Chapter 17 The Unraveling 
“Mom, don’t fret. Henry and I have both undergone medical check–ups. Everything is in order. Perhaps it’s just that Henry’s been too preoccupied with work and seldom home, which might be why the baby is taking longer,” I reassured her. I claimed to be unmoved, but that was far from the truth. Regrettably, I no longer had the privilege of being her daughter–in–law. 

“We’re well aware of the numerous scandals your husband is involved in, and we’ve reprimanded him. countless times. But as his wife, you need to be more vigilant, understand?” My mother–in–law counseled me. 
Despite knowing that I couldn’t control Henry and that he was likely to fall for another woman soon, I nodded in response to my mother–in–law’s earnest gaze. “Alright, Mom.” 
After a brief chat, I joined my in–laws for breakfast and discovered that Henry had left early. 
I didn’t dwell on it. My attitude towards Henry had dwindled to sheer indifference. 
Post breakfast, I drove to the hospital to settle Noah’s bills. 
Noah had just finished his rounds and returned to his office when I caught him off guard. With a forced smile, I asked, “Dr. Newman, could you spare a few minutes for a chat?” 
“Im occupied,” Noah responded curtly, his handsome face devoid of any smile. 
“You’re avoiding me because you’re feeling guilty, aren’t you?” I accused him, sitting down next to him. “I asked you to convince Henry to divorce, but instead, you persuaded my in–laws to move to Maple Estate. Since when did Dr. Newman become such a white knight, advocating the preservation of a marriage over its dissolution?” 
Noah glanced at me briefly and replied in a composed tone, “Your uncle and aunt inquired about Henry’s recent behavior towards you, and I merely mentioned that you wanted a divorce.” 
Upon hearing this, I was ready to explode! 
Did he trade his emotional intelligence for good looks? Of all the issues between Henry and me, he chose to highlight only the fact that “I want a divorce What would my in–laws think of me? 
As I was seething with anger, Noah was summoned by a nurse, leaving me alone in the office. I noticed a thermos on his desk and impulsively tossed a lipstick from my bag into it. 
I cursed him under my breath, wishing I could poison him. Frustrated and agitated, I left the hospital. 
As an unemployed drifter with nowhere to go, I aimlessly wandered around and eventually returned home around lunchtime. The tantalizing aroma of food wafted from the kitchen. 
Henry and his parents were engrossed in a serious conversation in the living room. Upon my arrival, my mother–in–law finally smiled. “Ramona is back.” 
I nodded and sat down next to my mother–in–law. As soon as I did, she took my hand and addressed Henry. “Henry, your dad and I had a frank discussion today. If you continue to engage in scandalous affairs, don’t call yourself our son!” 
Chapter 17 The Unraveling 
“Dad, Mom, what is… I glanced at my in–laws, taken aback. 
“Ramona, I know you’ve suffered in this marriage. He has been irresponsibly gallivanting around for years. Only you could put up with him.” My mother–in–law sighed. “Give him another chance, and your dad and I will keep an eye on him.” 
Noah merely mentioned that I wanted a divorce, and my in–laws were suddenly concerned? 
In my previous life, I never realized they valued or liked me. By the time Henry introduced Violet to the Pattersons, he had already decided to divorce me. No amount of persuasion could change his mind. 
Henry sat across from me, his face cold and his eyes devoid of warmth. He must have thought this was all a carefully orchestrated plan by me. 
Even if I had presented the divorce agreement last night, he wouldn’t have changed his mind. 
“Mom, Dad, don’t worry. Most of the rumors about Henry are baseless. They’re just business–related incidents. I trust him,” I said understandingly. 
My father–in–law responded, “Ramona, you’re a sensible and kind girl. It’s commendable that you understand and trust Henry, but we’ve seen his attitude towards you over the years. Don’t be too accommodating. Men can be despicable.” 
My mother–in–law concurred with her husband’s viewpoint, “The more you do for him, the more he will take you for granted. The best things are often the ones that you can’t have,” she said. 
I was both moved and amused by my in–laws well–intentioned advice on handling a husband. 
However, Henry’s face had turned completely dark. 
“Mom, Dad, I understand.” I nodded. 
Mrs. Velma walked over, “Mrs. Patterson, the food is ready.” 
My mother–in–law glanced at Mrs. Velma and complimented, “The dishes you’ve prepared smell delightful.” 
I smiled knowingly, “Mrs. Velma’s culinary skills are exceptional. I’ve gained two pounds from-eating her food. Mom, you should try more of Mrs. Velma’s cooking in the future.” 
“I’ll be leaving in a couple of days. How will I get the chance to try more? But you’re a bit too thin, you could use some more weight. My mother–in–law continued our conversation as she headed towards the dining area. 
I desperately wanted to tell her that there would be plenty of opportunities in the future. 
It was a rare family meal, but Henry remained aloof. I chatted and laughed with my in–laws, and the atmosphere was relatively congenial. 
Suddenly, Henry’s phone rang, and he glanced at it before shooting me a peculiar look 
Chapter 17 The Unraveling 
It wasn’t until after lunch when Henry left that I followed shortly after, heading to “Dawn Quixote.” 
Every time I visited, Violet would be there, but oddly enough, the day I had an appointment with Noah, Violet was absent. It was truly peculiar. 
“Ramona, the usual black coffee?” Violet always wore her hair in a high ponytail at work, exuding a refreshing vibe. She treated every customer with a pleasant demeanor and a sweet smile. 
“No, do you have any sweet coffee recommendations I asked, smiling. 
“Yes, both cappuccino and macchiato are excellent choices. They offer a sweet sensation, akin to being in love.” Violet cheerfully suggested. 
After pondering for a moment, I ordered a cup of macchiato. 
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