Luna yet, but to be called one actually felt good. Besides, telling him that would make him see me as a liar. Instead, I cleared my throat and folded my arms.
” You should actually know your target next time before trying to flirt with her. And please, wait for your mate, no matter how long she takes. She’s the only one for you, ” I said and he bowed his head again before running off.
I chuckled, a pink color creeping up to my cheeks. Being called a Luna was nice, no one had ever done that in my Pack before.
I quickly bought all I needed and headed out of the supermarket. I had to get home as fast as I could in order to make lunch for him to avoid him eating out.
As I headed to the Pack, I noticed that people were unusually staring at me. I looked at them too, but If our eyes met, some of them looked away while others gave me mean and mocking gazes.
I went to a car mirror to ch*ck for myself, but didn’t notice anything weird about my dressing nor my hair. Thinking that they were simply not minding their business, I decided to overlook it and I kept walking.
But the more I walked to the Pack, the more the stares intensified and people who looked at me were mostly members of the Bluemoon Pack, making me more uncomfortable than I already was.
I inwardly prayed to the Moon Goddess to prevent me from tripping and landing face flat on the floor as that would be so embarrassing, so I walked slowly until I finally got inside the Pack.
Surprisingly, the Pack was empty, there wasn’t a single person walking around. It was as if everyone had run away from there, not even kids were playing.
That got me confused and bothered, because it was a weekend and almost everyone was at home, including parents and children.
Someone slapped my back and I yelped and turned to look at who did that, only to find an old woman glaring at me.
” What was that for? ” I asked, trying to rub my back but my hands were unable to reach there.
” Why are you here when you should be in the hall? ” She asked and I creased my brow, not understanding what she was talking about.
” The hall? Are we celebrating something? ” I asked her. There was no way a celebration would be going on that I wouldn’t be informed about it.
” You weren’t told? Today is the coronation of the new Luna of the Bluemoon Pack and Alpha Damien has ordered everyone to be in the hall, ” she announced and I dropped the bag of groceries I was holding as I froze and stared at her with wide eyes.
” What do you mean by the coronation of the new Luna? ” I asked her again. I was Damien’s mate, why would there be a new Luna?
” The Luna of the Bluemoon Pack will be crowned today. Everyone has gathered in the hall, waiting for the commencement of the ceremony, ” she elaborated and I chuckled, thinking she was mistaken. Damien and I were together throughout yesterday, he didn’t make mention of any ceremony and he also hadn’t marked me yet.
” Come see for yourself, everyone is in the hall, ” she announced and began to walk away while I followed her.
We got to the front of the hall and I began to hear sounds and music coming from inside. My breaths quickened as the old woman opened the door and I froze in my position unable to move.
I had just been rejected without being rejected.