“Bernard, you’re getting a little too jealous. At this rate, you should just get rid of all the men in the world,” said Hera while poking his shoulder. Bernard grabbed her hand as he stared deeply into her eyes. He seemed to be thinking about something.
Hera continued, “I promise I won’t meet Tyler without telling you beforehand. I won’t lie to you anymore, and I don’t want you to lie to me either. Can you promise me that?”
Lovers shouldn’t lie to each other.
“Okay,” Bernard readily agreed.
“What are you thinking about?” Hera asked with a frown, noticing that he seemed to be absent-minded.
“What you said is reasonable,” he simply stated.
Hera was flabbergasted. Did he really mean what he said?
Bernard clarified, “It’s highly reasonable and effective if I can get rid of all the men in the world.”
There was no describing how speechless Hera was.
When they got ready to head back home, Hera remembered that Wayne was still waiting for her. She was about to call him and tell him to head back with her and Bernard when the high-pitched siren of an ambulance filled the air.
The ambulance stopped in front of Nightless Haven, and some medical personnel got out of the vehicle.
They wasted no time pushing a wheeled stretcher into the bar. At that time, Hera was already calling Wayne, but he wasn’t answering his phone. After calling him twice, someone finally answered the call. However, the voice on the phone wasn’t Wayne’s. It was Nicholas who spoke instead. He sounded a little frantic. “Hello? Hera? Where the heck are you?”
“What’s wrong?” Hera asked, puzzled as to why it was Nicholas who answered the call. He sounded off, and she could hear the commotion through the phone.
She opened the car door and got out of the car, her gaze falling on the ambulance parked at the entrance of the bar.
“Wayne was found unconscious on the ground in the stairway. God knows if he’s alive. The medical team just took him away.”
So, it was Nicholas who called the ambulance.
Hera hung up and rushed over to the
ambulance. Coincidentally, the medical staff that had entered the
bar earlier came out with Wayne on the stretcher and Nicholas following closely behind them.
When Nicholas saw Hera, he ran over to her and asked, “Where the heck were you? I’ve been looking for you!”
“You could’ve just called.” Hera scowled.
“And you could’ve unblocked me!” Nicholas spat.
Hera was puzzled now. When did she block him?
She unlocked her phone and saw that his number had indeed been blocked. Realization dawned on her, and she turned around just in time to see Bernard driving toward her.
She had never blocked Nicholas. The only possible explanation was that someone had taken her phone and blocked him, and the only person who came to mind was Bernard.
Bernard was so childish!
However, now wasn’t the time for her to make a fuss out of it. A friend or relative of Wayne was required to head to the hospital too.
Hera rushed over to Bernard’s car, yanked the door open to get her bag in the back seat, and got into the ambulance.
Meanwhile, Bernard followed the ambulance from behind. Wayne was taken to the hospital in the city center.
After having done a check-up, it was discovered that Wayne fell unconscious because he knocked his head too hard and suffered from a mild concussion.
After Hera performed acupuncture on him, he slowly regained consciousness. However, the aftereffects of the concussion remained, so he still wasn’t in a good state.
Hera told him to get some rest. He could talk about what happened tomorrow when he felt better. Then, she left the ward.
Bernard and Nicholas were waiting in the corridor. Bernard was sitting on a bench with a laptop on his lap, seemingly busy with something.
“What happened?” Hera asked Nicholas.
He said, “I have no idea. Wayne said you were on the second floor, sod had the staff send a bottle of liquor to each room. I couldn’t find you,
and he went missing after that.”
“It must be Everly,” said Bernard out of the blue.