Chapter 18 The Initial Encounter 
Macchiato was undeniably sweet, yet it lacked the taste of love. To me, Violet was like a sweet macchiato in contrast to my bitter black coffee. 

Occasionally, I would find myself observing her, trying to predict when she would encounter Henry the day after next. 
The Amurica Summit was scheduled to commence at half past nine in the morning. Violet, serving as a part–time usher, would be stationed at the auditorium entrance early. Upon his arrival, Henry would lay eyes on her and be instantly smitten. 
“Violet, would you be interested in another part–time job? I could recommend you for a tutoring position, starting tomorrow. The pay is quite decent, I gently proposed while Violet was tidying up table beside me. 
Violet offered me a grateful smile but declined, “Ramona, I appreciate your consideration, b but I’ll be starting school in a few days. After my ushering job the day after tomorrow, I need to head back to school for registration.” 
I was taken aback. I had forgotten that the new school term was about to begin. 
I was a step too late. Had I made the suggestion a few days earlier, perhaps I could have prevented Violet from crossing paths with Henry. 
However, I also felt a sense of relief. If it was destined for Henry and Violet to meet, I wouldn’t be able to prevent it from happening, not this time, nor the next… 
“You’re welcome. It just occurred to me, I took another sip of my coffee and smiled. “So, you’re leaving your job here too?” 
“Yes, I won’t have the time once school starts, Violet looked around, seemingly reluctant to leave. Then, a playful smile spread across her face, “Ramona, I’ll miss you.” 
I felt slightly uncomfortable. If Violet knew the truth, she would likely keep her distance from me. 
Just then, another customer walked in, and Violet went to greet them. I breathed a sigh of relief, paid the bill, and left. 
I probably wouldn’t be frequenting this budget–friendly coffee shop anymore. 
The wheels of fate had already started turning. As a bystander, I found myself once again observing the unfolding events. It wasn’t any easier for me than it had been in my previous life. 
Ever since the incident with Noah, I had come to understand the profound impact of the butterfly effect. I knew that changes were inevitable, and I would have to confront them. 
Over the past couple of days, with my in–laws at home. Henry had been coming home for lunch and dinner, sharing the same bed with me. 
Contrary to his calm demeanor, my heart was growing increasingly restless. 
“What time are you leaving for the summit tomorrow? I asked softly. 
“Eight o’clock,” Henry replied, his eyes closed, his voice subdued. 
“Can family members accompany you?” I was eager to witness that legendary scene myself. After all, the love story between Henry and Violet from our previous lives had created quite a buzz online. 
Henry glanced at me, his dark pupils seemingly mocking me. “Family members? You?” 
I blinked. “Legally speaking, yes.” 
For this business summit, partners or assistants were permitted. Many entrepreneurs brought their spouses along, and considering my father’s status, it wouldn’t be inappropriate for me to attend. 
But Henry didn’t see it that way. He sneered, “Are you overthinking?” 
I turned to face him, my eyes fixed on his profile. His features were strikingly distinct and refined, especially the bridge of his nose and brow bone. It was near perfection. How could such a handsome and wealthy man be enchanted by an ordinary girl? 
It was reminiscent of a Cinderella and Prince Charming tale. 
“If you don’t take me, I’ll ask your father to bring me I retorted, this time with a hint of threat. 
My father–in–law would undoubtedly question why Henry wasn’t bringing me along, and he would scrutinize Henry’s treatment of me. 
As expected, this tactic worked, although Henry’s gaze was now filled with disdain. “Be ready by eight tomorrow, I won’t wait for you even a minute longer. 
“Okay, I’ll wake up at seven–thirty and put on some makeup,” I smiled at Henry. 
I even had a plan. I wanted to understand more about the relationship between Henry and Violet. After divorcing him in the future, I could write a book as his ex–wife, chronicling their love story. It would certainly pique many people’s interest. 
Just for this gimmick, I could make a substantial amount of money. It was indeed a cost–effective plan. 
The next day, I woke up on time, applied light makeup, and changed into a more formal outfit. Then, I left with Henry. 
Upon arrival, the conference hall appeared majestic and grand. The doors were wide open, and several attractive ushers stood on either side. Among them was Violet, dressed in a Chinese cheongsam that made her stand out from the rest. Henry unbuckled his seatbelt and stepped out of the car, seemingly oblivious to Violet. 
“You go ahead, I need to touch up my makeup.” I suddenly told Henry. 
In her previous life, Violet knew Henry was married but never met me or interacted with me. This time, I shouldn’t let her know about my relationship with Henry just yet. 
Henry, uninterested in my affairs, walked away after exiting the car. 
12:15 Sat, Aug 17 
Chapter 18 The Initial Encounter 
Through the car window, I watched as Henry approached the entrance. 
Finally, he stood before Violet. His back was turned to me, so I couldn’t see his facial expression. However, I noticed his footsteps falter for a moment, as if he was taking a moment to appreciate the young and beautiful girl standing before him. 
At that moment, my heart sank heavily, causing inmense pain. Everything was falling into place. 
Even if Henry felt a strong attraction, he wouldn’t act on it in front of so many people. It wasn’t the right setting. Thus, he quickly entered the venue. 
Seeing him disappear from sight, I exited the car and walked into the conference hall alone. 
When Violet 
aw me, a surprised expression briefly crossed her face. However, she quickly regained composure and greeted me softly, “Ramona.” 
I smiled at her and didn’t say much as I found a seat. 
Henry had already taken a seat in the front row, next to the summit venue manager. The two of them. were engaged in a conversation. My seat was next to Henry. As I walked over and sat down, I overheard the venue manager saying the final sentence, “Alright, I’ll send you her contact information later.” 
Then, he glanced at me with embarrassment and quickly left. 
“He has a keen eye for talent, even better than Vera,” I sighed. 
Henry turned his head and glanced at me, his gaze showing even more annoyance than before. I could. tell that his mind was now preoccupied with thoughts of Violet, and he had no interest in listening to my chatter. 
While he didn’t want to listen, I insisted on speaking. Last time, Vera sat next to me for half a day and didn’t even recognize me. She called me a nonexistent person.” 
“Normal,” Henry replied indifferently, 
“Are you saying it’s normal that she lacks insight, or that it’s normal for me to describe myself as nonexistent?” I wondered. 
Henry remained silent, only looking at Violet who was approaching from a distance. His eyes were filled with a brightness I had never seen before. 
I was familiar with this gaze because when I first met Henry, it was the same look he had in his eyes. 
Violet was completely focused on me, ignoring Henry. That made me pleased. 
Now, I’m starting to believe Violet truly loved Harper, and in her past life, her rejection of Henry was genuine. Otherwise, how could she not notice the burning gaze of the man beside her? 
Send Gifts 
Became His True Love after Rebirth 