Chapter 68 
Staying in Hiding 
Kade POV 
“Gabbie! Gabbie wake up!” I shook her but she wouldn’t wake. 
“The wolf’s bite is venomous, Erik said. 
I shook my head. “No, no. We’ve had wolves attacked before and none of them had venom in them.” 
I picked her up. Help was coming. Among them were headmistress Athena and other high ranks including Sanders officials. 
“I’ll take care of her,” I told Erik. 
He shook his head, replacing his weapon with his belt 

“I don’t trust you with my daughter.” 
“I’m trying to protect her damn it! I know who and what you are Erik Chambers.” 
He stepped forward and grimaced. “What’s that supposed to mean, Sanders?” 
“I know why you’re running. I know what you do for living. Your time’s up. Aiden Sanders and Ruben Henry are here. Aiden can’t know what Gabbie is for her own good. You have to leave!” 
“Fine! It’s only a matter of time before I’m reunited with your Father. If anything happens to Gabriella there won’t be a Sanders wolf left in your pack.” 
I lifted my chin. I didn’t expect less from a Hunter. 
Her heartbeat was strong but that didn’t lessen my urgency. The love of my life was bleeding out in my arms. That damn wolf was stronger than I expected. It was weird too it didn’t feel like an ordinary wolf and it didn’t look like one either. The freakiest part was it still smelled like Gabbie. 
“Kade, are you all right?” Athena asked. 
Miller and other instructors jogged behind her. 
“Are you hurt?” Walter, my Dad’s left–hand man asked. 
“I’m fine.” I growled, tugging Gabbie closer. 
“Get her to the nurse, immediately. The rest of us will track down the wolf. I’ve had enough of this.” 
When Athena used that tone of voice I knew shit was about to go down. Walter stepped in front of me and frowned at the petite girl in my arms. Her heartbeat was getting weaker now. 
“Your Father wants a word.” 
Chapter 68 
“I’m busy!” 
“It’s urgent, Kade. He wants to talk to you.” 
I brushed passed him. 
“Are you going to risk everything for some girl? A wollless? You know what your Father will do.” 
I turned. My wolf was on the edge of my skin but I forced him down. 
“Right now I don’t give a damn, Walter. I care about Cabbie.” 
Walter shook his head. “You’ve changed. You’re weak now.” 
“The second she wakes up I’ll find you and I’ll show you who’s weak.” 
Walter shook his head. “You’re not thinking straight. I know you’ll make the right choice. Sanders pack is counting on you too, we all are.” 
I spun. I didn’t need this on my shoulders right now. They better catch that wolf or else I would destroy it myself. It didn’t want me. It was intent on getting Gabbie. Maybe I was just paranoid but I hoped that my Father had nothing to do with this wolf’s sudden appearance. 
“Kade?” Alex barked. 
“What the hell happened to her?” He followed. 
“Just get the door!” I barked. 
The clinic outside the Alpha Castle was open twenty–four–seven. Two male omegas came to take Gabbie from me. My wolf protested but I knew she needed to get better. The female doctor walked into the room Gabbie was taken into and the door shut.. 
Please be okay, Gabbie, I thought. 
I walked out into the cool air. Dad was at the visitor’s property but I didn’t have the strength to deal with his threats right now. 
“Dude,” Alex dropped on the bench beside me. 
“I’ll never shake you, will I?” I asked. 
“Not as long as you’re mated to Gabbie, you won’t.” 
“I guess we’re stuck together. Because I’m not leaving Gabbie. 
Without a choice, I relayed the attack but withheld the details of what we were doing before the wolf found us. Not that I wouldn’t mind rubbing in Alex’s face that Gabbie’s mine. 
“Don’t let her sleep here tonight,” Alex whispered. 
Chapter 68 
“Erik’s crossed paths with many Alphas. Including your Dad and Knox’s Dad.” 
“You know who ordered the hit on him, don’t you?” 
Alex grimaced. “I do.” 
“Dad will know she’s here too. 
If he couldn’t threaten me into submission, he would remove Gabbie entirely. 
Alex and I waited nearly an hour to check on her. As suspected the two male omegas on duty wouldn’t let us see her. We could easily have flung them out of the clinic but that would alert my Father and anyone else a lot faster. 
“You can’t take her back to your room, Alex said. 
