Chapter 279 
As soon as Yvonne said “Rosalie“, Sebastian stopped in his tracks. Yvonne extended her hand. “Give me back my phone.” 
“Yvonne, how about this? Let’s make a deal.” Sebastian smirked coldly, then continued, “You can unlock your phone and let me see what you two really talked about, or I’ll call Dad right now and tell him you broke his beloved antique. You asked me to clean up the mess, but I refused, and now, I’m telling him about it. How do you think Dad will react?” 
Yvonne’s face darkened. “Seb, we’re in the same boat, remember? 
Sebastian waved the phone. “If you don’t let me see your chat with her, we’re not in the same boat anymore.” 
Yvonne balled her fists. “You’re involved in breaking the antique too. 
“Whether I’m involved or not is up to me to decide. Do you think Dad will believe you or me? If he finds out you broke his favorite vase and tried to cover it up, he’ll probably punish you and cut you off financially. He might even throw you out of the house, and leave you to fend for yourself. And when you come begging to me, I won’t give you a single cent.” 
“You…” Yvonne’s eyes widened. “Then I’ll tell Rose that you…” 
“Don’t try to threaten me with her.” Sebastian smiled. “I have many ways to teach you a lesson. When Dad chases you out of the house and takes away all your credit cards, I’ll make sure you know what it’s like to add insult to injury. 

Although he spoke gently, he sounded sinister. 
Sebastian knew how to scheme; after all, the business world was 
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unpredictable. It was like going on a battlefield without a weapon, so how could he afford to be innocent and kind? 
The way he treated someone depended on who it was. If that person was deceitful and cunning, Sebastian would show them what it meant to be really cunning–but when it came to Rosalie, he would be a gentleman. One couldn’t treat a human and an animal the same way. 
Having the upper hand, Sebastian smiled. He stuffed the phone into Yvonne’s hand and crossed his arms, not saying another word. 
Yvonne was furious. She puffed out her cheeks while glaring at him, but in the end, she could only unlock her phone. She clicked on the chat, and handed the phone to him. 
“I hate you! Just you wait!” she yelled. 
Sebastian took the phone and looked at Yvonne helplessly. “You brought this upon yourself. I let you have your way, but did you really think I’m a pushover?” 
He opened the chat records. 
Yvonne nervously tugged at her clothes. 
Sebastian’s expression was calm at first, but as he read on, his frown. deepened. Rosalie and Yvonne hadn’t really texted a lot, so he quickly finished reading the chat. 
When he was done, his face was grim and his gaze was as sharp as knives. 
Infuriated, Sebastian hissed, “Yvonne, do you have nothing better to 
This brat even called him annoying, petty, and a bastard behind his 
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If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn’t have believed that this brat would say such things about him behind his back, and to Rosalie no less. 
Yvonne staggered backward when she saw Sebastian’s murderous gaze. “S–Seb, listen to me. Things aren’t what you think they are.” 
“Is that so?” Sebastian walked toward her step by step while smiling coldly. He looked at the phone, and read the words on it. “Annoying, petty, and a bastard, huh?”