Chapter 25 Sudden Rise To Fame 
Upon my arrival back at Maple Estate, lunchtime was already ins 

a respectful nod as I entered. 
swing. Mrs. Velma greeted me with 
Casting a glance at the enticing array of food, my mind wandered back to my earlier encounter with Henry and Violet, causing my appetite to evaporate instantly. Without so much as picking up my chopsticks, I made my way upstairs, 
“Madam, is everything alright? Should I summon a doctor?” Mrs. Velma asked, her voice laced with 
Ever since I had forgiven her for the skincare product incident, she had shown me nothing but attentiveness and care. 
If she weren’t Violet’s mother, I might have genuinely appreciated her as a housekeeper. 
“No, I’m just not in the mood to eat. Have the other staff members share the meal,” I responded curtly. reclining on the bed. 
Mrs. Velma didn’t dare to probe further and quietly exited the room. 
Engulfed in a whirlwind of thoughts. I eventually succumbed to sleep. If it weren’t for the relentless phone calls from Lilly and the others. I might have slept the entire day away. 
Lilly’s animated voice sliced through my drowsiness. The Goddess is back! The cello goddess has returned to the stage!” 
“Huh?” I mumbled, still half–asleep and unable to grasp what she was saying. 
“I sent you the link. Check it out immediately!” Lilly exclaimed before abruptly hanging up. 
I glanced at the missed calls on my phone. Sammy and Elly had both tried to reach me three times, but I hadn’t answered any of their calls. 
A message from Lilly appeared on WeChat. Squinting my eyes, I clicked on the link she had sent. It was a video of today’s performance at Amurica University’s concert hall, 
I was seated at the far left. I had no idea who had filmed it, but they seemed to have a penchant for zooming in on me as if I were some sort of celebrity. 
Then, an avalanche of compliments from netizens began pouring in praising me as a beautiful woman, a goddess of the music department. It was a thrilling experience, and I couldn’t contain my excitement, resulting in a sleepless night. 
Who doesn’t bask in the glow of compliments? It was the first time I had truly savored this sensation. 
I had received numerous accolades throughout my life, but most of them were due to my father’s reputation. This was the first time I had earned admiration solely based on my own charisma. 
Lilly pinpointed the exact moment in the video, and after watching it, she called me again, saying. “What do you think? Bet you didn’t see that coming, did you? Becoming famous overnight, hahaha…” 
Chapter 25 Sudden Rise To Fame 
“It’s certainly unexpected,” I replied, a wave of joy washing over me. “Seems like my sister’s charm is as potent as ever!” 
“That’s not true. You were so blinded by Henry back then, and so many people were vying for your attention. Yet, you insisted on chasing after him like a hopeless romantic, Lilly grumbled, still holding a grudge over those past events. 
“The past is something I can’t alter. I don’t dwell on it anymore,” I said, a hint of melancholy creeping. into my voice as I recalled those memories. 
“Come on, let’s go for a drink. I’m free right now, so I’ll treat you like the internet sensation you are,” Lilly began to plan for the future. The four of us can form a band. Elly can be the lead singer, and the three of us can handle the accompaniment. It’ll be perfect!” 
Feeling that Lilly was getting carried away, fantasizing about such unrealistic scenarios, I replied, “Let’s not worry about the future. Where are you? Let’s make dinner plans instead of drinking.” 
I had been famished all day, and I couldn’t afford to deviate from my weight gain plan. 
Lilly readily agreed, “Alright, I know a teahouse with excellent tea and food that surpasses the five–star hotels I’ve been to. I’ll send you the address!” 
After receiving the teahouse address, I changed my clothes and headed out. 
Unexpectedly, I ran into my dad at the entrance of the teahouse. He was engaged in a conversation with some friends and seemed to have just finished his meal. 
“Dad!” I called out to him. 
“Mona, what brings you here?” My dad was equally surprised to see me, and his friends turned their attention towards me. 
One of the gentlemen, with a sharp eye, immediately commented, “Alex, is this your daughter? The beauty who played the cello today? She’s become quite the sensation on the internet!” 
My dad must have seen it too. A proud expression crossed his face, but he responded modestly, “Ah, it’s nothing extraordinary. She studied cello in college, and she had been overlooked for years!” 
“Overlooked for a few years, and yet her talent is still so impressive? Alex, your daughter is truly remarkable!” 
“No matter how talented she is, she exudes the aura of a wealthy man’s daughter at first glance.” 
Listening to these exaggerated compliments, I felt a mix of pride and embarrassment. How could my image of a free–spirited artist align with wealth? 
Just then, Lilly’s phone call interrupted the conversation, and I quickly told my dad, “Dad, my friend is waiting for me. I’ll go in first!” 
“Go ahead, I’m heading back as well. My dad waved his hand. 
I nodded and entered the teahouse. At that moment, I wanted to tell my dad that I would join him for al 
12:17 Sat, Aug 17 
Chapter 25 Sudden Rise To Fame 
dad’s car. She stood beneath a streetlamp, bathed in a soft glow. She wore a stylish one–piece short skirt with a round neckline, featuring classic black and white contrasting colors–a blend of elegance and intellect. She respectfully bent down to my dad, revealing just the right amount of cleavage, alluring vet understated. 
My dad said something to her, then got into the backseat while the woman took the wheel. 
Wasn’t the previous driver a man? Now my dad had switched to a female driver? 
Doubts lingered in my mind, accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling. 
“Mona, what are you doing standing at the entrance? Are you here to welcome guests?” Sammy had just arrived and noticed me lost in thought. She jokingly patted my shoulder. 
“Just waiting for you. Does it move you to be welcomed by me alone?” I snapped out of my daze, playfully linking arms with Sammy. “Let’s go, Lilly is probably getting impatient!” 
Sammy and I chatted as walked reaching the designated private room, we opened the door 
to a gentle tea aroma. Soft piano music played from a hidden speaker in the corner, creating a refreshing and cool ambiance. 
Lilly was holding a uniquely shaped teacup, asking Elly to take a beautiful photo of her. She planned to post it on social media to flirt with her admirers. 
I used to think of Lilly as someone who played around and didn’t understand the allure of love, but now I increasingly saw her as someone who was grounded in reality. 
“Mona, Sammy, you’re here!” Lilly adjusted her playful demeanor and finally sat like a normal person. She smiled and waved at us. “Take a seat, take a seat. I’ve already ordered the food. Trust me, it’s going to be delicious!” 
Sammy and I joined Lilly at the tea table and took our seats. “Alright, we trust you!” we said in unison. 
As fate would have it, the four of us were seated together at the same tea table. The tea sommelier, dressed in an elegant turquoise gown with a white orchid adorning her hair, exuded a captivating aura. 
I ordered a cup of tea, known for its sweet flavor. The tea sommelier gracefully demonstrated the tea- making process while softly explaining the price, origin, and taste characteristics of the tea. It was a delightful experience. 
As we sipped our tea, the dishes were served, and each one proved to be exceptionally delicious. Just as the waiter opened and closed the door, I caught a glimpse of Henry and Noah passing by. 
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