Chapter 1514Ethan, with his usual playful tone, quipped, “Looks like Lysander’s playing the generous host
tonight, or else how would we get a piece of the pie?”
Hertha let out a laugh and said, “Since you are no longer interested in our designs, Mr. Sinclair,
perhaps we shouldn’t waste any more of your time.”
She maintained a professional, fake smile, her round, sparkling eyes cheerfully looking at Lysander.
Her words clearly suggested it was time for Lysander to leave.
Hertha was fiercely protective. Thalassa had looked after Lysander for three years, never leaving
or being careless. She was tirelessly seeking out doctors to cure Lysander’s ailment. Yet, as soon
as Lysander got better, he had Thalassa ousted from Royal Estates without so much as a goodbye.
He was not even willing to see her face.
Hertha felt it was unjust for Thalassa, feeling a sense of indignation on her behalf. So, her mind was
filled with bias while seeing Lysander.
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“Who said I don’t want your company’s designs?” Lysander countered, his deep gaze shifting from
Hertha to Thalassa. His gaze was deep as a slight smile formed on his lips, his voice low and
magnetic, “A designer who used to be a secretary surely must bring interesting works.”
Thalassa’s heart skipped a beat, knowing Lysander was referring to her. At this moment, she
couldn’t decipher Lysander’s intentions. He had previously dismissed her design proposals, yet now
he found them ‘interesting.’
Under Lysander’s oceanic gaze, Thalassa felt her heart pounding, and she was uncomfortably on
edge.”I apologize, I need to use the restroom. Excuse me for a moment,” she said, her voice tight.
She stood up.
Noticing Thalassa’s pale complexion, Hertha said, “Thalassa, let me come with you.”
“No need. You have to present our design proposal to the client soon,” Thalassa reminded her with
a look, signaling Hertha not to act impulsively.
With two clients present, even if Lysander wasn’t buying, Alaric and Ethan might. If both designers
left the scene, it could negatively impact the presentation of their designs.
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If they messed up with both clients, Hertha’s future would become bleak.
Understanding Thalassa’s well-intentioned advice, Hertha sat down. Turning her attention back to
Alaric again, she pulled out their joint jewelry design proposal from her briefcase and handed it to
Alaric, “Mr. Falconer, take a look. This is the collection Thalassa and I designed together.”
Hertha engaged only with Alaric.
novelbinDonovan, noticing her snub of Lysander and David, felt a wave of anxiety. Luckily, he had printed a
copy of the design proposal before leaving, which he carried in his briefcase. He quickly retrieved
the proposal, respectfully offering it to Lysander, “Mr. Sinclair, please have a look.”
Lysander didn’t take the document but glanced at David instead.
David immediately understood, taking the document.
“Have a seat,” Lysander told David.
David, pleasantly surprised, obediently sat down beside Lysander, who then wheeled himself away
from the lounge area.In the restroom, Thalassa turned on the tap, washed her hands, and then splashed her face with
water. She hoped the cold water would stimulate her skin, calm her nerves, and wake her up.
Rosalind and Lysander were the real couple blessed by both Lysander and Joshua. And she was
merely a passerby in their story.
From now on, she’d find a way to see her children and stop entangling herself with Lysander’s life.
Being a stranger might not be so bad after all.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and
continue reading tomorrow, everyone!