Chapter 20 Harper’s Distress Call 
By the time I returned home, the night had already fallen. The Maple Estate was brightly illuminated. I advised Lewis to head home. 

My in–laws were present, but Henry was conspicuously absent. 
“Ramona, where’s Henry? Wasn’t he with you?” Grace inquired, her eyebrows furrowed in concern as she noticed my solitary return. 
“After the forum. I ran into a friend and we decided to grab dinner together. I assumed Henry had already returned home” I feigned surprise. 
I was certain Henry wouldn’t be returning tonight, given his new romantic pursuit. 
Halbert’s face darkened. Before their return to Charon City, Henry had a habit of staying out late. If they weren’t around, he’d probably treat his home like a hotel! 
“Call him. If he doesn’t answer, call all his friends!” Halbert commanded, his irritation palpable. 
Grace gave me a subtle nod. I retrieved my phone and handed it to her. 
I decided it was best to step aside and let Grace handle this. Henry would never dare to raise his voice at his mother. 
Although I wasn’t particularly close to Henry’s friends, I had their contact information, except for Noah’s 
Grace scrolled through my phone’s contact list and began making calls, putting each one on speakerphone. After the fifth call, I heard Duncan’s voice, “Henry, it’s Ramona calling!” 
“Ignore it! Henry’s voice was laced with impatience. His words were audible to my in–laws and me. There was a chorus of jeers from the background. To those people, I was an unsatisfactory wife. 
“It’s your mother…” Duncan whispered. 
The jeering ceased immediately. Henry picked up the call, ‘Mom?” 
“Where are you? Why didn’t you come home for dinner? Why are you always out gallivanting with a bunch of playboys? Are you trying to ruin your life? Grace’s usually gentle demeanor was replaced by a fierce one. 
I’m just hanging out with a few friends. I’ll be back later,” Henry replied, sounding somewhat defeated. 
“Ramona also had dinner with friends, and she’s already back. I’m giving you half an hour to get home!” Grace ended the call abruptly, her anger fueled by the sound of a woman’s delicate laughter in the background. 
She looked at me with a complex expression. “Ramora, when he gets back, give him a piece of your mind! He’s completely irresponsible! 
Chapter 20 Harper’s Distress Call 
I took my phone back and nodded, feigning distress. 
Half an hour later, Henry returned, his face a mask of resentment. I had just finished my meal and was wiping my mouth when I felt a chill from his icy gaze 
He didn’t bother with dinner, having lost his appetite. He removed his coat, tossed it onto the sofa, and headed upstairs. 
My in–laws didn’t bother about whether he had eaten or not and continued watching their television show. Unable to immerse myself in the drama, I reluctantly followed him upstairs. 
The sound of running water came from the bathroom, and Henry’s phone lay on the bed. Curiosity piqued, I wondered if he had been in touch with Violet since our separation. 
I picked up his phone, only to find it required face recognition to unlock. 
Just as I was about to give up, a text message notification popped up. I could see the beginning of the 
It was likely from Violet. The message read, “Sorry, Mr. Patterson, I have a boyfriend, and I heard you… 
The rest of the message was hidden behind the lock screen. 
“What are you doing?” Henry’s frosty voice echoed in the room. 
In the next instant, he snatched the phone from my hand. “Don’t meddle with my phone again,” he warned. 
He unlocked the phone to check the message, his expression growing even more somber. A man like him could have any woman he desired. Some women would even divorce their husbands to be with him, yet Violet had rejected him. 
His ego took an unprecedented hit. He felt as though Violet was challenging his charisma. 
“Who is she?” I asked, feigning ignorance, 
“That’s none of your concern.” Henry shot me an irritated glance. 
“If I’m not mistaken, the rest of the message reads, ‘I heard you’re married. I hope you can be faithful to your marriage. Don’t cheat. Am I right?” Far from being upset, I felt a sense of triumph. 
I knew Violet’s character. She was the type to preach about benevolence, righteousness, and morality. 
Henry sat on the bed and asked coldly, “So what?” 
I promptly pulled out a divorce agreement from the drawer. This time, I had altered it to demand 3% of the shares in Patterson Corporation under Henry’s name. 
After reading it, Henry Laughed. “8% shares? Ramona, are you joking?” 
Patterson Corporation had numerous shareholders, but most didn’t own 3% of the shares. 
Chapter 20 Harper’s Distress Call 
future. In his previous life, he had given me 10%. 
“Didn’t she mention that you’re married? Just divorce ime. That way, you can pursue her without any hindrances,” I suggested to Henry. 
“Do you think she’s worth it?‘ Henry raised an eyebrow, his tone dripping with sarcasm. 
I was taken aback. Not worth it? You would give her everything! 
It seemed that Henry was yet to realize his true feelings. He probably viewed Violet as one of his past flings, someone he would eventually tire of. That’s why he could speak so confidently. 
I sighed, tore up the divorce agreement, and tossed it into the trash. I decided to prepare a new one, this time for 10% of the shares, 
Henry watched my every move with a cold gaze as I headed to the bathroom to shower, a hint of regret in my eyes. 
When I emerged from the shower, Henry was on the balcony, a phone in one hand and a cigarette in the other. The smell of smoke made me cough. 
He glanced back at me, ended the call, and casually srubbed out the cigarette on the ground. 
“Can’t you dispose of it in the trash? It makes it difficult for Mrs. Velma to clean,” I chided him as I gracefully applied my skincare products. 
I had been particularly generous with Amber. I had instructed her to prepare my meals and traditional medicine, and also to clean the master bedroom. In return, I paid her a higher salary than the others. 
She was extremely grateful to me for this. 
“Aren’t they here to do the housework?” Henry retorted. “If she finds it tiring, she doesn’t have to do it.” 
I shook my head. He would regret his words later. 
Henry lay down on the bed. Just then, my phone rang. 
It was Harper. I was slightly taken aback. 
As soon as I answered the call, Harper’s voice, tinged with desperation, came through. “Ramona! Help 
me! I’ve been attacked… 
“Where are you?” I asked, my heart pounding. 
“Crescent Hotel parking lot!” Harper managed to say before the sounds of punches and kicks and his cries of pain filled the line. Then, the call ended abruptly. 
I quickly changed my clothes, grabbed the car keys, and prepared to leave. 
“Where are you going? Henry asked, his voice sharp. 
Became His True Love after Rebirth