Chapter 30TripI fucking hate stakeouts but Xander wants us to stay put and make sure there is no activity at the Commissioners home until he gets here. There’s been talk about someone offing the guy and then telling people. that he’s on vacation, so we need to make sure that isn’t true becausehe can lead us to whoever it is that is after Red.“How long do you think it will be until we can fuck our little whore?” I ask Garrett who’s scrolling through his phone at the moment.“Seriously. you really can be a douchebag, do you know that?” Hesmirks.“What did I say?”“You don’t need to call her a whore, we both know it’s far from the truth.” My friend states.“I know she’s not but she’s ours.Η“That doesn’t mean you have to call her one all the time.”“I don’t, I usually call her Red, but she needs to know her place.”“But is she here now?”“Well, no.”“Okay, so why do you feel the need to call her a whore when it’s just me and you?”O“Why are you getting all defensive about it?” I study my friend as he stares out the front window, “Holy fuck, are you falling for Red?”“What? No, of course not, why would you ask me that?” He screws his face up, but he’s not fooling me any“Hey, I don’t care either way because I’m still going to be fucking her for the next four years, but you do realize that Xander won’t allow there to be anything more than that between you and her.”“Well then, it’s a good thing that there won’t be anything other than fucking going on. now will there?” He rolls his eyes at me and I scoff at him. He’s always been a softy when it comes to a pretty girl.“We can’t afford to get close to anyone right now, and you know it. Hell, we are putting her life in jeopardy just by having her as our ward!” I remind him.reason“Which is the only why we are calling her our little whore to begin with, so people know that she doesn’t matter much to us, so just stop calling her one when it’s just us.” I stare at him in disbelief,because I’ve never seen him like this before.“Okay, fine. I will refrain from calling our whore our ‘little‘ whore.” Imuse“You’re such a dick!” He laughs and punches me in the arm.“Yeah, well, it takes one to know one.”“Fuck off…” Garrett’s words get cut off as he looks towards the Commissioners house/We watch as a maid service pulls up and starts unloading a few items before walking to the front door and opening it with a key. The woman looks to be middle–aged and a legit service woman, so we sit back andsomeone.“Damn it. I’m thinking the rumors were true and the maid just found out the truth for us.” I glance over at Garrett who is also nodding his head in agreement and is already on the phone calling Xander.About five minutes later, the road in front of the Commissioner’s house is blocked off and the police, ambulance, and coroner are all inside. Xander shows up and hops in the back of my BMW.“Fuck. this is getting out of hand!” He states as soon as he closes the door. “Who else will be next. and why do they want Bree to leave town? What does she have to do with anything at all?”“Are you sure she doesn’t know any of those answers herself?” I ask. “I‘ m just saying. maybe she does know but isn’t aware of it. Have you sat down and asked her about her life back home?”“No, why would I? She was dragged here by her mother because Stella doesn’t trust Bree’s Grandfather not to corrupt her. At least that’s the explanation that I got when my father told me he was getting married.”“Well, I’m thinking sooner or later we are going to have to sit down and have a little chat with our little…ward.” I see the look that Garret gives me, knowing what I almost called Red.“Yeah, I think you’re right.” Xander agrees.“Not to change the subject, but is the Halloween Bash still on? With everything going on, do you think it wise to still have it?” Garrett asks, looking in the back seat at our friend.“Oh yeah, it’s still on. Bree will be able to take what we have in store for her by that time. By the end of the night, those who didn’t know that she is our property will know and will pass the word along.”111Chapter 30Xander smirks.Even I think it may be a bit much but I’m here for it, and I will carry out the plan because I know it will get the word out and may even bring certain bastards out in the open. Either way, it’s going to be at night that everyone in attending remembers.It’s late by the time we get back home and we find Red sleeping on the couch. “I want her with me tonight.” I tell the guys. I don’t get to spend much time with our little ward, so I’m kind of wanting to know what I‘m missing.“That’s fine with me as long as you remember not to stick your dick in any of her holes. She will start her training on blow jobs tomorrow since it’s late.” Xander thinks I’m that much of a dick that I would fuck her before it’s time. Maybe if she wasn’t still a virgin. I might slip up,but I won’t do that to Red.“Yes. Sir!” I salute him.“And don’t forget to take that plug out.” Garrett reminds me. “Her poor asshole has got to be sore. It shouldn’t have been left in all day like that.”I scoff. “It was only the small one, she will be fine.”“Yeah, well, her ass was a virgin before we shoved this ‘small‘ one in it.”“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I will be careful.” I walk over and scoop her up off the couch. I watch her eyelids flutter a little before they open and her pretty green eyes stare back at me, “You’re with me tonight, Red ”She goes to say something but a yawn breaks free and she covers her mouth, “Oh, I’m so sorry”218 Vouchers“I didn’t realize I was that boring.” I chuckle.Her eyes widen, “I didn’t mean…”“I’m kidding. Red.”“Oh. what I was going to ask before my yawn rudely interrupted me, was, are you a bed hog?”I chuckle. “I don’t think I am, although, I’ve never had a woman sleep in my bed all night.”She egasps. “You mean, I’m your first?”“Ironic, isn’t it?” I laugh.She smiles. “Do you snore or kick?”I shrug. “I guess you’re just going to have to find out, and then you can tell me.” I wink at her. She winces and I frown. “Is something wrong?”“Please say you’re going to take this plug out. I feel a bit… irritated.”“Yeah, Red. I will take it out for you. We weren’t supposed to be gone this long. I’m sorry. ““Thank you.”I glance down at her as I reach the top landing. “For what?”“For apologizing. It wasn’t so bad now, was it?”This woman is something else, I tell you! She not only keeps it real, but she’s amusing as well. At least when she isn’t misbehaving. I place her on my bed and then roll her to her stomach Pulling the bikingshorts that she’s wearing down and off, I go to my drawer and grab theOlube so I can moisten her hole up a bit before pulling it out. I could be an ass and just pull it out, but I’m not in the mood to have her mad at me because I’ve got plans for us tonight.She sighs as soon as I pull it out, and I smile while turning her onto her back. “Take your shirt off. Red. We don’t sleep with clothes on in my bed.”She licks her lips, causing my dick to harden. “Will you do it for me?”Fuck me, is she for real right now? I grin and climb up until I’m straddling her waist. My dick is hard and I know she can feel it as I lean in and pull her shirt slowly up and over her head. Dipping my head. I take a nipple into my mouth and suck hard before nipping it and moving to the other. Her back arches as I
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show her tits the attention that they deserve. I sit up and with her eyes still closed. I slap first one nipple, and then the other, causing her to jerk.“Your turn to undress me now, Red.” I climb off her and stand so I’m between her legs as they dangle over the edge. I notice that the wound on her side is healing nicely, the same as the one on her thigh. Soon enough we will finally be able to take what is now legally ours.She sits up and grabs the hem of my shirt, but I have to bend forward in order for her to pull it off without her having to stand up. Next, her hands go to my jeans and unbuttons them. After pulling the zipper down, she finds out all too soon that I go commando as she pulls my jeans down past my hips. My cock springs out and her eyes become glued to it. Yeah, I’m known to have a pretty girthy cock, and the length is a good size too.I finish pulling my jeans off as Red slides back on the bed and waits for me to join her. She doesn’t try covering up, so at least she’slearning what it is that we expect from her. The fact that she lies waiting for our next command tells me that this is going to be a very fun four years.0“Spread those thighs like a good whore and show me exactly what I’m going to be fucking for the next four years.” And like a good girl, she spreads them.Thoughts??O