It was dark inside the car. Bernard propped himself up in the back seat with his arms while Hera lay underneath him. He had a wild, frenzy look in his eyes as if he were a predator staring down at its prey.
Hera could sense the anger radiating off Bernard. The feeling he gave off was different than before.
This time, he was truly furious. Back then, Hera needed only to coax him, and he wouldn’t be angry at her anymore.
This time, he was still mad at her even after she tried coaxing him.
Based on how things were, she wouldn’t make it until they went back home. He’d vent out his anger on her right then and there.
Of course, Hera didn’t want to take things that far here in front of the bar where passersby were everywhere. She quickly pulled him into a hug.
In a gentle voice, she said, “Don’t be mad at me, please. I don’t like it when you do this. You’ll hurt me. Besides, it’s really dark in here. I don’t like it here.”
The light fragrance coming off of her and her soft voice made Bernard waver. He hooked an arm around her waist and pulled her up so that the two of them were sitting in the back seat.
“You have one minute to explain yourself,” he told her.
Hera was relieved!
“I told you I bumped into Tyler here. You don’t believe me, do you?” she said.
“You two were going to make an alliance, yet you’re telling me that you just happened to see him there?” Bernard said, his voice cold.
He purposely turned to look at her bag on the ground. In Nightless Haven just now, he’d seen Hera stuffing the flash drive into the bag. Hera was helpless now. So, Bernard actually heard her conversation with Tyler. This meant she couldn’t lie to Bernard anymore.
Still, why didn’t he listen to the entire conversation instead of only overhearing certain parts of it?
She never told Tyler anything about being accomplices. He was the one who started that nonsense!
Still, she knew she was at fault for lying to Bernard and causing this misunderstanding.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have lied to you. But if I had told you the truth, that I wanted to meet Tyler, would you have let me out of the house?” Bernard’s gaze darkened. He didn’t reply, so she took it as a silent yes.
She continued, “Tyler’s my mentor. There are stil plenty of things I have to learn about hacking. I met him tonight to get the code he owed me. As for working together with him, that’s just nonsense. You’re so smart, Bernard. You won’t be fooled by him, right?”
“Didn’t you two contact each other online before this?” Bernard asked, still suspicious.
To put it simply, why did Hera and Tyler meet up all of a sudden when they could’ve texted each other online?
Bernard would be an idiot if he couldn’t see through it and realize that Tyler simply wanted to meet Hera in person. How could she not realize this?
Bernard added, “Besides, am I not better than him? Why do you have to learn from him? Why not me?”
Hera couldn’t just tell him that she had lost to him so many times and was upset about it, so she wanted to become better just to beat him.
As much as she wanted to snap at him, she pretended to listen and agree with him.
“From now on, I’ll ask you if I have any questions,” she promised. “Don’t be angry at me anymore, okay?”
That said, she cupped the sides of his face and kissed him on the lips.
Her apology and explanation quenched the anger in Bernard’s
heart. She rarely took the initiative to kiss him like that, and he couldn’t
find it in him to be cruel to her.
He placed a hand against the back of her head to deepen the kiss. After some time, Hera’s limbs turned
weak from the kiss. She sensed that
he wasn’t that mad at her anymore.
She sighed inwardly, relieved that she managed to stop him from making “a show” here in public.
Calming Bernard down was tougher than doing surgery.
Hera thought it was settled, but to her dismay, he told her, “Throw away the flash drive he gave you.”
All of a sudden, she felt as if all that he said and did was for her to give the flash drive up.
Sensing her silence, Bernard said a tad threateningly, “Or you won’t get to see him ever again.”
She, of course, wouldn’t throw the flash drive away. And she needed to see Tyler too.
Although his personality online was completely different than how he behaved in real life, he was still her mentor. She was indebted to him. Besides, the two of them were taking part in the research and development project for the new chip. They had to meet up somehow.
Hera came to a conclusion. Bernard was trying to make her life miserable by making her choose between meeting Tyler in the future and keeping the flash drive.
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