Rosalie scooped a bowl of oats for herself and started eating. She clearly looked distracted, as if there was something on her mind. 
Theodore sensed something amiss with her. “What’s the matter?” 
Rosalie shook her head. “I’m fine. Let’s have breakfast.” 
After they finished their breakfast in silence, Rosalie changed Theodore’s bandages. His wounds looked better than they did 
“Why don’t you get some rest? I’ll head off first. I think you don’t need me here to take care of you any longer,” she said. 
She had been overly worried yesterday, but now that she thought about it, she seemed to have been worried about nothing. 
There were many people around to take care of him. What was there for her to worry about? 
What’s more, she had slept with him on the same bed last night. If this went on, it would only make the entire situation absurd. They were divorced, so they should behave like it, 

+25 BONUS 
“You don’t want to be with me?” Theodore said hoarsely. 
Rosalie said flatly, “We’re already divorced. It’s better for us to keep our distance. Keep what happened last night to yourself, or there 
might be misunderstandings.” 
“What misunderstandings? We slept on the same bed. What’s there to misunderstand?” Theodore shot back, displeased. 
She should have been willing to get close to him. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have slept with him last night. 
Rosalie sighed. 
“Now that we’re divorced, I can tell you this clearly. You should dedicate more of your time and energy to Cynthia. You’ll only be happy if you focus your attention on one woman. You can’t think of one woman while being with another. That will only make everyone involved unhappy.” 
She smiled, her face showing absolutely no signs of anger or sorrow. She was clearly at peace, as if she had let go of everything. 
Theodore furrowed his brows as sorrow flashed past his eyes.. 
“Despite everything that has happened, thank you for what you said to Grandma. It’s too bad she beat you up for it. I’ll be off now. I’ll come over if there’s anything urgent, but if there’s nothing else, I think we should behave like any other divorced couple. Otherwise, people might think we’re still entangled with each other,” Rosalie finished.