Chapter 316 
It was all set 
Sherilyn had everything arranged on her end, just waiting for the group to finalize their plans before they could take off. 
On the day of departure, Sherilyn arrived at the airport early and handed Jenna over to the airline staff. 
“Jenna, this nice lady will take you on board in a bit.” 
“Where’s Mom?” Jenna asked, a tag hanging around her neck. 
Since Sherilyn was busy with the group’s work–being one of the few who hadn’t been injured–she couldn’t look after her daughter. She arranged for an unaccompanied minor service for Jenna. 
“Mommy has to work, sweetie, so I can’t sit with you. But I be on the same plane, okay?” 
“Okay” Jenna was incredibly understanding. “Go work, Mommy. Il be good and listen to the lady” 

“That’s my girl.” 
Sherilyn handed Jenna over to the staff member. “Thank you so much 
“You’re welcome, it’s all part of the job.” 
After giving her daughter one last hug. Sherilyn reluctantly walked away, her team was waiting 
for her. 
The staff member took Jenna by the hand, leading her to the VIP lounge since she had a first–class ticket and was flying as an unaccompanied minor. 
Jenna didn’t have any luggage, just one item–her Minnie Mouse stuffed toy, which the staff member was holding. 
“Should we put it here?” the staff member asked with a smile as they entered the lounge. 
Thank you,” Jenna nodded. 
Her large toy immediately caught the attention of several people. 
Among them was Gilbert, who first noticed the toy, raising his eyebrows in surprise–Minnie Mouse? 
It looked just like the expensive one Sherilyn had bought before. 
Then, he saw Jenna 
Gilbert’s face lit up with a smile. He stood up and walked over to Jenea “Jenna.” 
“Sir” Jenna paused for a moment, then smiled wide. “We meet again 
“Yes, we do.” Gilbert nodded, amused by the coincidence of their paths crossing again. “Where are you headed this time?” 
“Sir,” Jenna beamed, her eyes twinkling. I don’t have to go far away anymore! I’m going to be with Mommy and never be apart from her again!” 
“Really?” Gilbert was surprised and a bit confused. The little girl was always full of surprises, but he remarked, “Being with Mommy 
nds wonderful” 
“Yeah!” Jenna nodded vigorously. 1 love Mommy the most.” 
Just then, the airport’s PA system chimed in. 
Gilbert’s flight was about to depart. He wasn’t on the same flight as Sherilyn; he had to make a detour to Rainshore City. 
“Jenna. Gilbert affectionately patted Jenna’s head. “111 be back in no time, alright?” 
He got up, headed to a nearby shop, and returned with a pack of strawberry 
“Here, I’ve got to go now–bye.” 
“Wow, Jenna took the strawberry milk with both hands. “Thank you sir Bye–bye” 
“Bye–bye.” Gilbert waved and turned toward the gate. 
As he boarded the plane, he pulled out his glone. 
Since that day at the hospital, he hadn’t seen Sherlyn again. His last message to her on WhatsApp still hung u [Sherilyn, give me a chance, will you?] 
She hadn’t replied.