Blood red love 

Charlie walked next to Vidar. Bishop and Smith flanked them and Vidar’s parents lead the way. They stuck to back streets and tried to stay in the dark. The way they looked would; them noticed. They came to the back door of a rundown hotel in the outskirts of the city and walked inside. The place was packed full of vampires that all wanted to know what had happened. 
“I’ll take care of this. You take care of him,” Jun said, looking at Caine that was still hanging over Vidar’s shoulder. Vidar nodded and Charlie followed him as he walked further inside the hotel. 
“If you want I can show you to a room and you can freshen up,” Vidar’s mother offered Charlie. 
“No, thank you. I need to make sure Caine and Vidar are okay,” she told the woman. Vidar’s mother smiled and nodded. This time there was warmth in her smile. 
“I’ll send the healer over,” Nasir said to them as they walked past. 
“Thank you,” Charlie said. Vidar walked like he knew the place and where he was headed. Charlie followed and hurried in front of him when she saw which door he was aiming for. She opened the door for him. The room inside looked like it hadn’t been renovated since the early nineteen sixties. But it looked clean. A queen size bed stood against a wall and an old desk against another. Vidar walked up to the bed and Charlie hurried over to help him place Caine. on it. They tried to be gentle and placed him on his stomach. Charlie once again saw the mangled mess that was Caine’s back and a sob escaped her. Vidar drew her into a tight hug. When he let her go, he lifted her arms, let his hand run over her head and turned her around. “What are you doing?” she asked. 
“Making sure you are okay,” he said. 
“I’m fine. I’m mostly fine,” she told him and he hugged her again. 
“I have never been so terrified in my life. I thought I would lose you,” he whispered into her hair. All Charlie could do was to nod and cling to him. A knock on the door made them break 
apart. A teenage boy stood outside. Charlie scrunched her nose. He smelled of something that 
made her nose tingle. “Thank you for coming, he’s on the bed,” Vidar told the boy. The boy nodded and walked over 
to Caine. 
“What is that smell?‘ Charlie linked Vidar as she rubbed her nose. He smiled at her. 
‘Magic, he’s a witch,‘ he told her. Charlie looked at the boy as he examined Caine. 
“It’s not good. He has silver in his wounds and something stopped him from healing when he got the injuries,” he told them. 
“The drone had a talisman that suppressed magic,” Vidar said. Charlie looked at him in surprise. 
“That explains it. It was destroyed in the explosion I presume,” the teenager said. 
“Give me five minutes.” Charlie and Vidar watched him work. He removed the debris from Caine’s wounds and covered his back in something that looked like clear slime. From thin air, bandages appeared and wrapped around Caine. “He has lost a lot of blood and has a severe case of silver poisoning. But he looks strong and he is fighting so I think he will make it,” the witch said as he turned toward them. 
“Thank you,” Charlie said. 
“Just keep him in bed for a week or so and it will be fine.” 
“We’ll make sure he behaves,” Vidar promised. As the teenager left, they walked over to Caine and Charlie smooth his hair down. 
“The chopper will be here any moment,” Vidar told her. She tensed up. 
“You are still insisting I go home?” she asked. 
“You need to make sure Caine is safe. Bishop and Smith will go with you,” he told her.. 
“And you will stay behind.” It wasn’t a question. 
“I will join the others and we will deal with this once and for all. We may have been able to cover this up. But if this continues, the humans will take notice,” he told her. She nodded, Charlie knew he was right. 
“I need you to come back to me. I am enjoying life with you too much to face it without you,” she told him. 
“I will do everything in my power to return to you, my love. I have so much I need to show. you, so much I want to experience with you. Don’t worry too much about me or the others. We will have each other’s backs. Make sure Caine doesn’t do anything stupid when he wakes up and I’ll be back home before you know it,” he promised her. They k*ssed and Charlie desperately wanted the k*ss to last forever. Vidar pulled away and k*ssed her forehead. He walked over to the bed and tried to lift Caine as gently as he could. Charlie bpened the door and saw the rest of the clan standing outside. 
“How is he?” Liwei asked. 
“He will live,” Charlie told them. They all looked relieved and nodded. They heard the sound of the helicopter and it was getting closer. 
“Look after him and yourself, Charlie,” Adisa said, giving her a hug. 
“We will look after Vidar for you,” Henry promised as he hugged her. 
“We won’t be too 
far behind you, Charey,” Nasir tried. Charlie chuckled and shook her head. “I will get it right one day,” he added. 
“As soon as I get back we will start the training,” Liwei told her and Charlie nodded. 
“Don’t forget about us, little one,” Jun said as the last one to give her a hug. 
“Never,” Charlie told them all. “And you better come back in one piece, or I will get really pissed,” she added. They smiled and nodded. Together they walked out to the front of the building. There was a large parking lot to the side of the hotel. The helicopter had landed there and was idling. The two gargoyles stood waiting for them. 
“I’m trusting both of their safety to you,” Vidar told Bishop as he helped Vidar get Cain into the middle seat in the back of the helicopter. 
“We will beon 
will keep them safe,” Bishop said. 
“I will arrange a healer to come to the apartment when you have landed. Don’t forget to text your brother and let him know you are coming home,” Vidar told Charlie as he got out. 
“I will. Please let me know before you go after them so I know when to start to worry,” she told him as he gave her a hug. He k*ssed her and looked at her. 
“Won’t it make it worse?” he asked. Charlie shook her head. 
“If you don’t I will just worry all the time,” she told him. 
“I will let you know then. I love you Charlie.” 
“I love you too, Vidar,” she told him and climbed in to sit next to the unconscious Caine. Vidar made sure she was strapped in and put her headphones on her while the two gargoyles made their way into the helicopter. One on the other side of Caine and the other next to the pilot. Charlie wondered for a second if the helicopter would be able to lift off with their. massive weight. 
“I love you, lilla lo, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me,‘ Vidar linked her as the helicopter took off. 
‘Just come back home and I will tell you the same,‘ she linked back and tried to keep her eyes on him as long as she could. But the helicopter turned in a way which made it impossible. Charlie took out her phone and opened the family chat. 
C: Caine was hurt so I’m coming home with him. 
H: Are you okay? 
T: What about Vidar? 
C: I’m fine, I’ll be there in about two hours. Vidar is fine as well, he’s staying. 
T: We will wait up for you. 
H: Do we need to do something? Call someone? 
C: Thank you, I love both of you. No need to do anything. If the door man calls up to say the healer has arrived, you can tell them to wait if I’m not there yet. 
H: We’ll take care of it. Don’t worry. 
T: Just get back safe and we love you too little sister. 
Charlie looked at her phone and smiled. At least she wouldn’t be alone when she got home. She was grateful Huxton and Tyson would be there, it would have been horrible if she had been all by herself trying to not worry herself to pieces. Charlie reached over and took Caine’s hand in hers. She hoped he knew he wasn’t alone either. They left Vegas behind them and 
Charlie thought about the two times she had been there. Both had ended in disaster. She felt 
like she was done with the place, she would be happy with not going back for at least a couple of lifetimes. Then she realised that she might just have that much time and it could end up being a reality. She shook her head, the thought gave her the same feeling in her stomach as she got when she looked down from a great height. 
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