Blood red love 

The villa in the upper–class neighbourhood was quiet and dark. It was easy for Vidar to climb up to the balcony and the slightly open door. People got careless when they lived in a gated community, especially when they had two massive Pitbulls roaming freely in the yard. The dogs had scented Vidar long before he made 
his way onto the property. They had stayed hidden in their kennels. They knew who the apex predator was, and they made sure to stay clear of him. Vidar stepped into the dark room, his eyes adjusted and he saw the big bed with a n*ked man and woman. The woman slept as far away from the passed out man that she possibly could. The man was lying on his stomach, flashing his n*ked pale ass at Vidar. It was a sight Vidar could have done without. He silently walked over to the woman and put his hand over her mouth. She awoke with a fright and tried to get out of his hold. 
“Don’t struggle. Take your dress and get out. Don’t tell anyone that you were here today,” he whispered to her and put a wrinkled dress in her hands. She nodded against his hand and he released her. She shot out of bed and pulled her dress on. The woman was out of the bedroom before it had covered her b*dy and out of the house before she could zip it. Now Vidar could deal with what he actually had come for. He moved to a dresser where several knick knacks decorated the top. Vidar nudged a figure portraying a pink cat off the dresser. The art–world would thank him, he thought as it hit the floor and shattered. The man on the bed grunted and moved, but didn’t wake up. For fuck’s sake, Vida thought and nudged two more animal. porcelain figures off the dresser. It made the man reach under his pillow, pull out a gun, and jump out of bed. 
“Who the fuck are you?” he hissed as he tried to make out Vidar’s facial features in the dark. 
“I’m the man that you will tell everything you know about Millard’s plan to,” Vidar said. There came a dry laugh from the n*ked man in front of him. 
“Look, I don’t know who you are or what you are talking about, but it’s time you get the fuck out of my house,” the man said, raising his gun, pointing it straight at Vidar. Vidar scoffed. 
“That thing won’t help you,” he informed his pray and took a step towards him. The gun was fired and Vidar stepped to the side. He didn’t care if the bullet hit him, it would be a slight inconvenience, but Charlie would be upset if he came home with a ch*st wound. The bullet grazed Vidar’s arm, and to his surprise, it stung. “Clever little thing, using ice magic on your 
bullets,” he hissed. 
“What the fuck are you talking about, magic? Are you high?” the man began to look. uncertain, no longer confident he had a handle of the situation. 
“Interesting. Millard gave you special bullets, but didn’t tell you what they were or why.” Vidar concluded. 
“They are special armour piercing bullets, okay? He said we should be prepared because the people we were going up against had b*dy armour.” Vidar laughed. He had to give it to Millard. He was creative. 
“Let me tell you the truth, my friend. Do you know who you are going up against?” he asked. 
“Some local thugs thinking they have a chance in this city.” 
“And if I were to tell you, my name is Vidar Grim,” Vidar told him and watched him go pale as 
a sheet. 
“No, no. That can’t be, he told me the targets were small time wannabes. Mr Grim, if I had 
known, I would have never. I promise you, I would never have promised my men to him if I knew he was going after you,” the man stuttered, falling to his knees, the gun scattered to the 
“What is his plan? What are you to assist him with?” Vidar asked. 
“I don’t know, I swear I don’t. We made a deal. He is to supply us with guns and drugs and in return we will assist him with manpower. I don’t know where we will strike in advance. He provides us with the special bullets and then he sends me a text with a time and location and we go there.” 
“Where is your phone?” 
“On the nightstand, you can have it. I don’t need it. Please take it.” Vidar scoffed as if he needed the man’s permission. He took the phone. 
“What is the password?” 
“Secret password, capital S and P.” Vidar chuckled as he entered it and the phone unlocked. 
“Thank you,” he said as he put the phone in his pocket. 
“Will you let me go now? I have told you everything I know, I promise,” the man begged. 
“No, not yet. I haven’t told you everything yet. Don’t you want to know why I’m really here?” 
Vidar asked. 
“Sure you do, Matt Bucanon. I think you need to know everything. Did you know, Matt, there are things in the night that most people don’t know exists? Things like werewolves, witches and … vampires?” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“You don’t believe me? I don’t blame you, we have made an effort to keep ourself hidden from humans.” 
