Chapter 19 Preoccupied 
Violet arrived to distribute headphones, respectfully placing a pair on my desk with a slight smile. 

Henry reciprocated the gesture, a rarity for him. His “Thank you” carried a different meaning, indicating his interest in Violet. 
Violet glanced at Henry again, admiration flickering in her eyes. His handsome face was undeniable, even to the most loyal woman. 
The young girl blushed at his simple gratitude. I wondered if her previous indifference towards Henry was a defense mechanism against her own feelings? 
This brief interaction passed quickly, and the summit officially commenced. The focus was on the joint development of Amurica and Charon City, discussing surrounding development and formulating feasible plans. 
Amurica had seen rapid growth in recent years, and various markets were nearing saturation. It was time for expansion. 
I didn’t understand much about these matters. Apart from hearing about them from my father, Henry, and my father–in–law, I found myself lost in my own thoughts most of the time. 
After the summit, my father approached me. “Mona, why are you here?” 
“I was bored at home,” I replied. My father knew I had no interest in business or politics. He was surprised to see me at such an event. 
“Did you come with Henry?” My father glanced at Henry, who was engaged in conversation nearby, radiating authority with every gesture. 
Compared to other business magnates, Henry was quite young and already stood out from the crowd. 
I nodded. “Yes.” 
“That’s terrific. As his wife, you should attend some occasions and solidify your position,” my father emphasized. 
At that moment, my father–in–law approached. “Father–in–law, long time no see!” 
“Oh, President Patterson, we haven’t seen each other for nearly half a year, my father responded, shaking the outstretched hand. The two elderly men engaged in a warm conversation. 
I took this opportunity to slip away, searching for Violet in various corners of the convention hall. She should be ready to leave after settling her wages, right 
After a thorough search, I found Violet at the back door. As expected, she had received her wages and was waiting for a ride–hailing car. 
“Ramona!” Violet greeted me joyfully. 
12:16 Sat, Aug 17 
Chapter 19 Preoccupied 
“Yes, this is my last part–time job for this summer. I’m planning to celebrate with Ah Yang by having a delicious meal later! Violet warmly invited me. “Do you want to join us?” 
Without hesitation, I agreed. “Sure, but will it disturli your romantic date?” 
Violet blushed and said, “It’s just haying a meal together, not a big deal.” 
Do men like women who blush and get shy like that? She looked like an innocent pink rose, delicate 
and lovely. 
Since Violet didn’t mind. I mustered up the courage to go with her. Harper was already waiting at the agreed barbecue restaurant. When he saw me, he seemed flustered and quickly stood up, saying, “Ramona, Violet.” 
“I ran into Ramona while working part–time today, so I invited her to join us for a barbecue. Today, it’s on me! Violet held my arm, just like good friends. 
Sorry. Harper. I’m third–wheeling here, I chuckled awkwardly. 
Harper shook his head frantically, “No, no, it’s fine. Please have a seat!” 
Violet and I sat together while Harper sat across from us. After ordering some ingredients, we placed charcoal in the iron stove on the table and placed a round grill on top. The table was filled with plates of various sizes, all filled with ingredients. 
When Violet learned that I was also a senior from Amurica University, she became excited and chatted with me about many things related to university. Harper helped us grill the pork belly while occasionally looking at Violet and casting a slightly puzzled look at me. 
In the midst of this serene atmosphere, Violet’s phone rang. She casually picked it up and glanced at a 
text message. 
I glanced at it too–a series of eights in the number. Apart from Henry, I couldn’t think of anyone else. 
He was indeed making a move. 
After seeing Henry’s message, Violet’s expression changed, she appeared puzzled and surprised. She didn’t reply, just put her phone down. 
“Violet, who was it?” Harper asked with a smile. 
“A random sales text,” Violet replied, her voice sounding hollow as she ate the grilled pork belly. 
I sympathetically looked at Harper. This foolish boy happily grills the meat, completely unaware that a scoundrel had set his sights on his girlfriend. 
For some reason, I stood up and said. “I’ll go to the restroom.” 
I went to the restroom and sent Harper a message: “Don’t you like the Panamera? Why didn’t you drive it away that day? You even left the keys at the front door. Luckily, Maple Estate has top–notch security, 
Chapter 19 Preoccupied 
After sending that message, I freshened up and tidied my hair before returning to my seat. 
Harper didn’t dare to look at me anymore; he just kept grilling the meat. My words and actions were reminiscent of a wealthy woman wanting to support a young gigolo. 
Violet also became absent–minded because Henry, seeing that she hadn’t replied to his message, called her directly. 
She was startled, looked at the frantic caller ID, and hung up, quickly replying to a text message. I couldn’t see what it said from the corner of my eyes. 
“Violet, you can block those harassing calls directly, I pretended to be unaware and reminded her. 
“Yeah, I know,” Violet replied, placing her phone face down and nodding. 
Henry finally stopped bothering Violet for now, but I don’t know what Violet replied. However, this was only temporary calm before the storm. Once he sets his sights on you, even if you’re living on the moon, he’ll drag you down. 
During that barbecue, everyone had their own thoughts. After finishing, Harper suggested he would drive me and Violet home. I declined, saying, “Harper, you can just take Violet home. I’ll take a taxi myself.” 
“Okay then, Ramona, take care.” Harper still couldn’t look into my eyes. 
“Don’t worry,” I hailed a taxi and watched Harper and Violet get into the car before calling Lewis to pick 
me up. 
Fifteen minutes later, Lewis appeared in front of me. Looking at his stoic and loyal demeanor, I sighed, “Lewis, if only Henry were as prompt as you.” 
Lewis’s eyes flickered for a moment, then he asked me. “Mrs. Patterson, should I contact Mr. Patterson 
I rubbed my forehead, “Just drive, let’s not talk anymore.” 
Lewis nodded and drove me back to Maple Estate. I wondered if my in–laws were still there. Did Henry go home? 
Send Gifts 
12:16 Sat, Aug 17 
Became His True Love after Rebirth 