“Charlie? Is something wrong? You only call me at this hour if something is wrong,” Charlie’s brother answered. 

“No. I’m fine, Vidar’s fine. We are fine. Huxton, has James called?” She heard a deep sigh coming from the other end. 
“He tried to call me this morning, but I didn’t pick up,” Huxton said. 
“Call him back, please.” 
“No, Huxton. He has been your best friend for most of your life. He has been a good friend to me as well in the past. All of that doesn’t go away just because he is being an asshole now. He has made a string of bad decisions. But you know just as well that I do that he is alone right now. He doesn’t have anyone else. He needs you, and it’s okay for you to be there for him. I don’t mind, not at all. You are not betraying me by helping him,” Charlie told her 
“How does Vidar feel about it?” The question surprised Charlie, but it made her smile. 
“Vidar agrees with me.” 
“He does? Well then. If I do this, I need to create some distance from Vidar,” he told her. 
“And from me,” she said. 
“Yes,” he agreed with a sigh. “And with you.” 
“It’s okay. I understand. Let’s hope it will be a quick trial and then things can get back to normal. Just call him and talk to him. I love you, big brother.” 
“I love you too, Charlie. Tell that man of yours he better look after you or I and Ty will kick his ass.” 
“I will. Give my love to Tyson and the angels.” As they ended the call, Charlie felt empty. She knew it needed to be done, but she hated knowing she would have to build a wall between herself and her brother. Even if it was temporary. 
“Are you sure about this? I hate that all of this cause you pain,” Vidar told her and snuggled into her n*ck with his nose. 
“It’s fine. It’s only until this thing is over. Maybe my brother can talk some sense into James and he will accept a plea deal.” 
“Maybe,” Vidar agreed, but Charlie could tell he didn’t think it was likely. “Tell me what would get you in a better mood.” 
“Getting lost in one of my games usually does the trick. Want to join me?” she asked. Charlie felt like she should want to spend all her time with Vidar, and she did. But it had been a while since she got lost in one of her online games and she missed it. 
“Then I think you should do that for a couple of hours. And as nice as it was to offer, I think I will pass.” 
“And you’re not upset with me?” she asked. 
“No. It’s healthy to have your own interests, even in a relationship. I don’t expect you to bet where ever I am or do whatever I do,” he said. 
“This from the man that I have to threaten to get out of the door to work from his actual 
office,” she said, giggling. 
“Well, that is different. At least I know you are safe inside our apartment when you play your games,” he told her. Charlie sat up and turned towards him. 
“How can someone so old and so terrifying be so cute?” she said, k*ssing his nose. He 
“I’m not that old. And don’t call me cute. 
“Vidar, anyone that was alive when vikings sailed the seas is old. And I can’t help that your 
are cute, it’s just a fact,” she insisted and got up and skipped down the steps and headed 
towards her office. 
“I am not cute.” She heard Vidar bellow from upstairs and she laughed. He had a way to lift her mood that she was grateful for. She made herself comfortable in her new chair and turned on her computer. Soon she was deep in a dungeon crawl and her focus was on the game. She didn’t even notice Vidar until he put down a plate of danishes and a mug of hot chocolate, k*ssed her hair and walked away. As the party took a couple of minutes to recuperate between dungeons, Charlie took a bite out of the danishes and moaned at the still warm baked goods. They were freshly made and the buttery taste was balanced by raspberry jam. She had the best boyfriend in the world and if anyone tried to take him from Charlie, she would show them just how terrifying a small human could be. 
A couple of hours later, Charlie logged off after getting some pretty good loot out of her evening. The apartment was quiet, and she headed towards the kitchen to track her boyfriend down. She found Vidar sitting on the couch with a book. He looked relaxed and S*xier than 
any man had the right to do. She felt her b*dy react like it always did. The room was almost dart, the only light was a small lamp in a corner and the moonlight mixed with the city lights 
coming from the large windows. But Vidar didn’t even squint as he read. He must have sensed 
her presence and looked up. A smile broke the tranquillity of his face, and Charlie smiled back as she walked up to him. She took the opportunity to k*ss him on top of his head as she, for once, was taller as she stood beside him. 
“Don’t stop on the count of me. I just came to tell you I have re–entered the real world and to say thank you for the snack. It was delicious. Did you really bake?” she asked. 
“I did, and I’m happy you liked it. You play games to relax. I spend time in the kitchen,” he 
told her. 
I am grateful that you spoil me. Continue reading. I’m going to put my dishes. 
“Thank you. I am 
“You can just put them in the sink and I’ll take care of them in the morning. Why don’t you. join me for a little bit before we head to bed?” Charlie couldn’t resist an offer like that. She hurried to deposit the dishes in the kitchen and then curled up on the couch, leaning against Vidar with his arm around her. She opened the e–book she was reading on her phone and started reading. “Is the light from my phone irritating you?” she asked as she realised the room had a new light source. 
“No. My night sight is excellent. It doesn’t make any difference as long as there is some light, it’s like it’s daylight,” he told her. 
“Okay. You have to let me know if my devices irritate you. I know you like going the analogue route.” Vidar chuckled and k*ssed her temple. 
“I promise. But I don’t mind. I like having all your gadgets around, it forces me into the digital age. I need it.” 
“It has to be strange to have to get used to using all these devices.” 
“A little. The technology is moving forward at a faster pace than ever before. But I have seen some big achievements in my time. The book press, the idea the sun was the centre of our solar system, the steam engine. When I was younger, I asked my parents when humans would finally be happy with what they had achieved and stop making new things up. They told me that wasn’t going to happen. They explained that humans are smart and lazy and it is the perfect mix for chaos. Humans want to do as little as possible and they find a way to use technology to make that dream come true.” 
“Smart and lazy?” Charlie thought about it. “I think I can live with that explanation,” she agreed. 
“Don’t take it too seriously,” Vidar said with a smile. They continued reading for a while longer. When Charlie tried to hide her second yawn, Vidar closed his book. “Time for bed, I think,” he said. 
“You can stay up if you want to continue reading, but the excitement of the day, the sauna and then the raiding have sucked all the energy out of me,” she told him. 
“There is no way I’m letting you go to bed by yourself.” Vidar closed his book and together they got ready and got comfortable in the bed. In some ways, it felt like Charlie had always snuggled into Vidar, finding the position that felt perfect. In other ways, she still had a hard time believing she was in a relationship with someone that she loved and that loved her back. and didn’t have a problem showing it. It was new to her.