“Sure, whatever you say, man,” Matt stammered. He was a pathetic excuse for a man, even for being human. 
“I don’t think you believe me, Matt. What can I do to change your mind?” 
“I–I do believe you, Mr Grim.” Vidar smiled and as he did, he let his vampire teeth show. Matt looked at him with pure terror and tried to move backwards, hitting the wall hard. 
“Now I think you believe me, don’t you Matt?” Vidar didn’t get a reply, just a whimper. “There we go, much better. You see, Matt, I’m not really here because of Millard. Sure, he’s an annoying fuck, but you, Matt, you are why I’m really here. You and your sister.” 
“Yes, Rose. You see, Matt, we vampires have one, what you would call, soulmate. Do you know who my soulmate is?” Vidar asked. 
“f**k no. Don’t be disgusting, Matt. I would end myself before being bound to that creature, No, Matt, my soulmate is Charlie, Charmeze. I think you know her?” 
“Yes,” Matt confirmed in a weak voice. 
“Do you know what she told me, Matt? Charlie told me that when you would visit the bitch of a sister of yours, you would put your hands on Charlie against her will. Is that true, Matt?” 
“N–no. I would never, I swear, I never touched her,” Matt hurriedly answered. 
“Are you saying Charlie is a lier?” Vidar growled. Matt froze at the growl. Like a prey getting caught in the headlights. (2) 
“No, Mr Grim. I would never call her that,” Matt whispered. 
“Then you did touch her?” 
“Maybe, but nothing too serious, a light touch at the most,” Matt hurriedly told Vidar. 
“You and your sister are vile people. But that won’t be a problem for much longer, not for you at least. No wife, no girlfriend, no children. Will anyone else but your sister even mourn when. you are gone?” Vidar asked as he crunched down in front of Matt. 
“Are you going to eat me?” Vidar laughed a hard, disdainful laugh. 
“I haven’t tasted blood from a living source in over a century. I’m sure as hell not going to put the filth that runs through your veins in my mouth,” Vidar told him. 
“Oh, right, good,” Matt said. He looked relieved. Vidar’s smile turned into a predatory snarl and he plunged his hand into Matt’s chest. He closed his hand around Matt’s heart as he looked the man in the eyes. 
“No one touches what is mine. No one makes her feel the way you made her feel. Charlie is mine and I will not let scum like you walk the same earth as her,” Vidar whispered as Matt started coughing up blood and stared back at Vidar with huge eyes. Matt was struggling with 
understanding what had happened. Vidar clamped down on the man’s heart and slowly. 
squeezed it as he saw the life drain from Matt’s eyes. Then he withdrew his hand and stood up. He had made a mess, but it had to be done. Vidar picked up the corner of the bedsheet and wiped his hand clean best as he could. He walked downstairs and out into the backyard. As he came to the dog kennels, he heard the whimpering dogs inside. With a growl, he made. them leave their shelter, and he saw how skinny they both were. A smile spread across his face as he herded them inside the house and made sure they ran up the stairs. When he heard the first sound of tearing flesh, he turned around and left the house and the neighbourhood. His mission was done. He could finally head home. 
Vidar quietly walked into the apartment and stopped inside the door and listened. He could hear Charlie’s deep breathing from the bedroom and he smiled. Before he could join her, he needed to clean up. He went into the kitchen and started scrubbing his hands. 
Bloody hands?” Caine asked. 
“He touched her,” Vidar said. Caine hummed in agreement. Vidar dried his hands and took out Matt’s phone and tossed it onto the counter. “Millard will send instructions on where he will strike next to that. My guess is one of the sites where we keep drugs or weapons. I’ll ask the others to be prepared,” he told Caine as he pulled off his t–shirt to inspect the wound on his arm. It was superficial, just a streak of red across his bicep. But it stung. 
“Silver?” Caine asked, sounding surprised. 
“Ice magic bullets. Millard have given them to Matt. Told him it was armour piercing rounds,” Vidar explained. 
“Good to know.” 
“We won’t tell Charlie about this, agreed?” Vidar asked. 
“Agreed,” Caine said. 
“Not agreed.” Both Vidar and Caine spun around and looked at Charlie, standing a few feet 
behind them. How the hell had she managed to sneak up on both of them?