Chapter 463 
“Mrs. Carter, my son is ten years old and urgently needs a kidney transplant! His kidneys are failing, and he has been on dialysis for a long time. It’s sad to see such a young child suffer. Could you take pity on us and sign the consent form?” another said. 

“Yes, Mrs. Carter. My husband is the provider of om family. Since he fell ill, our whole family has fallen apart!” 
A group of people had surrounded Rosalic. They all seemed to be family members of the patients. Though they were saying sorrowful words, their demeanor was quite menacing. 
They surrounded Rosalie, taking turns to emotionally blackmail her. 
“Move aside! Move aside!” Rosalie tried to leave, but she was blocked by the crowd. 
“Mrs. Carter, if you were in our position, you would be just as anxious!” they persisted. 
“Exactly! My son is only ten years old! He still has a bright future, while your husband is on the verge of death.” 
“Mrs. Carter, please do us a favor and agree! If you sign, your husband could save many lives.” 
“So many people are waiting for your husband to save them. Hurry up and sign! My son can’t wait much longer!” 
Rosalie felt her head throbbing. “Enough! Stop talking! Who told you I’m the donor’s family member? Who told you that?” 
The people exchanged looks, but didn’t answer her question. “It doesn’t matter who told us. What matters is your husband is on the verge of dying. Why are you holding on to a zombie? You’re still young! You can find someone else after he dies!” 
“Yeah! Why be so stubborn? My son is only ten years old, the poor 
+15 BONUS 
thing. Take pity on him and sign the papers now, and he can have the surgery right away! Once he’s better, I’ll definitely bring him to visit your husband at his grave.” 
“Shut up! Stop talking!” Rosalie yelled in anger. “Stop bothering me! Let me go!” 
“How can you be so heartless?” one woman screamed. “You’re so selfish! Your husband is beyond saving, but so many people are waiting for his organs. Why won’t you sign? You’re so selfish!” 
“Exactly! You’re incredibly selfish and lack any sense of morality!” 
“Her ten–year–old needs the organ! How can you be so cruel?” 
“Your husband can’t be saved, but you’re still dragging this out. Once his organs fail, they’ll be useless! How can you be so unreasonable?” 
“One person’s life can save so many others! It’s such a simple calculation! How can you not understand?” 
Yvonne saw Rosalie surrounded by a group of people when she came back with the food. She ran over at once, placed the food aside, and demanded, “What’s going on?” 
Squeezing into the crowd, she took Rosalie by the arm and pulled the latter away. 
“Rose, are you okay?” she asked, concerned. 
Rosalie nodded. “I’m fine. I just want to leave.” 
Yvonne wanted to take her away, but they were blocked by the crowd. From their comments, she could tell that these people were family members of patients waiting for organ transplants. 
She couldn’t understand how they had found their way here. This was clearly a form of coercion! 
“Get out of the way! My brother is not obligated to donate his organs! You’re the ones being vicious by forcing my sister–in–law like this!” she snarled at them.. 
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“We’ll handle this, Mr. Jackson,” the police officer said politely. 
The police officers went to apprehend all those who were harassing Rosalie and Yvonne. No matter how much they struggled, it was to no avail. They were quickly taken away by the police amidst their 
struggles and screams. 
Finally, it was quiet. 
“Uncle!” Yvonne stepped forward and hugged him. “You’re back!” 
Yvonne had called Christopher early in the morning, but he was out of town. Upon receiving the news, he rushed back immediately. As a precaution, brought the police to handle any incidents. 
As expected, an incident had indeed occurred. 
Christopher gently patted Yvonne’s shoulder. “Alright, stop crying 
His gaze fell on Rosalie, who was not far away. He paused for a moment, something flickering in his eyes. 
Rosalie seemed shaken, and was staring ahead blankly. 
Yvonne quickly wiped her tears away “Uncle Christopher, this is 
Rosalie, my sister–in–law. She just married my brother. 
She led Christopher to Rosalie “Rose, this is Christopher Jackson, my uncle.” 
Rosalie politely nodded. “Hello, Mr. Christopher.“! 
Christopher looked at her with a puzzled expression. His gaze was fixated on her as all kinds of feelings surged within him. Why did she 
look so much like 
“Uncle? Hello?” Yvonfie noticed Christopher was lost in thought, and gently shook his arm. “Uncle, what’s wrong?” 
“Oh, it’s nothing” Christopher regained his senses. “Your brother got married, and you didn’t even let me know?” 
+15 BONUS 
“It was so sudden, no one was informed. We planned to invite everyone for a wedding down the road. Anyway, Uncle, don’t worry about that now. Sebastian’s hurt, and I can’t reach Dad and Mom. Those people were harassing us, trying to force us to consent to organ donation,” Yvonne explained. 
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