Chapter 266 
“Isn’t that good?” Rosalie said, her eyes shining. “I used to be so mature, it was exhausting. I don’t want to tire myself out like that.” 
It felt good being happy. Many people in this world often ended up under the influence of their negativity. 
No matter what happened, life would go on. While that remained a fact, many found it hard to let things go and remain positive. 
Theodore could sense that Rosalie wanted to completely let go of something in her heart, and the thought tugged at his heart. 
He realized that he was a bastard through and through. 
He had gone through with the divorce to free Rosalie from the shackles of their marriage. They were now divorced–she could finally be happy, and no longer needed to tolerate being in this marriage. 
Yet, now that she was ready to let it go, he felt slightly indignant. 
Not just slightly, but perhaps rather significantly. 

He dared not continue this line of thought. He was worried that the more he thought about it, the more he would uncover thoughts that he dared not face up to. 
After a long while, Theodore composed himself and said with a smile, “Yes, you deserve to live your days as happy as you can be.” 
Rosalie smiled, and said nothing further. 
“Rose, go wash up and rest,” Theodore said. 
“Are you fine by yourself?” Rosalie asked. She was worried that he might toss and turn in his sleep at night. 
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He used to be like that at night. He might be knocked out cold after falling asleep, flip on his back, and accidentally press on his wound. He might end up yelping in pain the whole night. 
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me. But…” Theodore paused for a 
moment. “Ah, nothing.” 
“But what?” Rosalie could sense that he wanted to say something.” Just speak your mind. There’s no need to hide things between us.” 
They were already divorced. All that hiding in the past was exhausting. 
Smiling, he said, “I wanted to say that if you don’t mind, we can sleep in the same room. But then I remembered that we’re now divorced, and that wouldn’t be appropriate.” 
The fact that they were now divorced hadn’t sunk in yet for Theodore. It would suddenly pop up in his mind and dawn upon him. He often defaulted to thinking that she was still his wife. 
Amusingly, he felt as though he had selective memory loss; or rather, he didn’t want to remember the fact that they were divorced. 
Rosalie smiled awkwardly. It was indeed inappropriate. 
Seeing Rosalie remain silent, Theodore knew his suggestion was laughable. “Rose, go and rest. I’ll be fine by myself.” 
Rosalie turned to glance at the couch on her right, and an idea came to mind. 
“How about this? I’ll sleep here on that couch tonight. That way, I can help you if you need it in the middle of the night,” she suggested. 
She was truly worried that Theodore might flip over at night and press against his wound, thereby slowing down recovery. She wouldn’t be able to relax until he fully recovered. 
Grandma had hit Theodore so hard because of her. In other words, 
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she was more or less the reason for his injury. 
“Will that do? Will that disrupt your rest?” 
Theodore instinctively felt joy at Rosalie’s suggestion. 
Then, Rosalie shook her head. “It won’t. I suggested it because I know I won’t be disrupted from rest. If you don’t agree, we can forget about 
“I do,” Theodore said. He grabbed her arm, worried that she might leave. “I’m fine with whatever you say. Alternatively, I can sleep on the couch and you can sleep on the bed.”