Chapter 191 
“Yvonne? Why are you here?” Sebastian asked. 
“I had a fight with Mom and Dad, so I came here to hide. You haven’t told me who this young lady is yet,” Yvonne said, staring inquisitively at Rosalie. 
“She’s my friend,” Sebastian introduced. Then, he turned to Rosalie and said, “This is my sister, Yvonne. She’s my full–blood sister, and we have the same parents.” 
He made sure to add the last part to avoid any misunderstandings. 
Rosalie breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, she’s your sister.” 
She had thought Yvonne was his girlfriend. That would’ve made things awkward. 
“Seb, you’re pretty detailed with your introduction. You never introduce me like that to others,” Yvonne teased, walking over in her high heels. “Are you worried this lady might get the wrong idea?” 
Sebastian frowned. “Stop being cheeky. You have your own place, so why come here?” 

“You’re my brother. Can’t I come to see you? Are you trying to kick me out?” Yvonne retorted. 
“Miss,” Yvonne said, as she immediately linked her arm with 
Rosalie’s. “Is it okay if I stay with my brother? Could you convince him? After all, I’m his sister.” 
Feeling awkward, Rosalie forced herself to smile. “Maybe I should go back.” 
Since Sebastianla 
for her to stay. 
“Why are you going back?” Sebastian frowned. “Didn’t you agree to stay here for a few days? Yvonne won’t bother you. I’ll tell her to leave. 
Sebastian said this in front of Yvonne, who frowned unhappily. 
“Seb, how can you say that in front of this young lady? Others might think we’re not on good terms. Don’t forget, I’m your dearest little sister,” she said. 
“Who are you calling young lady? She’s actually a year younger than you,” Sebastian said, rolling his eyes 
“Oh, really?” Yvonne scratched her head awkwardly. “So you’re twenty- one. By the way, I don’t know your name yet.” 
“I’m Rosalie.” 
“That’s a lovely name. Can I call you Rose?” 
Yvonne seemed to be the kind of person who could easily strike up conversation with anyone. She was very enthusiastic. 
Rosalie nodded. “Alright.” 
Then, Yvonne said, “Seb, am I bothering you and Rose? You said you’re friends, right? Or are you more than friends?” 
Rosalie was startled. “No, we’re not like that. Maybe I should go. You two can stay here.” 
Rosalie turned to leave. 
Sebastian stopped her, sounding annoyed. “It’s late. Where are you going? Stay here. Don’t worry about Yvonne, we have plenty of rooms.” 
“Yeah, that’s right,” Yvonne chimed in. “Don’t leave. My brother has never brought a girl home before. You’re the first. I want to get to 
+25 BONUS 
know you better. 
“Mind your own business,” Sebastian snapped coldly, showing no mercy to his sister. 
“I’m just telling the truth,” Yvonne pouted. 
“Enough,” Sebastian said sternly. “Third room on the left. Go stay there. Don’t bother me if there’s nothing important.” 
“Fine,” Yvonne teased, swaying her body playfully. “I’ll go to my room now. I won’t bother you guys.” 
She turned and headed upstairs, shooting them a curious glance and flashing a gossipy smile. 
After Yvonne went upstairs, Rosalie chuckled awkwardly. “Sorry, I didn’t know your sister was here.” 
If she had known, she definitely wouldn’t have come.