Blood red love 

Charlie was in a good mood as the car drove through the city. Vidar was driving, nd she was looking out the window, lazily studying the people they drove by. It was a nice day, perfect for a trip to the farmers‘ market. They had decided on the menu over breakfast and Vidar had suggested they make a day out of it. As he helped her out of the car, she knew he would have men posted all over the market, even if she wouldn’t see them. She didn’t need all the men to feel safe. She had Vidar by her side and it made her feel almost invincible. 
“How about we take a stroll and pick out our lunch and then we can eat and do the shopping 
for dinner?” he asked. 
“I like that idea,” she told him. They walked between the stalls. It was just as much fun as their first time there. They picked out cheese, bread, some cured meat, fruit and some jam, along with apple juice. Vidar had brought a basket with a blanket and some cutlery and glasses. When they were happy with the selection, Vidar led her over to the park that was next to the market and found a sunny spot with a view of the market and the river. They put down the blanket and sat down. Vidar tugged her to him, making her lean her back against. his front as they unpacked and started eating. Everything was perfect according to Charlie. they took their time, munching on their food, talking, watching the people that were walking. in the park or in the market. It was what she always had dreamed a date would be, but after. being 
disappointed more times than she could count, had thought only existed in movies and books. “I feel really happy,” she told him. He gave her a brilliant smile. 
“So do I. This is how I would like to spend every day,” he said and k*ssed her. It was a soft, romantic k*ss that fitted into the moment. 
‘Charmeze?” The voice made Charlie tense up and for a moment, she entertained the thought of moving some place where no one knew her. The city should be big enough that she wouldn’t run into people she knew every time she ventured outside. Apparently, it wasn’t as big as she thought. Vidar tensed and drew her closer as he felt her reaction. They both looked. up in the direction of the sound. Charlie didn’t need to look who it was. There was only one person that insisted on using Charlie’s full name. Sure enough, on the walk path, her father stood with Rose. 
“Say the word and they will be escorted away,” Vidar told her. Charlie looked up at him and smiled. He really was her knight in shining armour. 
“It’s okay. They probably won’t come over. We’ll just wave and be pleasant,” she said. She turned around to do just that and saw her father and Rose walking towards them. One perfect day was too much to hope for, she thought as she put her work smile in place. 
“Father, Rose. How nice to see you,” she said as they came to a stop by the blanket. 
“Charlie,” her father greeted her. Charlie could see both her father and Rose looking at Vidar and then looked at her, expecting an introduction. Her father had, of course, already met him, but they hadn’t been introduced. 
“So, Charmeze, is this the man your brother has been telling us you have been seeing?” Rose 
“It is,” she said, and then she introduced Vidar to her father and his wife. 
“Vidar Grim, as the owner of Grim INC?” Rose asked with a honey sweet voice. 
“That’s correct,” Vidar said in a cold but polite tone. 
“Oh, and your are seeing our Charmeze? How… quaint,” Rose gushed, still holding her fake 
smile on her face. Charlie’s father remained silent. “You should come over for a family dinner. 
We’ll invite Huxton and his family as well. It’s been too long since we all got together,” she added. Charlie was so stunned it took her a while to comprehend what her stepmother had 
said. Rose had never voluntarily invited Charlie into her home. 
“I don’t think we will be able to attend,” she told Rose. 
“Now, Charmeze, how would you know? I haven’t given you a date yet. Honestly, she isn’t the cleverest person. How you put up with it is beyond me. You must be a saint,” Rose countered, the last part directed to Vidar. Charlie could feel his outrage on her behalf. His b*dy tensed and Charlie was sure he got ready to stand up. She took his hand and intertwined their fingers. 
“You must not know Charlie very well. My head of IT can’t stop talking about how brilliant she is and I have to agree. And I don’t put up with her. It’s my honour to have her as my partner. And as Charlie said, we won’t be able to attend your dinner, we are fully booked for social events,” Vidar said and k*ssed Charlie on the cheek. It was amazing what a difference 
having him by her side made. Charlie didn’t feel the overpowering urge to be better, or bet someone else in her father’s presence. Neither did Rose’s comments get to her. They washed over her like water off a goose. 
“Thank you for thinking of us and for coming over to say hello. I hope you have a pleasant day,” Charlie told her father and Rose. She then turned to Vidar to drive the point home. They 
had been dismissed. 
“Charlie, can I have a word? We haven’t talked in a long while. I just want to make sure you are okay,” her father insisted, not getting her point. 
“As I told you the last time we met, Mr Maynard, it would be best for you to leave. Please know that Charlie is always safe as me and my men are never far away from her. Even as we speak, a simple rod from me or her would have the two of you surrounded and forcefully removed. I don’t think any of us want such an end to a lovely day,” Vidar said before Charlie could respond. There was a stunned silence, and then her father escorted his wife away. “Are you okay?” Vidar asked as he put a finger under her chin to make sure she looked at him. 
“I am. Thank you,” she told him and gave him a smile. He smiled back at her. 
“Anytime. I need to stop taking you out on the town. We only run into people we don’t want to meet.” Charlie giggled and k*ssed him. 
“I think we can be brave and continue our excursions. As long as I have you, and your invisible men, I don’t care who we meet,” she said. Then she paused and looked at him. “Your men aren’t really invisible, are they?” she whispered, looking around them. Vidar laughed until he had tears in his eyes. 
“No, baby, my men are not invisible. They are just skilled at hiding in plain sight,” he told her, and then he laughed some more. 
“It wasn’t that funny. I mean, it wouldn’t have been the strangest thing you have told me lately,” Charlie pointed out. 
“I guess not,” he agreed. They remained in the spot for a while longer, enjoying the midday sun. Eventually, they packed their things into the basket and went to buy the things they needed for their dinner party. 
They arrived home with time to cook and get ready for the evening. As Vidar was the cook between the two of them, Charlie took on the role as his assistant. She helped him peal and chop and stir. For once, she was having fun while cooking. They were talking and laughing and Vidar kept giving her samples to taste. When most of the food was done, Vidar sent her to take a shower and get ready. When she got back, she sent him to do the same as she set the table and kept an eye on the food. As Vidar walked into the kitchen, wearing one of his suits and looking S*xy as usual. Charlie walked up to him and gave him a long k*ss. 
“Thank you for a wonderful day. It was just what I needed,” she said. 
“Thank you, lilla lo. You made my day. No nerves about this evening? You are introducing your friend to two vampires?” he asked. 
“I’m not worried: Despite my first impression of him, I trust Henry and I trust he can keep his manager under control as well. And if it comes to it, Lilly is a badass, she can handle most. things,” Charlie told him and smiled. 
“Good, then we will just relax and enjoy the evening.” 
Sounds like a good plan. You do realise this is the first time we meld our friend’s group together? It’s a big step,” she pointed out. 
“You are right. It’s a first for me,” he told her. For some reason, it felt nice to hear that Charlie could claim a first from him and she decided she would claim more of them as they moved forward.