Chapter 283 
+25 BONUS 
Yvonne pursed her lips. 
“Well, in that case… There’s a high chance she doesn’t like you. If you didn’t scare her away and she still can’t be bothered to text you, then now that you’ve scared her, she’ll be even less likely to text you. The best thing to do now is to send her a message and see what she says. I’ll help you figure out the situation.” 
Sebastian looked at the time. “It’s too early now. She’s probably still 
in bed.” 
He didn’t think about it before sending that sticker last night, and now, he was feeling uneasy. 
He was scared Rosalie might hate him if she knew his intentions. It would be worse if she thought he was taking advantage of her vulnerability, and giving her pressure when she was feeling sad. 
“My, aren’t you considerate.” Yvonne sat on his bed. “What about I call her now and sound her out for you?” 

“Right now?” 
“Yeah, I’m her sister now. It’s normal if I call her now and ask her if she wants to have breakfast with me. I’m a girl, so If I ask her, she’ll definitely be more willing to respond.” 
Sebastian touched his nose gently, embarrassed. 
“Just… Don’t be too obvious, and don’t mention me immediately. Start with some small talk and then hint at her subtly… You know what I mean?” 
“Okay, okay,” Yvonne interrupted him. “I know what you mean. I’m not that stupid! I won’t shift the topic from the weather to you so 
abruptly. I won’t be that dumb and expose you.” 
Sebastian nodded. “Give it a try. You’ll be rewarded if you do well.” 
Meanwhile, Rosalie was sound asleep. 
She shifted slightly. She was lying on her side, her head buried in Theodore chest, while her neck rested on his arm. 
Her head was on the pillow, so her neck wasn’t pressed against his arm. There was some space for his arm to move. 
However, he didn’t move and just stayed like that. 
He had been awake for a while, probably over an hour. The sky was dark when he woke up. 
Seeing Rosalie lying beside him and sleeping peacefully, he thought he was dreaming until he noticed her scent. For the first time in a long while, he felt happy. 
He stared at her for over an hour, as if he couldn’t get enough. 
Sometimes, he felt that he was really despicable. 
When Rosalie was still his wife and he had her completely, he always found reasons to be busy. When he was away, she would patiently wait for him to come home. 
Now that they were divorced, he felt like he had plenty of time and hoped she would always be by his side–but she wasn’t anymore. 
No wonder she often got angry with him. He was so unpredictable! He deserved it. 
Theodore cautiously leaned in. His lips were only a fraction of a millimeter away from Rosalie’s. 
Hearing her steady breathing, he felt unusually reassured. He raised his hand, and gently touched her hair. He didn’t dare to apply any 
pressure, as he was afraid of waking with his fingers. 
He noticed Rosalie had been sleepir got divorced. It seemed that when was unhappy. 
She must have felt repulsed every t she was his wife and she didn’t war could only reluctantly comply. 
After so many years, if Rosalie still could only mean she could never lov