Chapter 338 Dance for Me 
The high school she attended was one of the best in the city, and many wealthy families sent their children there. It was a so–called “elite school“. Emelle got in due to her outstanding grades. 
With so many rich kids around, their school life was naturally quite lavish. One day a wealthy boy would donate a batch of sports equipment, and the next day a rich girl would upgrade the planes in the music room. 
For a while, someone even treated the entire school to afternoon tea every day, featuring well–known brand desserts. Emelie gained a few pounds from all the treats. 
Compared to the other stuff, Emelie genuinely appreciated the food the most. They had lunch early and finished school late, so they were really hungry around four or five in the 
But she couldn’t remember who had sponsored it 
“What are you thinking about?” William looked back at her. “Get in the car already” 
Emelie snapped back to reality. She then entered the car and closed the door. This time, they were headed to the hotel 

Both of them kept silent until they neared the hotel. William finally spoke, “Don’t think a single meal is enough to repay all the favors I’ve done for you.” 
Seeing she couldn’t brush him off, Emelie asked, “What do you want then?” 
Instead of answering, William asked, “Why did you stop dancing? Didn’t you take classes? 
She had indeed taken lessons 
Back then, the Hovens was well–off, and her parents were willing to spend money on their three daughters hobbies. Emelie had chosen classical dance 
Not hearing a response, William mocked, “Was it because Wesley left?* 
Emelie was taken aback and looked at him. 
Even in the cold Weston winter, his gare felt colder. “You said you’d stop dancing if he wasn’t around. Isn’t that what you said?” 
If anyone else had said this, Emelie might have suspected they had feelings for her. After all, the person was stalking her. 
But with William, she felt he was more focused on Wesley. 

Back in Wistour City, she had already sensed William’s strong hostility toward Wesley. She hadn’t realized it was so serious that even a minor detail about Wesley couldn’t escape his notice. 
She paused and explained, “I had to focus on my studies in my second and third years of high school, so I didn’t have time to continue. Then I went to college out of town and didn’t have the opportunity. Later, my family faced troubles, and I started working at cloudex Corporation. I had even less time. Hence, I just somehow gave up.” 
Emelie seemed to be denying that she quit dancing because of Wesley. But still, she didn’t admit that it had nothing to do with him. 
She was playing word games. 
William removed his be with a hint of irritation in his eyes. Emelle complained about him having too many women, but he thought about the men around her, Samuel, Charles, and 
As the car entered a tunnel and the interior darkened, William asked, “Can you still dance?” 
“Why do you ask, Mr.Middleton? Emelle was confused 
William answered, “If you truly went to thank me, I should be able to choose my repayment.” 
Emelie expected him to say something like “Date me.” 
But that didn’t seem to be his intention. Instead, he said, “Dance for me” 
Emelie was taken aback. “Dance?” 
William chuckled lightly “I’m not asking you to dance on a table. What are you afraid of?” 
It wasn’t tear but rather the unexpectedness of his request. 
She hadn’t danced in years and wasn’t eager to agree. 
But Willam was a master at exploiting situations. If she refused, who knew what other demands he might make? Besides, if she didn’t agree, he’d have more reason to bother her. 
Emelie bit her tongue lightly. “When?” 
“This weekend” 
Just as she agreed, the car emerged from the tunnel. The orange streetlights stretched endlessly into the distance. 
Soon, they arrived at the hotel. Emelle opened the door and got out. She quickly headed inside without waiting for Willsam 
When she reached the elevator, she glanced back, but William was nowhere to be seen. 
She wondered if he had left.