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Chapter 179 
The two men looked at each other as they wondered what to say. 
“How did you know him? Or why were you searching for his contacts?” her father asked. 
“He is my man, why?” Amanda answered. 
They were shocked when they heard her words and felt lucky that they weren’t drinking anything as 
they would have choked on it. 
“Your man? You claim that he is your man yet you don’t have his contact information. Do you think 
that I will believe that?” Mr Anderson said as he tried to control his anger as he thought that 
Amanda was just playing with them. 

“What? You don’t believe me? Why don’t I call him and ask so that you can believe me?” Amanda 
answered as she opened her handbag so that she could take out her phone. 
“No need,” Adrian said quickly as he was afraid of what that man would say. 
He didn’t want her sister to be hurt when she heard what the latter would say. 
“Why n’t you guys believe me? Also, who is he as all of you have the same expression and reaction 
to his …ne?” Amanda asked in curiosity. 
“Why don’t you first tell me how both of you met?” Adrian asked in a serious tone. 
He didn’t want his sister to get hurt or get involved with someone just after she had been able to 
forget Damien and her past. 
“He is the man I slept with when I was drugged,” Amanda answered as if it wasn’t anything serious bu 
she didn’t know what kind of a bomb she had released. 
She told them the truth as she knew they already knew that she was drugged and that she had slept with a stranger thus she didn’t see the need of lying. 
Also, she had been planning to introduce him to Adrian so that he could get a good job and have a lot of money. To her, that’s all she could do as the man had his dignity and he had refused her money or even allowed her to use hers when they were together. 
09:37 Sat, 25 May M GU 
Chapter 179 
Up to 30% oft 
of money. To her, that’s all she could do as the man had his dignity and he had refused her money or 
even allowed her to use hers when they were together. 
“Him? Are you sure? Adrian asked in disbelief as he couldn’t believe it. 
“What? You also don’t believe that? Or to you, I am just a liar?” Amanda asked angrily. 
“I was looking for his number as he refused my money when I offered. He also said that he could get 
anything that he needed that could be bought with money but I didn’t believe him,” Amanda said making 
them dumbfounded. 
When she said the tension in the room and that they weren’t saying anything after a few minutes, she 
looked at them in confusion as she waited for them to say something. 
“Now I understand why he released his power and finances all of a sudden. It is because of you!” 
Adrian said only to make Amanda more confused. 
“Can you stop speaking in parables and tell me what you mean?” 
“Ehem,” Mr Anderson said interrupting them and making their heads turned in his direction. 
“Now, whatever happened that day was a mistake, now what’s going on between the two of you?” he asked 
t is what he wanted to know. 

Although he was happy that her daughter didn’t sleep with just anyone, he was still overprotective 
when it came to her. 
“Naah, that’s not gonna work. I was supposed to answer then you also answered my question yet both of you are now talking in parables while asking me other questions?” Amanda asked innocently making the 
two men sigh. 
“Seems we can’t hide from you anymore,” Mr Anderson said. 
“You are the ones who kept asking me whether I know who he is thus, you guys shot yourselves,” Amanda said making Adrian glare at her. 
“Just tell her dad ‘cause we won’t have rest till we tell her,” Adrian said as he knew his sister’s 
character when their father was present. 
She was just a spoilt brat who always made sure she got whatever she wanted. 
09:37 Sat, 25 May M Gu 
Chapter 179 
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“Now, whatever happened that day was a mistake, now what’s going on between the two of you?” he asked 
as that is what he wanted to know. 
Although he was happy that her daughter didn’t sleep with just anyone, he was still overprotective 
when it came to her. 
“Naah, that’s not gonna work. I was supposed to answer then you also answered my question yet both of 
you are now talking in parables while asking me other questions?” Amanda asked innocently making the 
two men sigh. 
“Seems we can’t hide from you anymore,” Mr Anderson said. 
“You are the ones who kept asking me whether I know who he is thus, you guys shot yourselves,” Amanda 
said making Adrian glare at her. 
“Just tell her dad ‘cause we won’t have rest till we tell her,” Adrian said as he knew his sister’s 
character when their father was present. 
She w 
st a spoilt brat who always made sure she got whatever she wanted. 
“Antonio Rodriguez is from the Rodriguez family,” Mr Anderson told her but Amanda didn’t understand 
what he was trying to say. 
Seeing her confusion, the man sighed as he looked at Adrian and he shook his head. 
“Your man as you claim is the businessman or powerful man whose family is said to be on par with 
ours,” Adrian said after he got his father’s gaze. 
Amanda was shocked that she didn’t know what to say, think, or do. 
“You mean that he is the man that is feared by other wealthy families that they even want to turn us against him?” Amanda asked. She inwardly prayed that they were mistaken. 
09:37 Sat, 25 May MG 
Chapter 180