“Any suggestions?” I asked as we walked behind the clinic looking for her room. 

It was the only one with the lights on. The scent of Sanders wolves entered the atmosphere. I didn’t have time. 
I pushed the window up. 
“The rooms on the first floor. No one uses those.” 
“Fine. I need you to stall while I get Gabbie out of here.” 
“I don’t know pick a fight with Ryan.” 
“Fine just hurry up. 
I climbed into the room and hoped Alex was good at acting. A blue fleece covered Gabbie’s petite frame. There weren’t any needles stuck to her which was great. She breathed softly and my wolf settled. 
“Baby” I shook her. 
She stirred and seconds later her beautiful blue–green eyes stared at me. 
“Hey, gorgeous, we have to go now.” 
She blinked at me. 
“Can you get up? 
She nodded slowly 
She sat up gradually and winced. I scooped her into my arms. 
Chapter 68 
Alex was doing great. 
“What’s going on?” Her voice cracked. 
“Oh nothing, mate. We have to hurry.” 
Once we were out of the window I scooped her into my arms. She felt small and vulnerable. I held her tighter. My protective nature choked me. I turned around and darted into the trees. 
I scattered my scent so anyone looking for me would have one hell of a hard time. I used the servant’s entrance to get into the castle. Thank goodness the vacant rooms weren’t dusty and stuffy. I tucked Gabbie in and assessed her wounds. They were patched up but her healing process was slow. 
“You’re going to be fine,” I said, kissing her forehead. 
“Where’s my Dad?” She asked. 
“He’s around but he’s okay the wolf didn’t hurt him.” 
“It wanted me. Why?” 
“I don’t know baby I wish I did. I’m not even sure it has a human side.” 
She rolled onto her side, giving me her back. 
“I don’t think it does either. Do you really think it smells like me? What does that mean?” 
I brushed her strawberry blonde hair back and stroked her earlobe. 
“It’s probably nothing.” 
She shook her head. “I never told you that it felt familiar. I don’t know what that means.” 
My heart slammed forward. I’d never heard of anything like this. Duplicate scents weren’t a thing. This could be a wolf from her past or her Father’s or else how would he know to track it here? 
“How do you feel?” I asked, changing the subject. 
“Like shit.” 
I chuckled. I slipped under the covers and spooned her but was careful not to touch her wounds. I kissed her shoulder blade instead. 
“I’m sorry. I’m here for you all night, okay baby?” 
She nodded. “Thanks.” 
“You don’t need to thank me, sweetheart. I love you I do anything for you.” 
She rolled over and her 
Fous rues grew. 
Chapter 68 
“You’re staying even though your Father doesn’t want you to. I was conscious- barely conscious when you spoke to that man. Is your Dad threatening you?” 
I shut my eyes and groaned. 
“It doesn’t matter.” 
“Kade.” her voice cracked. 
“Yes, he is. It isn’t the first time in my life. I’m supposed to be obedient to him. My opinion or feelings don’t matter to him. It’s his way or the highway. I was fine with that because I thought we wanted the same thing. A strong and dominant pack. Then you came into my life and-” 
“I threatened that…” 
“No, no. You just showed me life was beautiful and fun. I’ve never cared about another person like this before. I’ve never fought for anything like this. I’ve discovered things about myself I didn’t know. Before you maybe all I was was big bad Kaden Sanders.” 
She cupped my face and I moaned. 
“It’s not fair that because you’re wolfless…” and something else. “That we can’t be together.” 
“Maybe the safest thing for us is to remain hidden.” 
“Are you talking about leaving again?” 
“No. Tell your Dad we’re done that he was right. Until he’s gone I’ll keep my distance.” 
I looked away and sat up. I couldn’t even kiss her. Dad would try to pair me up with someone else. My wolf wouldn’t settle. This wasn’t a fair bet.. 
“Kade listen.” 
“I don’t like this plan.” 
“He’ll be off our backs. When he leaves I promise I’ll move in with you, okay?” 
That was appealing but I wouldn’t be naïve. 
“It won’t work anyway.” 
“Why not?” She demanded. 
“Because of what you are Gabbie. I’m not talking about being wolfless because you’re more than that.” 
“What are you trying to say?” She swallowed. “What do you know?” 
Fuck. I opened a can of worms now I had to deal with it.