Chapter 273 
Seeing that he was still alive, Rosalie breathed a sigh of relief. 
“I thought you were dead,” she said. 
“So you decided to mess with me?” he asked angrily. 
“I thought you were dead. You didn’t make a sound,” Rosalie repeated. 
“So you pressed on my wound?” 
“I thought you were dead. You didn’t make a sound.” 
“I thought you were dead. You didn’t make a sound.” 

Every single time, before he could speak, she would cut him off. Theodore was at a loss for words. 
Frowning, he said, “Why don’t you just go to bed and don’t concern yourself if I’m making a sound or not? I need sleep too!” 
“I thought you were suffocating. Why did you bury your face in the pillow?” 
“Because I wanted to. Didn’t you tell me to sleep on my stomach?” Theodore rebuked. 
“Only sulking children bury their faces in pillows,” Rosalie pointed out, and she turned around to go back to the sofa to lie down. 
Theodore was rendered speechless. 
He felt very vexed, and was indeed sulking. If he had known, he wouldn’t have divorced her and would annoy her every day. 
All of a sudden, he found everything laughable. To think he was 
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actually arguing with her over such insignificant matters! He really was becoming more and more childish by the day. 
“Rose, you really hurt me,” he muttered, deciding to embrace his 
childishness completely. 
Rosalie turned around. After some thought, she sat up and asked, “Do you want me to take a look?” 
Theodore nodded. “Yeah.” 
Rosalie sat on the edge of his bed, and pulled back the blanket. Theodore obediently sat up. 
Rosalie carefully took off his shirt. She was feeling a bit regretful as she did press him hard earlier, but she genuinely thought he had 
He probably saw her as a wicked witch now. 
Rosalie slowly unwrapped his bandages. It hadn’t been long, so his wounds were still in bad shape. 
“Lie down. I’ll change your dressing. She then went to get the medical 
Theodore lay on his stomach, feeling her hands gently tending to the 
wounds on his back. 
“Rose,” Theodore asked quietly, “do you really plan on marrying 
someone else?” 
Rosalie’s hands paused, then she replied, “I just got divorced. Are your hoping I’ll get married soon?” 
“No. I’m just asking if you have any plans to remarry in the future.” 
“I can’t answer you, because I don’t know. For now, I have no plans to 
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Theodore was resting his chin on the back of his hands. A small smile appeared on his face as he said, “That’s good.” 
Rosalie’s brows furrowed. “Do you even hear yourself? You think it’s good that I’m not remarrying, but you’re perfectly justified in marrying Cynthia.” 
“I made a promise to her, so I have to keep it,” Theodore said, turning his head around slightly. “She’s very ill right now.” 
“I know. She needs a heart transplant. When the doctors were pushing her into the operating room, you vowed to her that you would marry her. She was so moved that she cried.” 
There was confusion in Theodore’s eyes. “How do you know about -that?” 
She knew all the details. Was Rose there that night too? 
That night, after Theodore left home and drove to the hospital, he had, a feeling a car was following him. Because he was in a hurry to get to the hospital, he didn’t pay much attention. 
Was Rose the one who followed him…? 
Rosalie smiled wryly. 
“I was angry that you were going to see Cynthia the other day, so I followed you. I wanted to see just how serious her condition was to make you go over in a hurry like that I saw everything. I saw how much you care about her,” she confessed.